3.1L rockerarm adjustment
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Sep 2, 2008, 6:20 PM
Post #1 of 10
3.1L rockerarm adjustment
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Well guys... got a little problem with a 2000 Chevrolet Lumina 3.1. I replaced the lower intake gasket, and I can't get the ticking out of it...there was a tapping/ticking noise before but it only lasted a minute then stopped...now I can't get it to stop, I adjusted the valves over six times til I got pissed, the manuals I have said to torque the rockerarms to 89 in.lbs... no matter what I do it doesn't seem to help, I changed the oil and added lucas oil treatment...no change, I did notice there was no flow of oil in the front valve cover even when I rev the engine. I went and puchased a new oil pump and wanted to know if I might have missed something. This thing has got on my nerves, someone said the rockerarm torque was suppose to be 14 ft.lbs...I don't want to damage the lifters. Any advice would be helpful, thanks. Dave
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Jeff Norfolk

Sep 2, 2008, 7:52 PM
Post #2 of 10
Re: 3.1L rockerarm adjustment
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Try this old trick. Its worked for me in the past to free up sticky lifters. Put a half to a full quart of transmission fluid in the oil. Idle it till the ticking stops and the do a oil change. Lucas wouldnt hurt after. Worth a shot mayby Jeff
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Sep 3, 2008, 5:32 AM
Post #3 of 10
Re: 3.1L rockerarm adjustment
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these engines use two different lengths of pushrods, might want to make sure they are in the correct spot
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Jeff Norfolk

Sep 3, 2008, 10:30 AM
Post #4 of 10
Re: 3.1L rockerarm adjustment
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Been there and done that Dave. If the push rods are not correct it will run like garbage. If it is running ok you are probably fine on the push rods. Jeff
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Sep 3, 2008, 1:04 PM
Post #5 of 10
Re: 3.1L rockerarm adjustment
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I didn't mix up the oil rods, and I have done this before with no complications. I just got done with the oil change and the tapping is coming from the rear head, also the needle is sticking in the right of the temp gauge but the engine didn't run long enough to get hot and it won't go back down,plus now I got two trouble codes po306 miss on #6 cylinder and po300 multiple misfire which came up after 3 minutes...I went back checked all the connections, they're all right. So I'm gonna give it one more shot and start disassembling it for the 7th time...this is becoming a real pain....I don't know if the car is cursed or if its me . I haven't installed the oil pump yet, since the oil did change color while it was running, but I can't tell if the oil is moving in the valve cover...(the front valve cover has the fill cap and you can see the valves). Thanks guys, I'll let you know if it blows-up .
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Sep 5, 2008, 6:16 AM
Post #6 of 10
Re: 3.1L rockerarm adjustment
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I found what might have been the trouble to at the beginning, my torque wrench calibration was off and the fuel rail had pinched the wire harness, now if I can get the temp needle to return to the left side I'll be good to go.
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Tom Greenleaf
Ultimate Carjunky
/ Moderator

Sep 5, 2008, 7:15 AM
Post #7 of 10
Re: 3.1L rockerarm adjustment
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Dave - what's with the temp needle? Did it get shocked beyond normal, possible travel and stuck there? If so - Trick: I've been able to go thru the existing hole the resets trip odometer with super fine wire (stuff used for flower arrangements works mint) and persuade them back to where they belong if that's what happened. That totally depends on exact dash layout if that's even close, T
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Sep 5, 2008, 8:57 AM
Post #8 of 10
Re: 3.1L rockerarm adjustment
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Tom, this thing with the needle was my fault, the injector rail was leaking somewhere and I had to remove everything to see where it was, I had to turn the key on to start the fuel pump to find the leak...so its possible one of the unconnected wires grounded itself, the funny thing is that the ect was never unhooked. Anyhow I fixed the pinched wires and retaped them,but after all that the needle still didn't move back, I just have finished putting everything together and hooked the battery back up....the needle still didn't move until I cranked it up and now its back to normal...I already thought of the ideal you suggested and was gonna do that after I stopped the engine noise.But the ticking/tapping has stopped , the car is running great! To understand (what) caused that temp needle to do that, I don't know, but its something on the injector harness. Now to finish up with the rear brakes and replacing the radio. Thanks Tom for asking. Dave
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Jeff Norfolk

Sep 5, 2008, 10:47 AM
Post #9 of 10
Re: 3.1L rockerarm adjustment
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Dave Glad you got it all taken care of. BTW I didn't mean to imply that you goofed and got the rods mixed up. Just that I have done this job many times in the past also, and got the rods all screwed up once. Organized them in a box sticking out but didn't lable my box. DOOOHH. Glad all is well. Jeff
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Sep 5, 2008, 12:16 PM
Post #10 of 10
Re: 3.1L rockerarm adjustment
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No dout that it can happen, been there...done that . I have learned in the past about mixing things up when working with internal engine parts...(talk about a mess)but that was in the younger days. I made a custom oil rod box out of wood and felt,its about 18 years old,still holding up . With this vehicle, I almost started to question myself about the oil rods being mixed , but all in all everything turned out o.k. Thanks Jeff .
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