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Bolt holes not lining up

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Jul 28, 2019, 10:41 AM

Post #1 of 3 (1402 views)
Bolt holes not lining up Sign In

15 kia forte lx 1.8 with 79k

Hey guys, i was having a squealing noise and replaced the rear pads and rotors but when trying to put on the calipers the bolt holes would not line up unless i applied pressure that prevents the rotor from moving freely. This is both sides so i thought maybe wrong rotors and tried to put old ones back on and still had the same issue. What am i doing wrong here?

Tom Greenleaf
Ultimate Carjunky / Moderator
Tom Greenleaf profile image

Jul 28, 2019, 12:04 PM

Post #2 of 3 (1397 views)
Re: Bolt holes not lining up Sign In

#1 - Match up old rotors so rule that out.
The rest is basic aggravations: Hardware for pads - is that identical and hardware if any that clips inside a caliper on properly? Most use a bracket that is really holding the pads in place with forces on them also must be free and lubed if out just do that. If not free it isn't going back together those sold separately.
Yes many you push down on a caliper while hovering it over new pads can or need to compress anti-rattle things (for lack of better word) just so then bolts line up.
Rotors are either centered by nuts flush with them or not at all (IDK what you bought) must be in place and stay there while doing this.
A trick of mine is just put a couple lug nuts on sometimes backwards in type allows puts pressure on ones than might tilt for you makes it near impossible - not all are going to be identical so I'm not looking it all up.
Piston(s) must be retracted fully and done properly is tricky to bleed out right there not push old fluid back yet no air allowed in.
If, if - these calipers are also the parking brake with a cable on them retracting pistons another way is how or nothing will work. Another "if" cable isn't free or was adjusted away from this area that has to be put back should never really need adjustment unless new cables or another reason.

#1 again: Do one side at a time look at the other if new to this and save old parts to match up that they are in fact right. Any core values (none mentioned that you've done) take back later or however that show works how you got the parts.

Easy yet any can frustrate some just more straight forward some fussy,


Veteran / Moderator
Sidom profile image

Jul 28, 2019, 5:28 PM

Post #3 of 3 (1385 views)
Re: Bolt holes not lining up Sign In

I'm guessing you got a handle on it by now, but if not, make sure you have the piston retracted all the way.

If it is and this is a US model, post the part # for the brk pads so we can see if there are any different options for pads.


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