2000 Mazda 626 cranks but wont start
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Feb 11, 2016, 2:04 PM
Post #1 of 7
2000 Mazda 626 cranks but wont start
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Hello, I'm new here, have a problem with a 2000 Mazda 626 , LX V6. My father owns the car, it ran pretty good before this happened. So what happened was, he was going to take the car to our local mechanic because the battery was over heating and swelling up. So he starts the car, and goes to take off the battery cables and let it run on the alternator.. Bad idea I guess. We now know it's a very bad idea to do that while the car is running , but he didn't at the time as he used to do it a lot because of the battery issue. So he goes to start the car, it starts up, he takes the cables off of the battery and the windshield wipers come on, head lights flashing, and the car shuts off . Now it won't start at all. It'll crank but it won't start.. Now when you turn the key over right before you start this car, it'll usually slowly beep 6 times then stop. And you usually hear the fuel pump humm for a second. But now it just has a constant beep, the beeping sequence like it does right when you put the key in but now when you turn it to the position Right before you start it just keeps beeping fast, also no noise from the fuel pump. Radio works Windows work Windshield wipers don't work Headlights don't work Flashers and turn signals do work. we're thinking it's probably electrical.. Maybe it really messed up the ECU. The distributor? Or alternator? Or maybe it blew the electronics. We're gonna have it towed up to the mechanic in a couple of weeks but I would like your guy's input on it as I've looked all over the Internet and couldn't find anyone with the same exact problem.. Thanks, hope I was able to provide enough info. - Ian
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New User
Feb 11, 2016, 2:12 PM
Post #2 of 7
Re: 2000 Mazda 626 cranks but wont start
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Update ; some more information I just realized, none of the gauges move when turning the key to the ON position. Can't see how many miles on the little digital bar and the fuel gauge and cool/heat gauge don't move at all. If I turn a turn signal on, the dash board does flash a little green arrow . Also shows doors are open when they're open..
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Hammer Time
Ultimate Carjunky
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Feb 11, 2016, 2:20 PM
Post #3 of 7
Re: 2000 Mazda 626 cranks but wont start
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Don't EVER do that even for a second. That uncontrolled voltage will fry every computer in the car. It's time for the professionals to find out how much damage you have done. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ We offer help in answering questions, clarifying things or giving advice but we are not a substitute for an on-site inspection by a professional.
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Tom Greenleaf
Ultimate Carjunky
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Feb 11, 2016, 4:21 PM
Post #5 of 7
Re: 2000 Mazda 626 cranks but wont start
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That trick ended with the Eisenhower administration! Any engine with an alternator will sustain some problem or a disaster after about then. By 2000 you are really screwed as said by HT with untold # of fried items, T
(This post was edited by Tom Greenleaf on Feb 11, 2016, 4:24 PM)
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Tom Greenleaf
Ultimate Carjunky
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Feb 13, 2016, 1:09 AM
Post #7 of 7
Re: 2000 Mazda 626 cranks but wont start
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You may get lucky but bet not. Do check for all fuses, any fusible link wire gone. At least get all those possible things out of the way before seeking help as needed. What would/does happen is "alternators" require battery power to work - generators do not - monster difference. So alternator will suck any residual power from electrical things out fast and if it can might spike some very high voltages for a short time then self destruct. I don't know of one way they always fail up to total luck and nothing really got wrecked? Sorry to be so harsh. It's just been so long since cars/vehicles had real generators not alternators it's literally the early 60s since last generators! People called anything the charged the car a generator for another 20 years and a couple new vehicles kept the name "GEN" as the warning light acronym into the 70s! Live and learn unfortunately the tuition of this course is probably going to be expensive, T
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