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car wont start

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Mar 5, 2008, 8:20 PM

Post #1 of 6 (1631 views)
post icon car wont start Sign In

    please if anyone can help me im about to loose my mind. i have a ford escort zx2. the other night my car was running fine, no0 noises nothing. suddenly the car dies driving. when i turned key off and to restart the car it was dead. my boyfriend then moved cables around ,( thinking battery) we was able to get the lights and fan to come on. but still the engine wont turn over. so when we tried to jump start jumping cables was on wrong. at this point we had not tried to start car , thank goodness we noticed. so than when that didn't work we went and bought a battery and cables. car still didn't turn over. then we had the idea to roll start it. as soon as clutch was released car would make a dead stop like putting on the breaks. I'm at my last before rolling the car off into the lake. please help me. jenny

dave284 profile image

Mar 5, 2008, 11:28 PM

Post #2 of 6 (1622 views)
Re: car wont start Sign In

The thing to do first check all the fuses, main fuse under hood,the others under dash, if you still have car manual it will tell you where they all are at.Btw what year is the car?, I think the clutch is slipping, one way to tell is when youre going up a hill if you are slowing down but the rpm guage is going up thats a pretty good signCrazyUnsure

New User

Mar 6, 2008, 8:58 PM

Post #3 of 6 (1613 views)
post icon Re: car wont start Sign In

yes !! going up hill was a huge pain in the a$$ , also first thing we checked besides the battery was the fuses, they was all good. i have a 1998 ford escort SE.

dave284 profile image

Mar 6, 2008, 10:54 PM

Post #4 of 6 (1607 views)
Re: car wont start Sign In

Ok new battery,no fuses blown, and no sign of any kind of lights working ....right, have you tried the horn/headlights/interior lights? the purpose for these questions is to find/narrow down where the break in the circut is,even hooking the battery wrong for minute could caused a problem between the igntion switch to the battery, make sure the batt cables have good connection,don't need a misleadUnsure,btw you are going to need a circut autozone about $4.oo to see if starter is getting any voltage.

New User

Mar 21, 2008, 8:07 PM

Post #5 of 6 (1564 views)
Re: car wont start Sign In

Well starter is testing out fine. we took it off and had it tested at the part store it does work. now im very frustrated cause i really dont know what else it could be.

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way2old profile image

Mar 22, 2008, 7:32 AM

Post #6 of 6 (1556 views)
Re: car wont start Sign In

I would look for fusible links that may be blown. These a re wires that act as fuses but are not a fuse. Understand? They are usually licated close to the starter or coming off the battery. Click here for some information. There is more information on the car in the links on the right of the page. Good luck.

Being way2old is why I need help from younger minds


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