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89 S10 coolant system

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Jan 23, 2007, 9:15 PM

Post #1 of 7 (4470 views)
89 S10 coolant system Sign In

Hi i was wondering if anyone could help me out here.
I own an 1989 S-10, 2wd pick-up with a fuel injected 4.3 v6 and few days ago i was driving it when i had noticed that my temp gauge started to rise above the standard 210 mark. I noticed i had been leaking fluid so i put a bottle of premix in the raditor and proceeded to get home as quick as possible trying to stay away from that dreaded red line on the temp gauge which i did. I noticed that the leak was coming from the water pump's back gasket so i went down to the local store bought a water pump installed and marveld at my accomplishment... I had a feeling i might not be out of the woods yet so i decided to let the new water pump get asscoiated with my truck before i decided to take it for a spin... SO if it did overheat i wouldnt be stranded in the cold minnesota weather. Well after cleaning my garage i went back out to check on the truck that had been running for about 30 minutes (i made a big mess). Anyway the temp gauge read at about 230-240. So i kept trying to put more fluid into it... Finally it couldnt hold anymore... and it still overheated. So i was thinking ok, i have no excess pressure or oil and coolant mixs so it seems a head gasket is out of the question. It seems like the only problem would be the thermostat. If this thing keeps overheating and there is no leakage and the head gasket is ok. Well it must be the thermostat. I then removed the thermostat, tested it and discoved it was jammed up. I then replaced the thermostat and decided hey ill take it for a drive. That was a mistake. It over heated again. I asked around and was told it could be a air bubble and i should burp the coolant system. I just did this an hour or so ago and still overheating and no leakage. So now im thinking well the only thing it could be now is some blockage. The radiator appeared fine but im thinking i was a little too generous with the RTV and clogged the small port on the water pump. Im gonna get on that after this but i was wondering if anyone here had some useful ideas. Im stumped. Im hoping that removing the water pump again will reveal the problem but if not i will be completely stumped.

On another note the belts seem to be operating without a hitch and apparently this water pump is unmistakable as a chevy water pump i brought it in and everyone in the store was like "CHEVY WATER PUMP!". I believe its the same as the 350's water pump.

Tom Greenleaf
Ultimate Carjunky / Moderator
Tom Greenleaf profile image

Jan 24, 2007, 12:01 AM

Post #2 of 7 (4463 views)
Re: 89 S10 coolant system Sign In

What temps are you dealing with? The radiator and the thermostat are still in question even though it's a new thermostat.

Just at idle let it warm up and feel the cold upper rad hose. When thermostat opens it will get hot as expected. Fans need to work properly. You can run the heat full blast and feel it. If it goes cold on you may be low on coolant or boiling coolant won't heat the vehicle either.

The 4.3 is a pretty tough engine but don't let this persist, T


Jan 24, 2007, 12:10 AM

Post #3 of 7 (4463 views)
Re: 89 S10 coolant system Sign In

Was the old t-stat intact? If it fell apart it would cause a blockage. No punt intended. Did you install the t-stat correctly?
Was the coolant discolored? Before you replaced the waterpump.
Is it smoking from the tail pipe? If so smell it. If it is burning coolant it will smell sweet.
The 4.3 liter is notoirous for lower intake leaks. Resulting in coolant in the oil and or an external leak.
If you think there is a blockage. Drian the system. Remove the upper and lower radiator hoses, put a garden hose into the top hose and see what comes out the lower and how fast. This will tell you if the radiator is plugged. You can also do this to the engine. To try on the engine use the heater hoses, remove them from the heater core. It would problibly be a good thing to do anyway do to it excessivly over heating.
You could still have an air pocket. Too remove all air, leave to radiator cap off with the engine cold, fill to the top, start the engine, alow to run, it will over flow as it heats up when the level goes down re-fill it and install the radiator cap.(If this does not happen you have a flow problem) Now hold the RPMS to about 1500 and watch the temp gauge if it goes up and drops back down all the air is in the radiator. shut the engine off and allow to cool then topp off the fluid level.

New User

Jan 24, 2007, 3:20 AM

Post #4 of 7 (4461 views)
Re: 89 S10 coolant system Sign In

thanks for the help...

i have let the system run with the cap off and i did check the coolant as well... I allready had a head gasket go about a year ago. Thats why i keep and eagle eye on the temp levels and oil pressure. I dont want to ever fix that again. I did take the new thermo out again and it was open as i took it out at a warm temp since i was running it to burp it threw heater hose that comes out of the intake and goes to the firewall. I do plan on running a garden hose through the radiator but i need to rig up something to sink do to the fact that the fridgid winter does not alow an outdoor faucet. And tail pipe... LOL. What tail pipe? a 89 s10 in minnesota is a rust bucket weather you like it or not... Its my winter and work vechile. But i did not notice a sweet smell from the exhaust... I took the water pump off again and it looked like the rtv was a little crazy i also took off the back plate on the pump to make sure it was intact internally... Im gonna apply a more conservitive amount of rtv and try it again...

Once again thanks guys... ill update you guys on the progress...

Tom Greenleaf
Ultimate Carjunky / Moderator
Tom Greenleaf profile image

Jan 24, 2007, 1:45 PM

Post #5 of 7 (4456 views)
Re: 89 S10 coolant system Sign In

I don't think thermostat should have been open when you re-checked it. They usually close up fast.

The RTV: Try with gaskets just using enough to stick the gasket(s) and a smear of grease on the side going to the engine which makes it lots easier if you back there again for any reason, T

New User

Jan 24, 2007, 5:38 PM

Post #6 of 7 (4453 views)
Re: 89 S10 coolant system Sign In

well i just finished reintstalling the pump... (I used toms method of using rtv) while disassembling it i noticed the dreaded brown sludge... im also getting bubbles coming up through the open rad cap... Im pretty sure whatever the problem was it has gotten to a new level and im pretty sure the head gasket is shot... Im pretty sure the reason for this is my father red lining it cause he automaticly assumed it was fixed... I didnt have sludge in the coolant before and i also had no bubbles coming up through the raditor as well. Mad

well thanks again for your help guys... Ill keep updating you on the information... It sounds like its time to sell my toy cuttlass and buy a real car.Frown

Tom Greenleaf
Ultimate Carjunky / Moderator
Tom Greenleaf profile image

Jan 24, 2007, 7:07 PM

Post #7 of 7 (4452 views)
Re: 89 S10 coolant system Sign In

If the sludge in cooling system is thick it won't cool well. Head gasket is suspected and flush out cooling system at the same time.

Bubbles in radiator for a while you refill the system but them stop, T


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