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Seized Left Rear Brake Caliper

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Oct 29, 2023, 4:36 PM

Post #1 of 2 (1431 views)
Seized Left Rear Brake Caliper Sign In

Looking for a little advice and help. I don't know much about cars, so hoping for a little more direct help than what Google can provide. My 2012 Tucson was recently in the shop for new tires and alignment. After picking it up, we began noticing this burning, chemical-like smell, seemed to be coming from the rear of the car as we were driving it over the next day or two. At first we didn't think much of it, thought maybe it was the new tires. However, it persisted, could tell there was a lot of heat coming from the rear driver-side tire, and took it back in the shop. They quickly discovered that the rear brake caliper had seized. They assured me it was not related to the new tires and alignment, but couldn't really point to a reason or cause for the sudden needed repair. I'm not sure how these two things could be related, but I thought I would reach out for a some expert opinions, as it seems quite odd this occurred immediately after the service, and given the non-response from the shop. Any advice would be appreciated. Thank you!

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Oct 29, 2023, 7:33 PM

Post #2 of 2 (1417 views)
Re: Seized Left Rear Brake Caliper Sign In

For your own peace of mind it would probably be good idea to get a 2nd opinion. That being said They're really isn't much a shop Could do to that caliper to cause it to seize up that wouldn't be totally obvious, even to a lay person.

Over the years I couldn't tell you many times I've seen things break while in the shop that had nothing to do with the tech doing the work. It was never a fun call for the service

Go ahead and get your second opinion and tell them what you told us here And an inspection should put all your concerns to rest


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