91 toyota Privia steering trouble
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New User
Jan 17, 2009, 1:39 PM
Post #1 of 4
91 toyota Privia steering trouble
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I live in northern Manitoba and own a 91 toyota privia, auto, 2.4. During our recent cold spell the power steering started to make noise when I turn left or right ( like there is no fluid) not the case there is fluid. When I put the pump under load the fluid pukes out to cap and the fluid looks contaminated and also looks like it is boiling. Can someone help in fixing this problem please.
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Jeff Norfolk

Jan 17, 2009, 2:52 PM
Post #2 of 4
Re: 91 toyota Privia steering trouble
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Dose it feel like the power steering is working? I am not to familar with cold weather issues as I am located in SE Texas but I wonder if the power steering fluid is freezing or thickening up in the smaller passages of the lines and the rack. If this is happening then the pump would surely puke because the fluid pressure has to go somewhere. Just my thoughts. Maybe some of the other folks from up north will chime in here. Jeff
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Tom Greenleaf
Ultimate Carjunky
/ Moderator

Jan 17, 2009, 3:22 PM
Post #3 of 4
Re: 91 toyota Privia steering trouble
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Not as far North as this car but can speak for cold and quirks. PS fluid may be slow when stone cold. I suggest sucking out as much as you can thru reservior and changing it to synthetic ATF - IF and only IF ATF is on the suggested fluid list for this car's PS - most do use it. I'd change out as much as you can anyway with whatever is clearly not able to use ATF. Synthetics are more forgiving when cold. I'd just dedicate a turkey baster to suck out as much fluid from the reservoir as you can - refill, steer left and right, and repeat a time or two then make sure it's full. Properties of both ATF and PS are to be thin hydraulic fluids, highly detergent, temp tolerant, and importantly ANTI-FOAMING as the air bubbles don't help at all. I'm surprised it picking on steering just one way at the moment and barfing it out but if it's making all bubbles it could.. Just a maybe and hope it's that simple. Hey - These wicked -10, -20, -30 or worse Fahrenheit temps cause kooky things to happen. Some things you forgive till car warms up and some are problems that really need a repair. It wastes gas but worth warming car up before taking off with it - at least till some heat is felt, T
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New User
Jan 18, 2009, 3:00 PM
Post #4 of 4
Re: 91 toyota Privia steering trouble
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Thanks for the advise, we took it into a shop and drained the fluid and warmed up the system. It appears to have fixed the problem. Thanks again to all that responded it was greatly appreciated.
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