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Remote starter issues

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Feb 23, 2023, 1:42 AM

Post #1 of 9 (2508 views)
Remote starter issues Sign In

Hi all, I'm hoping someone on here knows about remote starters and can help me.

We've had our car since 2012 (2012 Hyundai Tucson), and the dealer had installed a remote starter, beside the stock keyfob. It's worked great for years, but this winter, on one of our coldest days (-30C), we tried to use it, I heard it try to start the car, and it gave up. When I started the car with the key, it did struggle a lot, but it did start, and has had no issues starting with the key since.

Ever since then, the remote starter has not worked at all. Every other functionality of the remote works, however: the doors lock and unlock, the alarm can be set, and will turn on the alarm when the panic button is held. When I press the starter button, I can hear the device under the steering wheel click but nothing happens. I'm assuming I'm hearing a relay click.

I've located the starter device under the steering wheel - I have pictures in an imgur album, but I'm not sure if I'm allowed to link it. One thing I'd read before coming here was to check the fuses. The starter device is unbranded, annoyingly, and has three fuses on it: one blue (15 amp?), and two purples (35 amp?). There's also a small fuse box on a wire, separate from the main device, with a blue fuse inside. I pulled all the fuses to check them, and they all looked intact. I realized after that it looks like I could have checked them for continuity using a meter, but I'm a car fuse noob, and missed that there look to be two poles sticking out of the tops of the fuses.

The device also has four relays on it (Song Chuan 822E-1C-V 12VDC 40A). I didn't think pulling these out would reveal anything, so I let them be for now.

Sticking out of the device's casing in two of the corners are three wire loops, but one of the loops seems to be "cut" in half. You can see it in the pictures (once I can link or upload), near the top right, a thin black wire. I didn't want to assume that this was unintended, and didn't want to cause damage by trying to rejoin the ends, and potentially damage something. I'm doubtful that trying to start the car on that cold day would have cut that wire, and I would assume that fuses would have broken before a wire overheats to the point of breaking like that - the wire doesn't look melted. The device was tightly zip tied far away from any kind of normal physical contact from our feet in a normal driving position, so I'd probably rule out that this wire would have been damaged by us.

So... with all those details... What else can I do to diagnose this issue? Otherwise, if it truly is dead, how "plug-and-play" would a new starter device be. Given how old the car is, I don't really want to spend a lot of money on an installation service, if I can do it myself, and the wife really, REALLY needs her starter.

Thanks in advance for any advice!

Tom Greenleaf
Ultimate Carjunky / Moderator
Tom Greenleaf profile image

Feb 23, 2023, 3:34 AM

Post #2 of 9 (2491 views)
Re: Remote starter issues Sign In

Quote you: "> I realized after that it looks like I could have checked them for continuity using a meter, but I'm a car fuse noob, and missed that there look to be two poles sticking out of the tops of the fuses.<"

Noob to this? Unless you have a test light (cheap) better a DVOM for most it's trouble to check even fuses some fail and appear good.

You can post you own pics no other spam with them.

This stuff is known for failure no help except maybe, just a maybe dealer that installed it may have some records IDK if the maker still in biz wouldn't do that to an enemy!

That's cold out. Everything must be in order, strong battery if it starts by key/button OK be happy for now try it again after it warms up??

YOU don't want to spend much if it works without it probably just leave it alone and do without it hope it doesn't cause some other problem?

IF YOU TAKE THIS ON it's AYOR. Test what you can only replace fuses and or relays with exactly what's there now that did work before.

Most relays use points inside do lose ability to make a strong pass for the power to go thru them others last forever IDK this stuff would be cheap junk no doubt AFTERMARKET stuff usually is,


Hammer Time
Ultimate Carjunky / Moderator
Hammer Time profile image

Feb 23, 2023, 5:10 AM

Post #3 of 9 (2479 views)
Re: Remote starter issues Sign In

Sticking out of the device's casing in two of the corners are three wire loops, but one of the loops seems to be "cut" in half.

Those very well could be fusible links. Those are special pieces of wire that melt when overloaded. It would help if you examined them closely to determine if they were actually cut or were they melted.
If these are indeed fusible links they can be replaced with fuse wire, not regular wire.


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New User

Feb 23, 2023, 9:06 AM

Post #4 of 9 (2455 views)
Re: Remote starter issues Sign In

Thanks Tom, I'll check the fuses with a meter, I do have one.

The pictures album is here:
Hammer, on the top right of the photos is that black wire, not sure if you could tell if it's fuse wire or not? It doesn't "look" melted to be up close, but never having dealt with one of these, I wouldn't know.
So, back to one of my questions... how "plug and play" would it be to swap this device with another one from a shop, if I can't get it to work? Do they all have a standard for wiring, or are these custom harnesses?
Thanks for all the answers, it's super appreciated

Veteran / Moderator
Sidom profile image

Feb 23, 2023, 10:50 AM

Post #5 of 9 (2445 views)
Re: Remote starter issues Sign In

1st to put things in perspective, This is a 12 year old after market\dealer addon system.
The shops I worked at would either remove or replace defective alarm/remote start systems. The main reason was it was really hard to find parts for them And secondly once you put parts into it then you're into it for anything else that goes wrong. So if this system is defective it would be better to either remove it or replace it..

You should do what you're doing right now check all the power and ground supplies. But once you verify those are good and the problem is in the system, you should really think about upgrading to a new system

Edit. I didn't see your last post.
The systems aren't too bad to install. Instructions And wiring diagrams are pretty easy to follow. You usually only have to tap into a few factory wires besides the powers and grounds. The big plus here is 1 system is already been installed so the factory wires of already been tapped into

(This post was edited by Sidom on Feb 23, 2023, 10:55 AM)

Hammer Time
Ultimate Carjunky / Moderator
Hammer Time profile image

Feb 23, 2023, 10:58 AM

Post #6 of 9 (2439 views)
Re: Remote starter issues Sign In

No, those do not look like fusible links and it looks cut, not burnt.

I concur with Sidom. Find an aftermarket installer and have him either remove or replace the system.

Do not just go in there and cut wires or remove things. You may find it won't start at all if you do that.


We offer help in answering questions, clarifying things or giving advice but we are not a substitute for an on-site inspection by a professional.

Tom Greenleaf
Ultimate Carjunky / Moderator
Tom Greenleaf profile image

Feb 23, 2023, 11:16 AM

Post #7 of 9 (2435 views)
Re: Remote starter issues Sign In

Well, I got 1st pic to show then went nuts? Just saw I think brake pedal and one wire?? IDK why there and it didn't proceed.

Fusible wire/link wire if so I'm pretty sure is marked if you have a stretch long enough to look. It might stretch too easy or wrinkle as Hammer said more likely.

Relays: IDK, if a box type tap on them sometimes they'll at least change or work or not.

Standard for aftermarket? Seriously doubt it rather probably when new said hook up to the vehicle's XYZ wires so needed to know then which those were.

All new again. Can you tell I hate those things :-) ? I don't like the idea of maybe one being in a closed garage or without ventilation asphyxiate you or anything living aware it's only on so long no matter but that could fail?

Try to search out the maker of this unit just for yourself and archive it. Whole new set up? Unsure how this one was tapping into wiring or if enough room or what faces another try, probably other unit?

Dang was just at my shop didn't look for that type wire know I have some if it was marked on casing.

Other: It might be that with the cold (that's cold does it here) is a strain on starter motors use all they can suck out of a battery is far less than when lots warmer but still cold.

Rock and hard place many cars even if a spare key you can't just run it and go inside with the spare it won't lock if necessary/wanted for your scene?

I know - it's hard to get used to something you/wife liked but wasn't OEM kinda wreck this show now IMO.

Again - ask where it was done if any old info is on this if you must that could only help or make known it's obsolete?


New User

Feb 23, 2023, 6:50 PM

Post #8 of 9 (2412 views)
Re: Remote starter issues Sign In

Alright, thanks all for the inputs. I guess the gist of it is: double check the fuses, but the device might just be busted. I don't think I'll try to repair, I'll see how easy it is to replace, otherwise hand it to a pro.
Cheers all!

Hammer Time
Ultimate Carjunky / Moderator
Hammer Time profile image

Feb 23, 2023, 8:25 PM

Post #9 of 9 (2405 views)
Re: Remote starter issues Sign In

Yep, those aftermarket addons are disposable.


We offer help in answering questions, clarifying things or giving advice but we are not a substitute for an on-site inspection by a professional.


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