01-Chev Impala LS - stops (?)
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May 31, 2008, 12:34 PM
Post #1 of 3
01-Chev Impala LS - stops (?)
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2001 Chevrolet Impala 3800 w/ 122,000 mi.: My car stops when running as if the key were switched off. I can bring the car to a halt, put in Park and start up immediately - no hesitation or delay. There is no obvious connection to the problem. It stops when cold or hot - in motion or idling - sometimes it fails to fail (like the almost three days it was with the mechanic). There are NO error codes or Check Engine lights. A container of gas additive was added after the first time this happened, so it isn't bad gas. It doesn't appear to be the fuel pump of fuel filter since it starts back up right away not like it has to re-prime. I'm the original owner and have not had a problem like this before. Yesterday (Friday 5-30-08) the Ignition Control Module was replaced and everything was fine when I drove the car home, but this morning failed three times withim 3 miles when running an errand. No chugging, hesitating, etc. - the engine just stops running and the Battery light comes on. I can then coast to a stop, put the car in Park and immediately restart - no grinding, etc. The problem started happening about a week ago about 5 miles from the end of a 110 mile trip with a couple hour stop half way. Any knowledgable assistance would be appreciated by both my technician and myself - especially me since I'm stuck without my car. Thanks in advance for your assistance. PS: Since the above posting the Crank Position Sensor was also replace to no avail
(This post was edited by blueeagle65 on Jun 7, 2008, 11:18 AM)
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Jun 1, 2008, 10:29 AM
Post #2 of 3
Re: 01-Chev Impala LS - stops (?)
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There is only a few things that can cause problems without the pcm leaving a code, the fuel pump and the fuel filter, it wouldn't have to prime itself cause there is pressure already in the lines, and I have had a computer to fail with no codes to show, but the fuel system is where I would start.
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New User
Jul 1, 2008, 8:04 AM
Post #3 of 3
Re: 01-Chev Impala LS - stops (?)
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Changing the MASS AIR FLOW SENSOR seems to have fixed the problem. I've gone 90+ miles since changing it w/o having the car stop on me.
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