'00 cavalier has intermitent start problem
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Mar 10, 2008, 1:49 PM
Post #1 of 2
'00 cavalier has intermitent start problem
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I'm having trouble with a 2000 cavalier with 2.2 l .It is an intermitent problem. sometimes the car will not start in the mornings, it will turn over and fire and die. After repeated attemps,it will start and what appears a breif warm up it isfine for the rest of the day.Some times after the car gets up and running,it will die for a few seconds and restart itself. I say the problem is intermittent because some days ,it starts right up no problem.I had the car in the shop about a month ago for this problem and th dealer said my crankshaft position sensor and o2 sensor was bad. The dealer put in new parts.I picked up the car it started fine.Low and behold the next morning,same problem.Took car back to dealer, they hooked it back to computer shpwed no problem.I even left it with them a few days and they could never reproduce the trouble I was experiencing.I really need to find this problem before it cost me another $600 at the dealer.Please help with any advice.Thanks in advance RICK.
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Mar 10, 2008, 3:01 PM
Post #2 of 2
Re: '00 cavalier has intermitent start problem
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The thing about that is if there is no computer codes stored its difficult to pinpoint the problem,most of the time if you're have a problem with a sensor the computer will pick it up,but like a dirty fuel filter it can't recognize it so no code is stored the only way is to catch it when it happens, like checking a spark plug for fire/ listening to see if fuel pump is working, they are the basics to start
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