01 ford escape p0301 code
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New User
Oct 10, 2007, 8:44 AM
Post #1 of 4
01 ford escape p0301 code
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I have an 01 escape 6 cyl auto with 129,000 on it. Car was hesitating at times I think between 3 & 4th gear and sometimes would feel like I was running over the rumble strips on the side of the road. I made an appointment to have the plugs and fuel filter changed and on the way there the emission light came on. I also had him service the tranny, he said as it had never showed servicing in previous owners records, they recommended r&r 2 qts of tranny fluid and add lube guard. The code was the P0301 and this seemed to take care of the problem, for two weeks it ran fine but twice during that time it hesitated on me while driving. Well then on the highway it seemed to slip out of gear and the RPM's would rev some, brought it home parked it till I could get to mechanic. While driving there emissions light came on again, code P0301, now he said 6 wire caps needed changing, ran great for two weeks then hesitating again intermittently. Yesterday started running rough and emissions light on again, mechanic said we have to look at coils now. Am I being taken for a ride or is it a process of elimination. thx for your help, sorry so long.
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Oct 14, 2007, 10:13 AM
Post #2 of 4
Re: 01 ford escape p0301 code
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A P0301 code is set when the computer has sensed that Cylinder #1 has misfired. What I would be looking for are things that would cause this one particular cylinder to misfire. If the problem were something to do with all cylinders you would be more likely to see a P0300, random multiple cylinder misfire. No doubt with the mileage on this truck it didn’t hurt to change all the plugs but there’s no sense changing all the coils or all of anything until you cure the issue with #1. If this shop is willing to work with you and cannot find the actual problem; have them switch #1 coil and or fuel injector with another and see if the misfire code follows the moved item. For example if they switch #1 and #3 coils and the light came back on but with a code P0303 then you know it’s the coil. As for the transmission slipping out of gear, that’s likely a completely different problem then the misfire. I call additives bandages not repairs; if the fluid is full and relatively clean and there’s still a problem with slippage; then you’re going inside the trans to find what’s worn, broken or plugged. Dan.
Canadian "EH"
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Oct 29, 2007, 7:06 AM
Post #3 of 4
Re: 01 ford escape p0301 code
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Check your Electronic ignition system and repair. This problem can cause you a transaxle concern like a no TCC engagement Indy , http://www.flatratetech.com staff tech Indy Shop owner
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New User
Oct 29, 2007, 7:23 AM
Post #4 of 4
Re: 01 ford escape p0301 code
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Thank you for your replies. The problem was all 6 ignition coils were damaged, some were actually VERY bad. They also changed the PCV valve. They inspected the vehicle and it passed. I picked it up on Friday, drove it all weekend and so far no problems, not even the occasional shudder, (when it feels like your driving over the rumble strips). I am in hopes that this has cured the problem.
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