
Bryan Carbino
Sep 23, 2014, 10:20 AM
Post #1 of 10
Five Codes 05 Ford F-150
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2005 Ford F-150 4.2 138,733 miles Truck is skipping and bucking also pouring white smoke on start up worst but doesn't completely stop. Im thinking coil pack and plugs? I have never had this many codes. I am thinking many of them are related? Thank you for any help. P0316 missfire detected on start up first 1000 revolution P0174 bank system 2. To lean P0300 random multiple, lean mil, missfire detected P0305 random missfire detected cylinder 5 P0306 cylinder 6 missfire.
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Tom Greenleaf
Ultimate Carjunky
/ Moderator

Sep 23, 2014, 10:30 AM
Post #2 of 10
Re: Five Codes 05 Ford F-150
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More concerning is it "pouring out white smoke and not running well" not a coil something. Did you mean that seen out tail pipe? Does it smell of antifreeze or fuel or both if your nose is good smacks of head gasket issues first then see what else after that if found bad and think from what you said you will, T
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Bryan Carbino
Sep 23, 2014, 10:48 AM
Post #3 of 10
Re: Five Codes 05 Ford F-150
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Yes the smokes out the exhaust. White then turns a little blue. When I bring the RPM's up hard at idle a little black will come out but not much. I flushed the engine, changed the oil and put a can of sea foam in. I also sprayed around all intake and head gaskets areas with brake fluid to see if I could detect any gasket leaks and get it to run any different but it didn't. I can't smell or taste any anti freeze in the smoke but I live in Myrtle Beach and have very little anti freeze if any in the coolant. I also changed the air filter and removed and sprayed out the throttle body. I went down a dirt road, hit a deeper water/mud hole then expected. Mud got into the air filter and even bypassed it. This is also the reason for the oil/engine flush. I don't remember any smoke before this. Maybe a puff at start up from moisture.
(This post was edited by Bryan Carbino on Sep 23, 2014, 12:01 PM)
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Bryan Carbino
Sep 23, 2014, 2:10 PM
Post #4 of 10
Re: Five Codes 05 Ford F-150
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I just changed the coil pack with a new one. It did nothing to change the skipping and bucking. My friend works for the auto parts store he said I could return it. . I have new plugs also but I don't think that's going to help. Could a plugged catalytic converter cause this?
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Sep 23, 2014, 3:11 PM
Post #5 of 10
Re: Five Codes 05 Ford F-150
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lets look at some things- HOPING the exhaust 'smoke is from water getting into exhaust pipes... there were NO codes before deep water correct? You said RPM's hard at idle- 2500rpm or less should do it- no need to go higher. >> check your coolant for signs of oil oil for signs of coolant oil for evidence of FUEL Coolant level. next I would remove the plugs* esp #5 #6 - how do they look? wet, dry, black, tan? Is there spark at plugs? You asked about a Cat restriction- with a vacuum gauge observe vacuum at a steady @1500rpm - a restriction will cause the vacuum to decreasing - it should stay steady. Air filter use a paper type never K&N if applicable clean MAF - use a MAF spray cleaner, * use only the suggested spark plugs.
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Bryan Carbino
Sep 23, 2014, 6:40 PM
Post #7 of 10
Re: Five Codes 05 Ford F-150
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I changed the plugs. That worked. Wow. It runs great now but of course still smokes. Now I have to figure out why.
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Bryan Carbino
Sep 24, 2014, 6:49 AM
Post #8 of 10
Re: Five Codes 05 Ford F-150
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The truck ran great before the dirt road incident. Could dirt/sand bypassing the air filter and getting into the motor cause the white smoke.
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Tom Greenleaf
Ultimate Carjunky
/ Moderator

Sep 24, 2014, 7:24 AM
Post #9 of 10
Re: Five Codes 05 Ford F-150
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Damage - Quite possible and likely. This dirt and water past air filter probably did get into cylinders - if a good filter probably just the water but doesn't matter. It could have "hydraulic locked" and the weakest link breaks which could be metal of head, block, or head gasket but less likely piston if nothing seen in oil or yet. When you took the old plugs out what did they look like? Some white smoke if dunked in water/mud or whatever it was might have gotten into areas that may take a little time to burn off - perhaps some heat shields of exhaust parts or who knows? You could do more testing, even scope inside spark plug holes or wait to see if the engine just blows up but doubt this is over just because it runs OK right now, T
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Sep 24, 2014, 9:06 AM
Post #10 of 10
Re: Five Codes 05 Ford F-150
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did you clean the MAF? As far as dirt entering cylinders- a compression test BUT do the easy fast things first.
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