
Oct 30, 2008, 8:31 PM
Post #1 of 2
Engine misfire Cyl. 2
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I have a 2004 mini cooper with a misfire in cyl. #2 only when car is hot. i have swapped spark plugs from cyl. 2-3 and injectors from cyl. 2-1. (misfire did not follow plugs or injectors) installed a new coil pack, swapped out plug wires and cranking compression is good. performed a leakdown test numbers were high but all the same. I do have spark fuel and compression. I am thinking a valve problem or electrical problem with the engine control unit. don't know where to go any advice.
(This post was edited by mtech on Oct 30, 2008, 8:38 PM)
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Nov 1, 2008, 8:44 AM
Post #2 of 2
Re: Engine misfire Cyl. 2
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You could try a running compression test; it’s not a very conclusive test but if you compare #2 to a known good cylinder and #2 is considerably lower. Then yes you may have a valve guide problem, allowing a valve to bounce off of its seat; lowering its compression? My next thought is possibly an intake manifold vacuum leak; either a gasket too cylinder head leak or a vacuum leak of some sort only affecting #2? The computer on this vehicle does manage each injectors firing individually; so yes maybe for some reason the computer is dropping this cylinder. If you can get your hands on a lap scope; I would have it connected to that injector’s circuit. Checking the injector’s firing pattern during the misfire; again comparing it to a known good cylinder’s injector’s pattern. I hate misfires when you seem to have everything you should and the thing just doesn’t want to give up its secret. Dan.
Canadian "EH"
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