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New User
Aug 1, 2009, 12:23 AM
Post #1 of 15
1 1995 ford e 150 approx. 218,000 mi. (body) 4.9L 6 cylinder engine approx. 68,000 mi. A couple of weeks ago I was taking my son to work. We had a slightly heavy rain and the van stalled. When I tried to restart it would not crank over. Someone from my work pushed the van near my home. Approx. 7 hours later I went to try and start the van and it was OK. Yesterday (7-11-09) we were coming from Hartville flea market and ran into a very intense storm. The van was doing OK when it suddenly stalled out again. I was lucky enough to pull into a parking lot. The rains had stopped about ½ hour later. We sat in the lot for approx. 3 hours trying to start the van. The van finally started up and we took off when it started to sputter and stalled out again. Someone help us push the van into another parking lot. It was hard to start the van again, but eventually it started up, but again it started to sputter. It will run OK when it’s in park, but runs rough or stalls when I put it in drive. The van is still in another city about 45 minutes from home. I’m going to try to see if the van will start and run ok to get it home. I have driven the van in rain before with no problems. We took the inside cover out yesterday to see how much of the engine was wet. It didn’t look bad from the distributor up. If anyone can give me an idea I would be grateful. The only common denominator is my son has been with me both times. LOL Hello again all. New update to this rain problem. I had a tuneup on the van on Sat. (7-25-9) new plugs, wires, dist. cap, rotor and air cleaner. Also oil change. Well a slight rain hit yesterday (7-29-9) and after I dropped my son off at work (8:00am) it stalled out in the Walgreens parking lot. Ended up walking home. I had hoped that the tuneup would fix the problem, but I guess not. After it stalls out it seems that there is no spark or fuel. I can't say for sure. I went back at 6:30 pm and it started up and has run ok with no problem. Knock on wood, rain in the forecast for tomorrow. And the same common denominator again was my son was with me LOL Any help grateful as always. Thanks in advance Rick
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/ Moderator

Aug 1, 2009, 1:09 PM
Post #2 of 15
Re: rain problems
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This is an easy fix....... The boy walks from now on & can't ride in the van anymore....... Problem solved....... No??? Ok... I'll state the obvious that moisture is probably getting into a connection causing the no start. It would really help to know what you are losing, spark or fuel. A spark tester & fuel gauge & noid light would help pin that down.. If you want to take a wild guess, I would probably look at the control module, It should be mounted in a heat sink over by the left fender area, you could start by taking the connector apart & see if there was any evidence of moisture and then pack the connector with di-electric grease to help seal the moisture out and see if that helps.....
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New User
Aug 2, 2009, 5:29 AM
Post #3 of 15
Re: rain problems
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Hi Just want to know if anyone would have a picture of the location of the "control module" that Sidom was talking about. I can't seem to locate it. See this is what happens when you get old. Thanks Rick
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Hammer Time
Ultimate Carjunky
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Aug 2, 2009, 6:33 AM
Post #4 of 15
Re: rain problems
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It's mounted to the fender behind the left headlamp, outsideof the master cylinder
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Hammer Time
Ultimate Carjunky
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Aug 2, 2009, 7:44 AM
Post #6 of 15
Re: rain problems
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No, I don't see it in either one of those pictures.
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New User
Aug 2, 2009, 8:34 AM
Post #7 of 15
Re: rain problems
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Hi Thanks. found it, and put the grease in it. Been afraid to drive the last few days in the rain, but I guess I have to try and see what happens. Thanks again Rick p.s. where did you get the great diagrams.
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Hammer Time
Ultimate Carjunky
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Aug 2, 2009, 8:40 AM
Post #8 of 15
Re: rain problems
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www.AlldataPro.com but they aren't free. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ We offer help in answering questions, clarifying things or giving advice but we are not a substitute for an on-site inspection by a professional.
(This post was edited by Hammer Time on Aug 2, 2009, 8:43 AM)
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Aug 2, 2009, 8:43 AM
Post #9 of 15
Re: rain problems
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rick have you checked your basics like spark plugs and especially your spark plug wires! reason for asking is i had a very similler problem like yours i checked my spark plug wires and found a lot of green dusty corrosion on the ends where it pluged into my 1 coil where all pluged in on my 96 saturn i changed spark plugs and wires i bought a set of good bosch spark plugs and wires and problem solved!!!.. now this worked for me..?? if it doesent well.. youl need Hammer time
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Aug 2, 2009, 10:31 AM
Post #11 of 15
Re: rain problems
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i bought a set of good bosch spark plugs and wires I hate to tell you but there is no such thing as good Bosch spark plug for a domestic car. You don't know how many misfires I have traced to Bosch plugs, especially in Fords. You need to run nothing but Motorcraft or Autolite in a Ford. hammer time are you sure you talking about the same bosch made in germany parts??..... and not some other? for example AC DELCO AC DELCO parts has 2-3 parts "suplier 1 is from mexico" wich is very good "2 from korea" wich is poor quality "3 u.s.a. wich is top notch oem quality" dealer uses either made in mexicos AC DELCO or made in usa AC DELCO thats fact !! i used made in german stamped parts and had really awsome results hammer
(This post was edited by trw on Aug 2, 2009, 10:33 AM)
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Hammer Time
Ultimate Carjunky
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Aug 2, 2009, 10:43 AM
Post #12 of 15
Re: rain problems
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The fact is......... Bosch plugs are not engineered for domestic cars and cause many, many problems. Nothing runs better in a domestic car than the plug it was engineered with meaning Delco for GM, Motorcraft for Ford and Champion for Chrysler. Now when you put Bosch in a Mercedes, they do well, but NEVER put them in a Ford. I like NGK for Asian vehicles. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ We offer help in answering questions, clarifying things or giving advice but we are not a substitute for an on-site inspection by a professional.
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Tom Greenleaf
Ultimate Carjunky
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Aug 2, 2009, 1:35 PM
Post #14 of 15
Re: rain problems
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Just busting everyone - Bosch I thought was bought out by a Japanese concern! Check the package. You can't tell week by week anymore by the name T
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Loren Champlain Sr
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Aug 5, 2009, 1:19 PM
Post #15 of 15
Re: rain problems
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Agree with Hammer. I wouldn't put Bosch plugs in my lawnmower. (or Champion) We put Autolite in everything. Loren SW Washington
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