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95 voyager 3.0 code 27

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Jul 26, 2008, 1:39 PM

Post #1 of 9 (1788 views)
95 voyager 3.0 code 27 Sign In

My 1995 3.0 ply voyager with 186.000 miles runs and idles rough. also has raw gas smell at exhaust. I have checked the wiring to the injectors,pulled plennum and cleaned, replaced air filter, plugs, pcv valve,cleaned throttle body. I powered the injectors to check spray all seems well there.

Any ideas what to look for?
Thanks Mano.

dave284 profile image

Jul 26, 2008, 3:07 PM

Post #2 of 9 (1784 views)
Re: 95 voyager 3.0 code 27 Sign In

Thats cause of an over-rich fuel mixture, theres a couple of things that need to be checked, the 02 sensor and the camshaft sensor....also the ECM could be at fault, the most easiest way to determine the cause is having a diagnostic scan done on the computer, the home method is no start...key on ...key off...key on...key off...key on then count the blinks of the check engine light....and it can be aggravating.


Jul 26, 2008, 3:08 PM

Post #3 of 9 (1781 views)
Re: 95 voyager 3.0 code 27 Sign In

the code indicates that the resistance of the injector circuit is incorrect.Should begin with idenifying the injector connectors on the computer.With ignition switch off,disconnect the injector connector on the computer.Measure the resistance through the injector from computer connector.The resistance should be greater than 4 ohms but less than 20 ohms.Chances are that if the resistance is incorrect,it will be almost zero ohms or almost infinite ohms.If resistance through the injector circuit is incorrect,then check the resistance through the injector by itself.Like the resistance check through the entire circuit,the resistance through the injector should be between 4-20 ohms.If it is not,replace the injector.If it is,check the resistance through each of the wires connected between the computer and the injector.The resistance through these wires should be virtually zero.In fact,on most ohmmeters,it will read zero ohms.

New User

Jul 27, 2008, 1:35 PM

Post #4 of 9 (1761 views)
Re: 95 voyager 3.0 code 27 Sign In

Joe, I have checked the wiring from computer connector-good
I checked all injectors -good
It sounds like the ECM is bad

Would you agree?


Jul 27, 2008, 8:14 PM

Post #5 of 9 (1753 views)
Re: 95 voyager 3.0 code 27 Sign In

if all wiring is good and no shorted injectors.....could be a bad computer.You could take a chance and replace but if that is not would be a expensive choice unless you got a used one which I would not recommend.I always hook a labscope on injector circuit to look at injector have 6 terminals at computer where computer grounds each injector.If all injectors and wiring are good then computer would have to be at fault.That is if all injectors are getting a 12volt continious feed from the asd relay.If there was a problem with the voltage feed to injecotrs then it may cause this also.Without proper testing equipment it is just guessing.Unless you take to a shop that is ase certified and pay for an hours diagnostic time or take a chance on pcm.


Jul 28, 2008, 8:46 AM

Post #6 of 9 (1746 views)
Re: 95 voyager 3.0 code 27 Sign In

disconnect injector connector and measure resistance between injector 1 wire and the asd output wire which should be the dark green/orange wire at terminal........on the connector that goes to injectors.the resistance should be 10-15 ohms.then move the ohmmeter lead one to a good ground and other still on injector 1 terminal of connector....should be above 5 this with all 6 injectors and see if all are good.if all good and above 10 volts to all injectors and wiring from injector connector to pcm and all connectors are good then has to be a faulty pcm.

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Jul 28, 2008, 3:46 PM

Post #7 of 9 (1743 views)
Re: 95 voyager 3.0 code 27 Sign In

Joe, I checked all wiring and injectors as you said, everything checks out good. I will replace the PCM.

New User

Jul 29, 2008, 3:21 PM

Post #8 of 9 (1733 views)
Re: 95 voyager 3.0 code 27 Sign In

Joe , I replaced the pcm and the van is running good again. Thanks for your help, I couldn't have done it without you.

Thanks again, Mano


Jul 30, 2008, 10:19 AM

Post #9 of 9 (1724 views)
Re: 95 voyager 3.0 code 27 Sign In

that is good.glad I could help.


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