2004 Chev Impala Cyl 4 missfire
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Jun 10, 2008, 11:23 PM
Post #1 of 4
2004 Chev Impala Cyl 4 missfire
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I have a 2004 3.4L Chev Impala with a #4 Cyl missfire. I have replaced both the wires, and plugs, and have checked out the coils. When i pulled the plug outta #4 it was moist with fuel, but did not smell Unburnt. what could my problem be anyways please.. thanks you
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Jun 11, 2008, 10:29 AM
Post #2 of 4
Re: 2004 Chev Impala Cyl 4 missfire
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When you said checked out the coils, how was this done? It could be the ICM or its contacts, thats the unit under the coil packs.
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/ Moderator

Jun 11, 2008, 11:59 AM
Post #3 of 4
Re: 2004 Chev Impala Cyl 4 missfire
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Keep in mind that the ignition system isn’t the only reason a cylinder will misfire. Other things that should be checked is the fuel supply and delivery, engine mechanical, induction(vacuum leaks) and then the electronics. I’m just a guilty as the next person and automatically go to the ignition because probably 75% or better of the time it is the cause. I’ve been bit in the ass a few times, too find low compression in a cylinder or a defective injector. Just food for thought? Dan.
Canadian "EH"
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New User
Jun 11, 2008, 2:20 PM
Post #4 of 4
Re: 2004 Chev Impala Cyl 4 missfire
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thanks for the info... i checked the Ohms on the coils, as you should.. and they all checked out.. then i did a spark test.. and that seemed to check out as well... i am just thinking that it really can;t be fuel system (except injector), or other electrical, because its ONLY cyl 4.... i did a compression and leakdown check.. and that was ok as well... I am now begining to wonder if its the injector.... just because the ignition seems to check out for cyl 4.. as does the compression... .. so as far as i know.. the only other thing that will just affect ONE cyl... would be injector... if i am totally out in left field here... please someone put me strait.. i don;t wanna pull and injector if i am totally missing something... thanks again
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