2002 DOHC Ford Taurus Wagon
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Jul 11, 2011, 8:02 PM
Post #1 of 20
2002 DOHC Ford Taurus Wagon
This tank has over 3 hundred thousand miles on it so I guess it doesn't owe me anything but I love this car and would like to get it running again. So idles rough sounds like a misfire or choking out. Fault codes read P1401, P1131, P1151, P0113. The thing will barely idle, and the other night for about 5 minutes we got it to run, the cat got cherry red and smoke appeared from the rear of the engine. Now can't barely get it to idle. Have replaced all plugs(which were nasty btw) Changed the EGR, MAF, filters, bat. terminals, tonight changed what I think was the DPFE and still sounds like a moped, cat did not get red tonight however did not get it to run for more than 2 minutes at a time. HELP this thing seems to keep getting worse no matter what parts we replace. When we can get it to run up around 2000 rpms; it sounds like a sick moped on speed but then chugs and sputters and coughs almost sounds like a backfire in the manifold even sometimes.
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Jul 11, 2011, 8:33 PM
Post #2 of 20
Re: 2002 DOHC Ford Taurus Wagon
If the cat was glowing red then i say that's your problem. -------------------------------------------------------- Your only as good as your tools!
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Ultimate Carjunky
/ Moderator

Jul 11, 2011, 8:48 PM
Post #3 of 20
Re: 2002 DOHC Ford Taurus Wagon
I like your descriptions.. Red catalyst could be from severe misfiring, switched plug wires can cause something like that too, along with late ignition timing. Whole bunch of un burnt fuel gets into the converter and causes the cat temperature to soar. It might even melt the substrate and cause a blockage. If it is puffing up though the DPFE hoses, you must have some serious back pressure. Have you unhooked the exhaust down pipes to see if the engine runs better? Since we volunteer our time and knowledge, we ask for you to please follow up when a problem is resolved.
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Jul 11, 2011, 9:11 PM
Post #4 of 20
Re: 2002 DOHC Ford Taurus Wagon
I thought that too, but have heard other things will make it glow like that.
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Jul 11, 2011, 9:17 PM
Post #5 of 20
Re: 2002 DOHC Ford Taurus Wagon
I watched my husband and dad change the plugs and they did them one at a time to make sure they were not switched in error. The plugs were black and gooey and it really was a wonder they fired at all to be honest. We have not; how to unhook those exhaust pipes? Do I do that from the manifold back? I forgot to mention we had a teeny tad of white puffs of exhaust coming out of the tail pipe tonight when we could get it to idle. Every time it chugged a little. It really feels like its choking itself out or at least sounds that way but I only know enough to be dangerous Could you kindly let me know how to unhook those down pipes I would be very grateful! Also, we checked each plug wire with a screwdriver and a ground on the engine block to be sure each plug was getting fire. Forgot to mention that earlier. Probably still "shocked" from that fun little trick
(This post was edited by jolimom on Jul 11, 2011, 9:21 PM)
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Ultimate Carjunky
/ Moderator

Jul 11, 2011, 9:18 PM
Post #6 of 20
Re: 2002 DOHC Ford Taurus Wagon
Spark plugs are gooed up? With oil foul? If the engine was burning lots of oil it could plug up the cats. Unbolt the down pipes from the manifolds. Hopefully they aren't too rusty. Sounds like the poor thing is on its last legs. Since we volunteer our time and knowledge, we ask for you to please follow up when a problem is resolved.
(This post was edited by Discretesignals on Jul 11, 2011, 9:22 PM)
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Jul 11, 2011, 9:22 PM
Post #7 of 20
Re: 2002 DOHC Ford Taurus Wagon
Any other fun suggestions? Cause I gotta tell ya this does not sound like a fun venture!!! Thanks will give it a shot!
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Ultimate Carjunky
/ Moderator

Jul 11, 2011, 9:26 PM
Post #8 of 20
Re: 2002 DOHC Ford Taurus Wagon
It usually isn't, but you gotta try something eh? Sometimes you can also remove the O2 sensors to see if that might get it to run a little better. Techs usually screw in a back pressure gauge in the o2 sensor bung hole to see if there is an exhaust restriction. Since we volunteer our time and knowledge, we ask for you to please follow up when a problem is resolved.
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Jul 11, 2011, 9:44 PM
Post #9 of 20
Re: 2002 DOHC Ford Taurus Wagon
Thank you again for the advice, yeah the plugs were black and gooey and just plain gross. I hate to admit it has seen better days, but this thing is such a tank I hate to give up now. Besides I have in the last few months put nearly six hundred bucks into it, now its just the flipping challenge, of it all. Priced the cat, OUCH! another few hundred. At least I have hope and another place to start. This thing has a million o2 sensors, and the chilton manual shows a fuel monitor but I cannot find that on my engine so thinking my model does not have this. I really had hoped to watch it roll over to 400,000 miles...we shall see. Will keep you posted once we get the chance to tinker with that exhaust..Thank you so much for your thoughts!!!
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Jul 11, 2011, 9:52 PM
Post #10 of 20
Re: 2002 DOHC Ford Taurus Wagon
If it sounds like a moped does that mean that all the cylinders aren't firing? The white puffs out the tail pipe doesn't mean a blown head gasket does it? Chances are this is just due to condensation from sitting around and doing nothing for the past couple months while we play backyard mechanic?
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Ultimate Carjunky
/ Moderator

Jul 11, 2011, 9:53 PM
Post #11 of 20
Re: 2002 DOHC Ford Taurus Wagon
It probably sounds like a moped because it is has severe misfiring going on. A restriction in the exhaust can cause it to run like a bag of crap too because the engine can't breath due to high manifold pressure. The nasty looking plugs are not a good sign. That means its burning something that it isn't supposed to such as engine oil. It could have worn out rings or leaking valve guides/seals. 300 K is a whole lot of mileage on a Duratec. No problem. Good luck and let us know what you find out. Since we volunteer our time and knowledge, we ask for you to please follow up when a problem is resolved.
(This post was edited by Discretesignals on Jul 11, 2011, 10:01 PM)
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Jul 12, 2011, 9:49 AM
Post #12 of 20
Re: 2002 DOHC Ford Taurus Wagon
This is the 3.0 duratec in this car? I'm thinking it is their cat that's clogged from the miss fire it has. I really want to know! -------------------------------------------------------- Your only as good as your tools!
(This post was edited by Mr.scotty on Jul 12, 2011, 2:15 PM)
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/ Moderator

Jul 15, 2011, 9:24 PM
Post #13 of 20
Re: 2002 DOHC Ford Taurus Wagon
Converter is plugged nothing els would make it glow red.. check the line going to your DPFE.. the DPFE is probably melted from the heat of plugged cat.. In some extream cases I have seen where it has melted a hole in the intake plenum too.. This is caused by extended driving with a plugged cat causing very hot air going through the EGR into the intake.
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Aug 11, 2011, 7:54 PM
Post #14 of 20
Re: 2002 DOHC Ford Taurus Wagon
It is, and...the cat was a horrible mess, you all warned me about how hard it would come off but jeepers creepers that sucker took a sawzall, dremel tool, and cutting discs, a series of cusses and some mallets. The new one is on!!!!! But this is not the end of my saga. It started hooray, it ran for 20 minutes, hooray...false hope. Went to drive it and by the time we got 20 feet or so, lost all power! The brake pedal went all hard and could hardly brake. Barely had enough power to get it back to the spot we were working on it. UGHHHHHHH! Now the engine fault code reads 1131, any thoughts what this may be?
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/ Moderator

Aug 11, 2011, 8:10 PM
Post #15 of 20
Re: 2002 DOHC Ford Taurus Wagon
Could have damaged the O2 sensor while changing the cat.. if it's stuck lean could be pouring the fuel to it, making it run like crap.. Damage to EGR due to excessive heat from plugged cat (stuck partially open).. Pices of the old cat stuck in the exhaust plugging it (usally throws a rich code). Could be a major vacuum leak somewhere.. Check booster hose if you say the pedal is hard.
(This post was edited by zmame on Aug 11, 2011, 8:12 PM)
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Aug 11, 2011, 8:21 PM
Post #16 of 20
Re: 2002 DOHC Ford Taurus Wagon
Which sensor? I have already changed one but obviously not the right one! :D is it the one closest to the cat? that would make sense to start there but so far this car does not like to make much sense. Thanks for the help!
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/ Moderator

Aug 12, 2011, 4:39 AM
Post #17 of 20
Re: 2002 DOHC Ford Taurus Wagon
bank 1 sensor 1 is the O2 before the cat on the firewall side. I would look for vacuum leak first though.
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Tom Greenleaf
Ultimate Carjunky
/ Moderator

Aug 12, 2011, 7:19 AM
Post #18 of 20
Re: 2002 DOHC Ford Taurus Wagon
300,000 miles on this beast You are right, it owes you nothing and with the oil on plugs and gucked up converter from oil and running poorly gas too overload you really need to see if this engine has had it. Since this seems to be a love affair with the thing do some serious diagnosing and if it's all over and you still want it consider a well tested used engine. Some (here all) will test out their used stock and hand you a sheet of compression, miles of donor car and as much as they can know as they don't want to fail either. Just my two cents on what I'm reading on this critter, T
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Nov 13, 2011, 10:50 AM
Post #19 of 20
Re: 2002 DOHC Ford Taurus Wagon
Yeah, so further inspection at a garage showed we needed a complete transplant. The wagon has been towed back home and will be put to pasture. Thanks so much for everyone's feedback, I really have appreciated the accurate advice!!!
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Ultimate Carjunky
/ Moderator

Nov 13, 2011, 12:23 PM
Post #20 of 20
Re: 2002 DOHC Ford Taurus Wagon
Well, it did you good with that kind of mileage. Hopefully you find another vehicle that can get that kind of mileage, unless you plan on resurrecting that one. Thanks for the feedback. Closing to prevent spam and hijacking. Since we volunteer our time and knowledge, we ask for you to please follow up when a problem is resolved.
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