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'98 Malibu has issues!!!

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Jan 11, 2007, 9:15 PM

Post #1 of 6 (2855 views)
post icon '98 Malibu has issues!!! Sign In

1998 Malibu, 6 cylinder, 3100 series ... 110,000 kms
So I know, I know my car is one of the biggest problems ever, but I still neeeeeed it!
So heres the issue...
It started running "rough", then it started dying. In a matter of 3 days it's almost dead. It won't go any faster than 20kms an hour (pedal to the floor)
So I had it towed to a garage, they changed the "coil pack and module" no difference. Put it on a diagnostic machine and it tells them it's missing on plugs 3 and 6, but don't know why Frown
So my car is going to be back in my yard, with no idea whats wrong with it...
oh by the way within the last 6 months...
new fuel pump, fuel filter, gas tank, altenator, battery, starter, plugs, plug wires, crankshaft sensor, brakes, brake lines, ummm... think thats it... if you have any ideas please HELP!!!

steve01832 profile image

Jan 12, 2007, 4:50 AM

Post #2 of 6 (2851 views)
Re: '98 Malibu has issues!!! Sign In

When you say new crank sensor did they replace the 24x sensor or the 7x sensor? The 24x sensor can cause a module to not fire a coil pack if it is out of adjustment. Also, since we know which 2 cylinders are not firing, you can swap the coils and see if the misfire moves with the coils. If it does it is a bad coil. If it doesn't, it may be a bad module or a 24x crank sensor.


New User

Jan 12, 2007, 8:24 AM

Post #3 of 6 (2847 views)
Re: '98 Malibu has issues!!! Sign In

Hi, thanks for your reply.
I don't know which was changed...24x or 7x Blush
It's the one that is located in the back of the engine block, it wouldn't come out so we had to take the oil pan off and "push" it through. The symptoms before we changed it were the car kept stalling when coming to a stop etc. would start back up after a few minutes. I don't know if that information will help at all, if it does where is the other one located?
They changed the module and all the coils (the whole assembly) they put three different one's on it just to be sure.
Thanks for the help, Ange

Veteran / Moderator
DanD profile image

Jan 12, 2007, 11:00 AM

Post #4 of 6 (2843 views)
Re: '98 Malibu has issues!!! Sign In

There are many other things that can cause a misfire and power loss other then just the ignition system.
Have they done a compression test to confirm that the engine is mechanically sound?
Fuel system; has it been tested for pressure and volume of flow?
Injector balance tests to confirm that all injectors are capable of delivering the fuel to the cylinders especially #’s 3 & 6.
I doubt that the problem would be ignition or at least not a coil or module because # 3 & 6 are on two different coils.

This next bit may not repair this but it’s well worth checking into.

The next time that they have a scanner connected, ask them for the calibration code that the computer is running on.
The computer calibration is the programming that has been down loaded to this computer to tailor it to your particular vehicle.
Once you have this code # go to this site; it’s free and open to the public.

Enter the VIN# of the car and then click Get Cal ID; that will bring up a list of all calibration codes that may have been brought out to compensate for different derivability or emissions issues.
The list of codes starts with the latest update to the oldest.
If you find something there that may address your problem you can have the computer reflashed (reprogrammed) by either taking the car into the dealer or too anyone that has the equipment to perform a reflash. If you wish you could also just take the computer itself in; they don’t need the computer in the car to do a reflash.
Don’t worry about which calibration code you want to down load because when a computer is reflashed you get the latest which will contain all pervious.
You’ll surprised at how many up dates that might be there. The techs at the dealership are suppose to do this while the vehicle is under warranty but if there hasn’t been a running issue they seem to forget to. LOL Most dealership techs get paid by flat rate and the General pays squat time wise to do a flash under warranty; that’s why a lot of techs forget. LOL

Canadian "EH"

New User

Jan 12, 2007, 4:10 PM

Post #5 of 6 (2838 views)
Re: '98 Malibu has issues!!! Sign In

They have done a compression test and everything came back good. The fuel system has been tested as well and is ok.
Today they changed all of the injectors in my car, it seemed to fix the problem temporarily... it's now only mising on #1.

I will definitly check into the calibration code, and check it out on the site you gave me.

Thanks, Ange

New User

Jan 16, 2007, 5:28 AM

Post #6 of 6 (2824 views)
Re: '98 Malibu has issues!!! Sign In

So, my car is back home and running ok now, the mechanic said it was the "centre dome gasket", but all the injectors were changed as well...

anyway, my car is running!!! YAY!! now I'm going to drive it to the nearest dealership and trade it in Smile Sorry Chevy fans, but the Malibu is NOT a good car!!

Thanks for help! Ange


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