Nov 13, 2006, 9:39 AM
Post #1 of 7
1998 Buick Century
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I have a 1998 Buick Century with a 3.1 Litre V6. When I try to start it it blows the 40 amp fuse located under the hood that is tagged for 'crank' in the #2 spot. As long as the key is on everything is fine, but when I turn it to engage the starter that is when the fuse blows. If I turn the key on, and jump from battery to solenoid the starter will engage and engine will start/run. The starter has been checked out and it's OK. I have taken dash & steering wheel covers off and traced the wires. I did not find any bare wire or indication of shorting. Any Ideas of what could be causing this? Also, I am trying to locate a wiring schematic for this car.
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Nov 13, 2006, 10:59 AM
Post #2 of 7
Re: 1998 Buick Century
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Because it’s only the crank fuse that’s blowing I would suspect the crank relay in the underhood junction box (same place as the crank fuse) or the transaxle range switch (neutral safety switch) on the top of the transaxle. There’s also a chance that the yellow wire between the relay and range switch has shorted to ground but unless this thing has seen some form of damage due to an accident the wiring harness is fairly well protected. If I were checking this problem I think I would test the range switch first. You could try disconnecting the range switch and then connect the yellow wire to the purple wire on the harness side of the connector with a fused jumper wire. If the fuse holds and the engine cranks when you turn the ignition switch to the start position, you’ve found the problem? There maybe more then one yellow or purple wires in the harness; the wiring for the starter circuit will be of the larger gauge. Dan. Canadian "EH"
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Nov 13, 2006, 12:06 PM
Post #3 of 7
Re: 1998 Buick Century
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Thanks for the reply DanD. If you don't mind, a couple of questions. Can you tell me exactly where that neutral switch is located on the transaxle? Also, if I had to replace a relay .... how do you remove it? I tried gently pulling on it (like a fuse) but it wouldn't come out ... so I quit messing with it until I could get more info. Any additional info you can provide in response to these questions is greatly appreciated.
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Nov 13, 2006, 2:15 PM
Post #4 of 7
Re: 1998 Buick Century
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The range switch is on the top of the transmission case under the shifter mechanism; have someone shift the trans for you while you have a look at what’s moving. Some of the relays in the junction box seem as though they are welded in; just genitally force (LOL) it out of its connector. You never know if it’s the only one that is that stubborn; you may have found your short to ground as it could be melted into position? Dan. Canadian "EH"
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Nov 18, 2006, 3:51 PM
Post #5 of 7
Re: 1998 Buick Century
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Hey DanD. Just wanted to say thank you for your good advice, it helped me determine what the problem was ...... an intermittently failing starter/solenoid. Unfortunately GM doesn't make the solenoid available via parts. But your advice on the wiring & routing came in real handy in troubleshooting this. You saved me some time and work. Thanks again!
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Dec 1, 2006, 8:22 AM
Post #6 of 7
Re: 1998 Buick Century
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Well, what I thought was fixed isn't. I thought I had nailed it down to a shorting starter solenoid. So since I had a lifetime warranty on the current starter I took it in and got a new one, no charge. The car has started 15-20 times without a problem since then. So yesterday I finally finished replacing the rack/pinion unit (fixing another problem) and took it to get a front end alignment done. The guy went to put it on the rack and the darn thing wouldn't start ... blown crank fuse again. I'm leaning toward the relay being flaky and will be looking at that in a bit. I've put a meter on the neutral safety switch and can see voltage vary as the gearshift is moved, so I think that switch is operating as it should... allowing 12+ volts to starter circuit when it's in Park or Neutral. Otherwise, no volatage to the circuit. If anybody has any other suggestions I'd be very interested in hearing them. Thanks.
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Dec 1, 2006, 1:32 PM
Post #7 of 7
Re: 1998 Buick Century
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EUREKA! I FOUND IT! Worn wire (purple) in wiring harness to starter. It was grounding out to black ground wire to block. Had to strip the whole harness from neutral switch to starter but I found that bugger. Thanks for the help to those that replied! It's Miller time!
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