Charging Issue 1991 Chevy Truck
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Dec 24, 2005, 3:32 PM
Post #1 of 2
Charging Issue 1991 Chevy Truck
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my 1991 truck is getting intermittent charging problems. The battery light will flicker on and off, and the volt meter will drop to about 8-10 volts. I have had the alternator bench tested (good), the v-belt and tensioner are working properly. I have put a voltmeter at battery and when battery light on dash is not flickering I am getting about 13 -13.5 volts. I have tried cleaning all ground connectors that I can find (no help) . The interesting thing is that when then truck faces uphill on my driveway (idling) or when I am in reverse (moving)the problem appears to disappear. I am at a loss, any and all help would be much appreciated. Motor - 350 4WD
(This post was edited by sf49ers on Dec 24, 2005, 4:08 PM)
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Dec 25, 2005, 3:58 AM
Post #2 of 2
Re: Charging Issue 1991 Chevy Truck
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There are sets of fusible links that are either at the starters main terminal or on the firewall under the plastic cover right side. One of those links protects the alternators main terminal circuit, you may have one that is partially burnt through. Just a guess???? A fusible link is a short piece of wire that is approximately two sizes smaller then the wiring it’s protecting. Even though you’ve had the alternator bench tested, it’s not the same as being bolted to the engine. Vibration, erratic changes in loads could still add up to being a bad alternator. Dan. Canadian "EH"
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