Apr 13, 2006, 10:57 AM
Post #1 of 2
Bad burn - Pontiac 6000
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When my car gets hot and I stop at a red light or something, I notice that when I give it some gas to go it pisses out blue smoke, a hell of alot. it doesn;t do this when it is cold and when I am just driving it doesn't do this. Only when picking up from a stop. I put a new cooling fan into her which reduced the problem but it is still happening. I am running a 4 2.5L with 5W30, I've been told 10W might help it a bit. Is there anything else I can do. Also my exhaust smells of raw gas. The sparkplugs are new but they are modestly fouled (probably by the oil getting into the cylinder). Anything I can do to fix this (Injected...)
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Tom Greenleaf
Ultimate Carjunky
/ Moderator
Apr 13, 2006, 5:31 PM
Post #2 of 2
Re: Bad burn - Pontiac 6000
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Blue usually means oil is burning. If you are adding all the time it needs to be checked out. It could be something simple but that historically is a sign of a worn engine. What year and miles and any history would help. Check your fluid levels and at least keep the full. 5-30 will burn faster than the higher grades of viscosity. T
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