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Hammer Time
Ultimate Carjunky
/ Moderator

Jul 31, 2012, 5:18 PM
Post #1 of 1
This forum may operate a little differently than others you may be accustomed to and has some important rules that you need to be familiar with. - This site is not here for free advertising and any poster attempting to use it for that purpose will be immediately and permanently banned.
- The resident Moderators are a small group of professional techs currently working in or retired from the business. We donate our time and expertise for free. We do welcome new experts willing to help but the information posted must be accurate or it will be deleted immediately.
- This forum does not allow posting of links in the public forum. (except your own pictures or videos related to your question)
- Moderators have the last word on anything you do or post here. Any form of abuse to a Moderator will be dealt with swiftly. You are not entitled to free diagnosis so don't come across as you are. We donate our time even though most of us have full time jobs and are not obligated to anyone.
- Do not post any personal info in the public forum to include your e-mail address, mailing address or phone number.
- All questions and answers are archived for future search by anyone so all questions have to be addressed in the public forum. We do not answer questions in PM, nor do we directly contact anyone through e-mail.
- Do not post in old threads. If a thread has been dead for a month or two, it can only be brought back to life by the original poster.
- Each question is designed to address one poster, one car and one problem. Do not hijack other people's questions for your problem because they will get annoying e-mail notifications for every response. Start a new question of your own.
- Do not post duplicate questions, even in different categories. All experts see all categories.
- Do not post in bold, large or colored print. It will not get you an answer any faster.
Here are some other guidelines to help everyone out............ This is a starting point for all questions that are posted. We have a hard time trying to get information to help you fix your vehicle. We NEED all the information you can give to us to help you. Remember, we do not have the vehicle in front of us and have our diagnostic tools hooked up. So please supply the following information: Year of vehicle Make of vehicle (Ford/ Chevrolet) Model of vehicle ( Taurus/ Cavalier) (DX, LX, SE, R/T, ect.) Engine size (2.0/ 5.7) Mileage/Kilometers Please also state in the subject line - " Vehicle Year , make and problem" so it will help us and others identify the problem. Then describe what the vehicle is or is not doing. Do not say "CAR WILL NOT START, REPLACED FUSE, STILL WON'T START. WHAT IS WRONG?" We need to know what lead up to the car not starting. -- Lights started dimming and then car died. -- Just running down the road and the vehicle stopped running. --Made some noises and it died. Then we need what you have tried so far. Replaced battery -- replaced fuel filter -- replaced relay. What have you done to try to correct the problem? We need to know these things so we do not have to suggest something that you have already have done. That helps neither one of us. It just takes up more time. We really want to help you and want you to come back here for your advice. If you think it is a fuel problem, please have the fuel pressure readings when posting. If you think it is spark, be sure you have checked to see if spark is actually going across the spark plugs. If you just don't know for sure, we will assist you as best as we can, but the more information we have, the better information we can give you.
(This post was edited by Hammer Time on Mar 28, 2013, 8:28 AM)
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