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car will not crank

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Mar 12, 2007, 2:26 PM

Post #1 of 3 (2109 views)
car will not crank Sign In

I have a 98 Blazer to which the intake manifold gaskets were just replaced. Initially the car started up and ran ok for about a half hour or so. The car then started cutting off and upon trying to restart it would backfire before starting with my foot pressed on the gas. It eventually just died. The mechanic when reassembling everything we believe did not realign the distributor correctly. Well, that problem seems to have been fixed and I have also put in a new battery but the car will not crank. The old battery I think had 320 amps whereas the new one has 650 which is more than enough. The car sounds like it wants to start but just wont turn all the way over.

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Mar 13, 2007, 11:16 AM

Post #2 of 3 (2102 views)
Re: car will not crank Sign In

The first thing I need to know is what do you mean by not starting.
Your subject line says

car will not crank

Then you say

The car sounds like it wants to start but just wont turn all the way over.

So I’m confused is the engine cranking (turning over) but not starting or is it not cranking (turning)
Picture this you’ve got this old car that doesn’t have a starter motor.

To turn the engine over to get it to start and run on its own, you have to grab onto this crank and “crank” the engine by hand until it starts.
Hence the term cranking the engine, then there’s; engine turning over, which means the same thing as in the engine is being cranked.
So is your engine turning over (cranking) kind of wanting to start but doesn’t?
Sorry for sounding so basic about this but you wouldn’t believe the number of times we go on service calls; thinking we’re going to be dealing with a starter or battery issue because the customer said it not cranking/turning over. Just to find out when we get there, there’s nothing wrong with either the thing is cranking but not starting. Once we find this out it’s a whole different ball game.

Canadian "EH"


Mar 19, 2007, 8:42 AM

Post #3 of 3 (2089 views)
Re: car will not crank Sign In

sounds like a resistance problem, check for corrosions on or near connections to starter motor. do a voltage drop test, the drop should not be more then .5 volts from battery terminal to starter.


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