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start-up issues

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Jul 4, 2006, 1:22 PM

Post #1 of 3 (1837 views)
start-up issues Sign In

Hello! My name is April, I am new to this site Smile

I am looking for opinions about a problem I am having with my van.
I own a '93 Ford Aerostar that is overall in pretty good shape. I've been having this problem for a while- more than 6 months- and have had a few different 'checks' done by mechanics (and paid for these checks) but so far no one has pinpointed what's wrong.
When I start my van the power drops and goes back to normal rhythmically. You can see the power drop on the voltmeter and hear it in the engine. I can even it out if I press on the gas pedal a little bit for a minute or so, when I release the gas most of the time the power evens out the way it should.
If I try to shift into drive at the same time as a power drop it will stall.
It only happens when I'm starting the van, not at stop lights or other times it's just idling.
It used to not happen every time I started the van, but now it is pretty much every time.
It seems to be worse (more stubborn to even out) when it's raining or has rained recently, today it had been raining and the van nearly stalled during a power drop before I'd tried to shift into drive or reverse at all, I recovered it by giving it a little gas.
The problem has never left me stranded, but I'd like to not give it a chance to, either.

I've had 2 electrical system checks, everything there was normal. The alternator was replaced about 4 months ago, the battery is fairly new, the ignition coil has been replaced, the timing belt was replaced at the same time as a tune-up, which was maybe a year and a half ago.

I had an overall check and they told me that the problem was being caused by the AC Compressor taxing the engine and causing the power drop and rise. They told me that if I turned the heat/cool switch to off and the fan to off it would help the start-up issue but that seemed to have no effect at all. In fact, I had the same problem when I started up the van to pull out of their parking lot.

Today I took it to auto zone to check for error codes even though the 'check engine' light was not on and I got these codes:
124- which has something to do with the throttle position sensor
174- which means that 'the oxygen sensor is sending a very low signal all the time. This means that the fuel system is fixed lean or there is a problem with the oxygen sensor'

That paper with that last code also says to make sure there are no problems with the fuel injectors, the intake manifold, the throttle body flange or vacuum leaks.

What would be most likely to cause this problem? If I take it somewhere to be checked again then I want to have something specific for them to check. I'm not going to pay someone to take guesses, I can do that for free myself. I also don't want to get ripped off by people fixing things that aren't actually broken.

Thanks for your help!

Veteran / Moderator
DanD profile image

Jul 5, 2006, 6:28 AM

Post #2 of 3 (1829 views)
Re: start-up issues Sign In

I’ve seen this on a few different Fords and have yet to find one particular reason/item for this hunting idle.
Vacuum leaks, TPS (throttle position) sensor, MAF (mass airflow) sensor, minimum base idle out of adjustment, dirty throttle plates, dirty injectors, carbon deposits on the backs of the intake valves, overall engine condition, misfiring ignition items, low fuel pressure/volume or a combination of any of the above.
You may have to start with the basics and by using a process of elimination until this problem is corrected.
Sorry I don’t have a better answer for you but if the vehicle will not give up its secret and when there are so may variables; you may have to commit to ONE shop and tell them to fix it. Giving you progress reports of course; along with what their next attempt is going to be.
Why I say one shop or garage is for the fact that if you bounce from one to another they will not know what the other has or have not done or checked.

Canadian "EH"

New User

Jul 5, 2006, 5:40 PM

Post #3 of 3 (1821 views)
Re: start-up issues Sign In


Thank you for your reply. I was hoping that there would be a more definate solution but I kind of figured that there wouldn't be.


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