Aug 31, 2009, 3:55 AM
Post #1 of 8
I have a 1994 chevy cavalier 2.2 and keep blowing the fuse marked ecm as soon as i turn on the ignition,i unhooked the ecm box to see if that was the problem,but i still blow a fuse if it's a short how can i find it and fix it.
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/ Moderator
Aug 31, 2009, 4:24 AM
Post #2 of 8
That same fuse also protects the ignition system, the fuel injectors and their wiring circuits. So for a start; you may want to try unplugging (one at a time) the fuel injectors and the ignition coil. Dan. Canadian "EH"
(This post was edited by DanD on Aug 31, 2009, 4:26 AM)
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Aug 31, 2009, 4:30 AM
Post #3 of 8
could a faulty ignition cause the fuse to blow
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/ Moderator
Aug 31, 2009, 5:03 AM
Post #4 of 8
According to the wiring diagram; this fuse is after the ignition switch; so if the diagram is accurate then no. In this application the fusible link that protects the ignition switch and its wiring would or is suppose to burn out if there were an issue with them. Dan. Canadian "EH"
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Aug 31, 2009, 3:38 PM
Post #5 of 8
Where can i find a wiring diagram on the internet for free.What do i do to find the short if their is one.
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/ Moderator
Aug 31, 2009, 10:34 PM
Post #6 of 8
Why would you still want a diagram; you already know what is attached to this circuit and that’s all a diagram is going to tell you. As for finding the reason(s) for the fuse to burn out; I’ve already given you a couple of suggestions and the rest is search and rescue type of work. There’s no silver bullet repair for finding a shorted to ground component or wiring harness. You just keep looking, disconnecting and opening up wiring looms until you find who is doing what and where. Sorry but that’s more or less what a tech would have to do; if this job would show up here in my shop. Yes experience would likely take the tech to the problem a little faster; but you and him/her would be walking down that same road. Dan. Canadian "EH"
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Sep 2, 2009, 4:15 AM
Post #7 of 8
could the fuel pump make the fuse blow or the ecm box.
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/ Moderator
Sep 2, 2009, 10:02 PM
Post #8 of 8
Well you’ve said that you disconnected the “ECM box” and the fuse still blew; so no the ECM, is not the problem. The fuel pump circuit has its own fuse; again no it shouldn’t be affecting the ECM fuse. Have you tried disconnecting the injectors? When I suggested disconnecting the ignition coil; I guess I should have said the ignition module; forgot this was a DIS system. The wire or connector that you would want to unhook will have a pink wire with a black stripe. The ignition module is bolted to the back side of the engine block. Now don’t forget; this short to ground causing the fuse to blow may not be a component; but possibly a pinched or bare wire touching metal, taking the circuit to ground. Dan. Canadian "EH"
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