2000 Grand Prix- sputtering and stalling
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New User
Oct 16, 2007, 2:04 PM
Post #1 of 3
2000 Grand Prix- sputtering and stalling
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2000 Grand Prix GTP Supercharged So I am having problems with my car once again. It all started a month and half ago when I took a 1000 mile trip to Florida. My car broke down on the interstate. The car would start, then immediately die unless I held the accelerator down to the floor in which it reved and sputted at about 4500rpms. Took it to a garage where they proceeded to replace the fuel pump, the relay, fuel filter, and eventually the battery after I had already taken it home. Now today I believe I have problems with the fuel system again. This doesnt happen all the time, just every once in a while. I start the car, it revs a little higher than normal at idle, put it in gear and drive for a little while until it decides to start sputtering and wants to stall. Eventually it does stall and it takes a bit of work to get restarted. Also when I rev the engine in park it rev's to 4500rmps and stutters at that, goes no farther. What could possibly be the problem with this car? P.S. Premium gas does go into this car every fill-up.
(This post was edited by mtnagel on Oct 16, 2007, 2:06 PM)
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Oct 16, 2007, 3:05 PM
Post #2 of 3
Re: 2000 Grand Prix- sputtering and stalling
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You may have a problem with the Idle Speed Control Motor causing the stalling or possibly the Engine Coolant Temperature sensor that tells the computer the temperature of the engine.. Just a guess since I do not do a lot of GM products. The 4500 rpm thing is the computer keeping you from blowing the engine up while it is in park or neutral. It shuts down the injectors so you do not do extensive damage to the vehicle.
Being way2old is why I need help from younger minds
(This post was edited by way2old on Oct 16, 2007, 3:06 PM)
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New User
Oct 16, 2007, 3:37 PM
Post #3 of 3
Re: 2000 Grand Prix- sputtering and stalling
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Idle Control Valve possibly too? Also forgot to mention that my gas mileage has been way down. I primarily drive stop light to stop light but it has been much worse since this problem occured. Thanks for the insight.
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