92 Plymouth Acclaim Codes?
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Oct 2, 2005, 5:47 PM
Post #1 of 5
92 Plymouth Acclaim Codes?
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These are the codes from my '92 Acclaim that won't start. Can you please tell me what they mean? I'll post them as I saw them. I don't know what numbers go together. I think the "55" at the end means it's done telling you what the codes are. Then again, I'm "just a girl", so what do I know? Thanks for your help. Snow 1-2-4-2-4-2-3-2-1-7-5-5
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Oct 3, 2005, 5:41 AM
Post #2 of 5
Re: 92 Plymouth Acclaim Codes?
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Code 12 means: that you’ve entered diagnostics. Code 42 means: no auto shutdown (ASD) relay voltage sense at SBEC (Computer). Code 32 means: one of two things, EGR solenoid circuit or EGR system failure. Code 17 means: Engine cold too long. Coolant temperature stays less than normal operating temperature during vehicle operation (thermostat) You right that 55 means end of codes. With the car being a no start I would be looking at code 42 first. The ASD relay by its name is kind of misleading, yes it can shut down the system even with the ignition switch still on (if the computer has lost an ignition pulse, spark signal) but it also energizes the system on start up. For me to explain how to test the system will be kind of difficult sitting here at a key board but the one easy thing to try is to replace the ADS relay, their not expensive so you won’t be loosing much if that’s not the problem. Dan.
Canadian "EH"
(This post was edited by DanD on Oct 3, 2005, 2:30 PM)
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Oct 3, 2005, 5:56 PM
Post #3 of 5
Re: 92 Plymouth Acclaim Codes?
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OK. I looked under the hood and there are only 4 relays. I tested them, and two of them show juice coming from two connections, and the other two show juice coming from only one connection. Am I making sense? I located the fan relay, but it's not in the spot indicated on the diagram you generously furnished. The other three relays are just dangling there, not attached to anything. Not my doing. So I don't know which relay is what. I was told (not by you of course) that it specifies on the relay what it goes to. I don't see any of that info. There's what looks to be a relay in down a bit in front of the air cleaner. Two of the three bare wires are clearly visible. I don't know what that's for, but I got no juice from that either. When I refer to "juice", I mean the test light went on. Thanks for any and all suggestions. I know, I know... take in to a mechanic!! Snow
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Oct 4, 2005, 5:02 AM
Post #4 of 5
Re: 92 Plymouth Acclaim Codes?
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That’s funny you didn’t find a relay that had those colors of wires leading to it. Have another look the relay should be on the driver’s side inner fender close to the shock tower. No the relays are not labeled that would make things to easy. LOL There maybe a diagram on the relay showing what each terminal internal assignment is but not what it goes to. If you find the relay it should have these wire colors going to it. Red/White - should have constant battery power to it regardless of key position. Dark Green/Orange - should have power (Juice) on it for two to three seconds when the ignition is first turned to the run position. Then return when the engine is cranked, the power should return. Dark Blue – should have constant power with ignition switch in run position. Dark Blue/Yellow – should have ground to it for two to three seconds when the ignition switch is first turned to the run position and then again during cranking. Good luck and let us know what you find. Dan.
Canadian "EH"
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Oct 5, 2005, 4:01 PM
Post #5 of 5
Re: 92 Plymouth Acclaim Codes?
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