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My fiero project

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May 5, 2007, 8:45 PM

Post #1 of 13 (1983 views)
My fiero project Sign In


I've been fixing a Pontiac fiero 1986 gt with a camaro engine in up for awhile now and i have run into more troubles then i care to list.

everything works fine except that the engine stutters every say 6 seconds, meaning it idles fine for awhile then it sort of loses power then picks back up again after awhile. i really need help i cant even think where the problem could lie on this, i have a timing light.

more info:
its manual mid-engine, very old about 20 yrs old and it has had alot of work including lots of cleaning

Tom Greenleaf
Ultimate Carjunky / Moderator
Tom Greenleaf profile image

May 6, 2007, 3:56 AM

Post #2 of 13 (1976 views)
Re: My fiero project Sign In

Oh yes - I remember some of those new! They had a problem with rain water getting where it didn't belong which lead to some problems. Water used to get on hot spark plugs and even pool around them which they couldn't tolerate well.

What is the deal with the engine? Is this a factory engine that was available or a creation along the way? Do you know how many miles are on the engine and what exact engine is it?



May 6, 2007, 10:30 AM

Post #3 of 13 (1974 views)
Re: My fiero project Sign In

unfortunately no, my brother was the one who installed it and he is back in England right now.

i emailed him for the info, but i dont think its a "fiero problem" i think its more off a broad engine trouble. i start it it idles at about 1250 rpm, which is high but i'm told its ok because of the fact its a manual and some people turn there idle speed up. i have cleaned the distributor out, replaced spark plugs, and i think my brother replaced the leeds, its not a problem with one spark plug becuase it doesn't happen ever time the engine turns over.

could u give me a list of problems it could be? such as vacuum issue, or w/e. that would help a great deal thanks.

Edit: i'm told the engine is perfectly compatible.

(This post was edited by amrita on May 6, 2007, 10:31 AM)

Tom Greenleaf
Ultimate Carjunky / Moderator
Tom Greenleaf profile image

May 6, 2007, 12:21 PM

Post #4 of 13 (1972 views)
Re: My fiero project Sign In

This is tough playing blindfolded with this problem. Vacuum leaks should be fixed when you find any but I think this will be a problem with the ignition system.

We are going to need to know whether this is a carb or injected as they did make Camaros with carbs a little older than 1986. The last carbs were very difficult to get just right and had electronically controlled metering rods that didn't always behave.

Got to know more specifics unless there are obvious noises, electrical connections etc.

See what you can find out about this engine,



May 6, 2007, 12:27 PM

Post #5 of 13 (1970 views)
Re: My fiero project Sign In

its fuel inject. with a distributor, all we took from the camaro is the block we kept all the other bits such as manafolds ect. they all are compatible. (i am 95% sure its a newer model in the 1990s)

the noise is like a sucking noise, i'm wanting to think its the fuel injectors not putting in enough fuel maybe? the noise is fine up to the point where it makes the weird noises, i'll try get a recording of the sound and i'm still waiting on my bro, he probably will not get back to me until tommorow though.

Tom Greenleaf
Ultimate Carjunky / Moderator
Tom Greenleaf profile image

May 6, 2007, 1:34 PM

Post #6 of 13 (1969 views)
Re: My fiero project Sign In

You may have a problem with the snorkle part of the air intake to air horn or a vacuum leak around.

Carefully spray carb cleaner just at suspect spots when the engine is cool and not just driven hard as carb cleaner can flash. Just use a little and if the problem changes the idle of the engine - better or worse - that spot has a problem.

This is done with everything hooked up. If the intake snorkel is off you would hear that noise and carb cleaner would normally make a reaction near there.

If you don't want to use carb cleaner try real soapy water and a spray bottle and look for shrinking bubbles.

If you find a trouble spot describe it if you can't name the parts and then we can come up with ideas for the fix,

Good luck,



May 6, 2007, 2:25 PM

Post #7 of 13 (1968 views)
Re: My fiero project Sign In

i was talking to my dad and he said it is most likely a vacuum problem, so i'm gonna go look for that; what do you mean by snorkel and air horn, is that the bit that comes from the front to the engine? which has the air filter in the middle?

thx again (ur a genius!!)

Tom Greenleaf
Ultimate Carjunky / Moderator
Tom Greenleaf profile image

May 6, 2007, 2:38 PM

Post #8 of 13 (1966 views)
Re: My fiero project Sign In

The "snorkel" is just my term for the plastic that goes on the metal air horn (like a carb part) that will then go thru an air filter and usually on to where it can pick up cool air. They are all different in the various cars and some will put an air speed senser in them known as MAF (mass air flow) but I don't think they did that to your Fiero.

Keep at it,



May 6, 2007, 3:26 PM

Post #9 of 13 (1965 views)
Re: My fiero project Sign In

ya i tightned a bunch of things ups, and put the air "snorkel" together properly, (my brother isn't very meticulously about finsihing jobs) and it is a little bit eratic but not so much as it was before, now i'm focusing on the over heating problem, which isn't terribly bad, I'm flushing out the water coolant a thousand times to get rid of all the rust in the car (the guy left it on his drive for 5 yrs with water in) and i need to fix the fan.

my dad said i should just turn the fan to be permanently on so i guess i just do that no harm.

P.S. is there any sort of detergent that can help me in my painstaking attempt the clean out that rusty water?


Tom Greenleaf
Ultimate Carjunky / Moderator
Tom Greenleaf profile image

May 6, 2007, 3:42 PM

Post #10 of 13 (1963 views)
Re: My fiero project Sign In

There are products for flushing that may help. The most important is to really flush forward and back thru radiator and engine. Helps to take thermostat out and remove hoses as needed to go both directions till clear.

This would be a good time to pressure check the system before you add any anti-freeze at the rust could have been plugging a leak. If ok fill it up with the universally suggested 50/50 anti-freeze and water. If you live where it never can freeze they should sell "coolant" which would have the corrosion inhibitors you need.

Note: When you refill it run it for a while and let it cool down and check the level again. I'd do that a few times with this car with a mid engine and hoses going all the way to the front. Be ready to replace hoses that aren't already newer as this pup ain't getting any younger,



May 6, 2007, 3:55 PM

Post #11 of 13 (1962 views)
Re: My fiero project Sign In

ya i am doing this, i hope i dont have to replace much :/

the water level stays consistant so i'm not terribly worried about leaks at the moment, although i'm willing to accept there are gonna be some lol (how do i do a pressure test?)

oh and as for anti freeze, lol i live in texas. right now its like a zillion degrees, not good for my english blood.

hey can you try and find the name of the thing that cleans rust? i have been looking but cant find it, a broad name is good such as anti freeze or w/e.

thx (btw i have got AP tests tommorow so i should be workign on my car lol but i love my fiero)

Tom Greenleaf
Ultimate Carjunky / Moderator
Tom Greenleaf profile image

May 6, 2007, 5:00 PM

Post #12 of 13 (1959 views)
Re: My fiero project Sign In

If you don't have a pressure tester see if one can be rented at a large chain type auto store - I doubt it though and it would be expensive for minimal use. They just pressurize the system like simply warming up does but lets you do it cold. If you get your hands on one just don't put more than about 15lbs on the system -- you can wreck a water pump if you overdo it. That's what your radiator cap does for you without having to look at it.

For brands of products many are fine but if you want some uniformity just pick a big name like Prestone for flushing products and extra anti-rust control. You still need anti-freeze in Texas. There's only the very southernmost parts of Florida, maybe San Diego area in CA, and about all of Hawaii (but not all!) that you can get away without it.

Where about do you live in TX? It's a big state. My sign off says Boston but I don't live in Boston but the region is called MetroWest, Boston. There are 351 cities and towns in Massachusetts -- and it looks like such a little place on a map!



May 6, 2007, 5:59 PM

Post #13 of 13 (1957 views)
Re: My fiero project Sign In

heh i know i cant get away without it but 50% is a bit much for houston. lol i live in a smaller city a bit north of it so I'm not a big spot on the map either, oh wellz we wont be bombed if someone gets upset with the U.S. ;)

k i'll go looking for stuff tommorow after school, will contact u then and tell u how things go, atm i'm loggin of to go do some studing, peace out!


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