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Mar 8, 2009, 11:10 PM
Post #1 of 6
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CAR History I recently did a "head job" changing the head gasket and all seals and valves because the car overheated. I've been driving the car for six months and on only three cylinders because one spark plug wire didn't work which is why the engine was idling so hard. I fixed that and the engine is silent and has more power. Two weeks later I drive it on the freeway, it broke down on me. Problem IT WONT START, AND WHEN IT BARELY DOES START, IT MAKES INTERNAL LOUD NOISES, A LOT OF SMOKE COMES OUT FROM THE EXHAUST MANIFOLD, IDLES ROUGH, WHEN I PUT THE GEAR IN DRIVE AND LIGHTLY STEP ON THE GAS PEDAL THE CAR SHUTS OFF, MY CATALYTIC CONVERTER IS ALSO BROKEN, MAKES LOUT NOISES, ALSO ...ALL FOUR OF MY SPARK PLUGS WERE BLACK SO I CHANGED THE SPARK PLUGS BUT STILL THE SAME.... My Guess Could it be the rings??? Is the piston hitting my valves causing the loud noise??? No compression??? HELP!
(This post was edited by bigchillenhustla on Mar 8, 2009, 11:13 PM)
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Loren Champlain Sr
/ Moderator

Mar 9, 2009, 5:05 PM
Post #2 of 6
Re: 95 pontiac sunfire SMOKING EXHAUST MANIFOLD
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bigchillen... You drove it on three cylinders for six months and are just now having problems? And your cat is bad? Go figure! You should get down on your knees and thank that poor little thing for giving you six more months of it's life. It sounds, from your symptoms, that is over fueling. There are many reasons this could be happening. A common fault is a loss of vacuum to the MAP sensor. If it's been over fueling all this time, the crankcase could have more fuel in it than oil, which would explain the noise. You need to address the over fueling first, then change the oil and filter, and pray. If it survives, then, you will be looking at replacing the catalytic converter. Loren SW Washington
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Mar 9, 2009, 10:52 PM
Post #3 of 6
Re: 95 pontiac sunfire SMOKING EXHAUST MANIFOLD
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I forgot to mention that two of my fuel injectors were badly leaking, I bought two new ones, but one was defected and its still leaking but the other one is fine. So... I should get another fuel injector, change the oil and filter and ask god for forgiveness. Or whats the best way to address the over fueling??? Any suggestions. Thank you. PS ..im not too familiar with the MAP sensor, whats that again?? This is my first semester in amech!
(This post was edited by bigchillenhustla on Mar 9, 2009, 10:54 PM)
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Loren Champlain Sr
/ Moderator

Mar 10, 2009, 3:48 PM
Post #4 of 6
Re: 95 pontiac sunfire SMOKING EXHAUST MANIFOLD
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Oh, my. I'm almost at a loss for words. (almost ). I don't think automobiles are on the Good Lords' short list of priorities. Sorry. This leaky injector; Is it leaking internally, or externally? If it's leaking internally, that would definitely cause a flooding condition and a misfire. The misfire could cause low manifold vacuum which would make the MAP sensor and fuel pressure regulator to go rich, causing a domino effect. If it's leaking externally, and you know it...Post your address and we'll supply the weenies and marshmallows. First semester at amech? Not familiar with that. Loren SW Washington
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Mar 11, 2009, 7:29 PM
Post #5 of 6
Re: 95 pontiac sunfire SMOKING EXHAUST MANIFOLD
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I am sure that the fuel injector is leaking externally. The seal just does not work, no matter how many new seals I get. The old one leaked internally from the plug. This one is leaking around it. It's a "push-in-fit" injector. So you think my fuel pressure regulator is messed up??? I will get a new one. If it works, I'll get some steaks, salmon a grill and we could start a bbq. Maybe I have a blown head gasket again. I did a compression test before this problem and two cylinders in the middle are extremely low, but the car ran fine until I drove it on the freeway a few weeks later. God is a forgiving person. thank you. amech is an engine rebuilding class at my community college.
(This post was edited by bigchillenhustla on Mar 11, 2009, 7:35 PM)
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Loren Champlain Sr
/ Moderator

Mar 12, 2009, 4:26 PM
Post #6 of 6
Re: 95 pontiac sunfire SMOKING EXHAUST MANIFOLD
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Installing the injector rail with the injectors connected can be very tricky...Easy seasoned veterans can damage an O ring during replacement. There is a small O ring at the top of the injector where it attaches to the fuel rail and a larger one where the injector goes into the manifold. Also, it is not uncommon for the injector bodies to leak, which requires replacement of the injector. But, regardless of what's leaking, you can't drive it like this. The marshmallows and weenies were for the engine fire that is going to happen if you don't fix this. NOW. And, yes, God is a forgiving God. Thank God! Loren SW Washington
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