2000 Chrysler Sebring 2.5 liter crank pulley
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Aug 1, 2009, 2:10 AM
Post #1 of 2
2000 Chrysler Sebring 2.5 liter crank pulley
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I am installing a water pump and timing belt on a 2000 Sebring, and I can't get the dampener/balancer pulley off of the crank gear/pulley that drives the timing belt. I was hoping somebody has a suggestion on how to get them apart. The haynes manual makes it sound like it should just slide off, but they will not seperate. I have tried using a couple pry bars but I think I am just going to tear up the timing belt cover. The water pump was leaking, but I can't see any rust on either of these.
(This post was edited by grayta on Aug 1, 2009, 3:22 AM)
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Aug 1, 2009, 1:23 PM
Post #2 of 2
Re: 2000 Chrysler Sebring 2.5 liter crank pulley
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Some of those can be tough. 1st thing you need is a can of PB blaster penatrating oil. spray it down real good. Use your 2 bars & find a "good" spot to pry on, try to get bars on opposite sides of the balancer & try to "walk" it off, alternating equal pressure. If you get it to move, even a little, soak everything with PB again & then tap the balancer back on & repeat. Tapping it back on after spraying with PB help get the oil in there & will make it easier to eventually get it off.... I can't remember if that one had the 2 little bolt holes or not, if it does you should be able to get a conventional balancer puller to work. The book list a special one for that but to date I haven't need it.............
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