
New User
Apr 5, 2008, 7:40 PM
Post #1 of 2
I have a 1999 cougar 5speed, after a while of driving around when i come to a light and press the clutch in, the engine will rev ridiculously to about 31/2 to 4 and then after about 5 seconds it will drop. then when im shifting as soon as i press the clutch it will rev and make the car jerk. Any suggestions as to what can cause this problem. your replies will be greatly appreciated.
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Apr 6, 2008, 10:37 AM
Post #2 of 2
Theres are several things that could be causing this trouble....to name a few, idle air control valve/idle air actuator/idle stop solenoid....even the computer,....try some carb cleaner, spray into the throttle body and around the plates even some fuel treatment in the gas might resolve the problem.....other than that a computer diagnostic test will have to be done.
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