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01' Lincoln LS V8

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Jan 2, 2010, 5:52 PM

Post #1 of 14 (9250 views)
01' Lincoln LS V8 Sign In

Year of vehicle: 2001
Make of vehicle: Lincoln
Model of vehicle: LS
Engine size: 3.9L
Mileage/Kilometers: 128,496 M

I bought my car in 05' and haven't really had any problems until the last year or so. So far I've had the oil changed on or about every 3,000 miles. I've gotten the following all changed or fixed. Spark plugs, tire rod ends, struts, new battery, mass air flow, air induction, ignition coil boot, new tires x2.

Just recently the ABS light started coming on as well as the engine light. Solid just until the car warms up and then off and on for the rest of the time driving. I live in Atlanta so its not too ridiculously cold but could that be the problem? Also, if I don't let the car warm up in the morning, it smells when I brake. Can't really say it's specific to anything but I am no car buff by any means. Oh also the car putters when I'm stopped, and again once we reach 40-50 m/h. I don't know why, but it seemed to start right after we took it in to get the oil changed one time. They messed with the idle and now it idles around 500-700.

Your response is greatly appreciated!

Loren Champlain Sr
Veteran / Moderator
Loren Champlain Sr profile image

Jan 2, 2010, 6:01 PM

Post #2 of 14 (9239 views)
Re: 01' Lincoln LS V8 Sign In

dpartain; The ABS lamp could be on due to low brake fluid level. However, since you have a check engine lamp illuminating also, I'm going to surmise that it may be a wheel speed sensor problem. Once the CEL illuminates, it will store a trouble code which can be retrieved with a scan tool to head you in the correct direction. You mentioned that they 'messed with the idle speed'. This should not have been done. The idle speed is controlled by the computer. If the 'hard stop' was manually adjusted to increase the idle speed, that will 'throw off' the TPS (throttle position sensor) and cause more problems, which include transmission shifting. Have the PCM and ABS systems scanned for trouble codes. You can post the codes here before you 'spend' any money.
SW Washington

steve01832 profile image

Jan 2, 2010, 6:03 PM

Post #3 of 14 (9239 views)
Re: 01' Lincoln LS V8 Sign In

The idle is computer controlled. If they try turning the idle speed stop screw, the computer will compensate by running the idle air control motor in or out to get the idle back to the target speed. The only thing I can see, if they took the screw to the point that the computer can't find the target speed, that can give you a MIL. They would have had to take it to the point that the computer couldn't get the speed within its specified parameters.
I don't understand why they would have tried to adjust it anyway, unless there is another problem and they were trying to mickey mouse it.


New User

Jan 2, 2010, 6:54 PM

Post #4 of 14 (9234 views)
Re: 01' Lincoln LS V8 Sign In

First off I want to say thanks for even taking your time to read my "blog/problem"... And so quickly to a response. Wow! It's nice to get feedback/helpful hints w/o paying an arm and a leg! Okay, so like I mentioned I am light years behind the average person when it comes to knowing about any aspect of car/trucks/suv's/mtv's etc... So your suggesting that I take it to a local Auto Zone/Advanced Auto Parts to get the trouble codes? Also, how should I go about finding out why my ABS is on/off? Tell "Jiffy Lube/Goodyear" to top the brake fluid level when I get my oil changed? And you mentioned that it could be a speed sensor problem? Will that have anything to do with fuses? I'm sorry, I should know a little bit more about these things but somehow I have seemed to manage/get lucky until now.

Before they messed with the idle, my car idled around 1000. So they lowered it. This work was done back in July 2009. You see, we initially had that kicking/puttering problem and took it back to Monroe a few times but they said that there was nothing wrong with the car and that it's just the "normal wear and tear" that happens to a car after 9 years. So a couple months passed and out of the blue it stopped kicking/puttering. And now its back... And not only that but for some reason it doesn't always start the first go around. Its weird because like 96% of the time it will start first go around (1st time its started for the day) and then once its been started/turned off a couple of times, it takes up to 3 tries from then on out for the rest of the day. I don't know if that made any sense to you but like lets say I for some reason I make 7 stops and each time I turned off the car. It would probably start the first time for 2 of the stops. But for the last 5 it would take multiple turn overs. I've been told its the starter, the transmission, some kind of leak in an air valve???. All of which were dealerships and car shops assuming trying to squeeze me for every penny and then some because I am car illiterate.

Lastly, I get a horrible smell every now and then when I'm stopped at a light. I suspect its my brakes but then again who am I to suspect anything. Could this be its just low on brake fluid as well? I mean it really gets going pretty good and seems to fog up the car until I let the windows down for a min until the light turns green.

Thanks for your time!


Loren Champlain Sr
Veteran / Moderator
Loren Champlain Sr profile image

Jan 2, 2010, 7:16 PM

Post #5 of 14 (9231 views)
Re: 01' Lincoln LS V8 Sign In

dpartain; Yes, have the codes retrieved and post them for us to see. It isn't ethical to 'bad mouth' other business', but Jiffy Lube/Goodyear are oil change/tire shops. Some have tried to 'expand' into other areas, but in my area, with not much success. I'm sure they 'mean' well.Unsure Do not feel bad about not knowing automotive technologies. Autos have changed. Back in the 60s and 70s, anyone with anything more than a brain could work on these things. It is no different than any other profession. There are a lot of things that I have not a clue of how it works. So, we're even. LOL. IMHO, there's no such thing as 'normal wear and tear'. If it doesn't work, there's a reason why. Yes, something may be worn out, but it's 'fixable'. I would like to see fuel pressure tests; Cold, KOEO, KOER for the starting problems.
From your post, I'm assuming that you don't want to do any testing yourself. Find a shop that you feel you can trust. Talk with friends, relatives, enemies, BBB.
>>Lastly, I get a horrible smell every now and then when I'm stopped at a light. I suspect its my brakes but then again who am I to suspect anything. Could this be its just low on brake fluid as well? I mean it really gets going pretty good and seems to fog up the car until I let the windows down for a min until the light turns green.<<
This could be from a vacuum leak. The heater controls are controlled by vacuum operated dashpots. If the engine isn't running properly, or one of the dashpots are faulty, this could be causing the problem. Or, a leaking heater core.
Anti-freeze has a sweet smell. Could be what you are smelling?
SW Washington

New User

Jan 4, 2010, 4:34 PM

Post #6 of 14 (9219 views)
Re: 01' Lincoln LS V8 Sign In

Alright, so I have been all over Atlanta today. I visited (2) AutoZones because the code I received had to do something with spark plugs... I had to go to different AutoZones because I was a little weary as to believe them being that I just got my spark plugs change a couple of months ago. And then the dude basically told me to smell the roses and that it didn't necessarily have to do with the spark plugs.

Below is pretty much word for word the codes/printout they gave me:


Cylinder misfire detected-cylinder number 8
The powertrain control module monitors the crankshaft speed and has detected a misfire condition
Probable Cause
Ignition system fault-spark plug(s), ignition wires, coil
Vacuum leak
Injector Fault
High or low fuel pressure

Cylinder misfire detected-cylinder number 5
The powertrain control module monitors the crankshaft speed and has detected a misfire condition
Probable Cause
Ignition system fault-spark plug(s), ignition wires, coil
Vacuum leak
Injector Fault
High or low fuel pressure

They said they couldn't check the ABS and I wasn't done getting consumer reviews on car shops/mechanics.

Loren Champlain Sr
Veteran / Moderator
Loren Champlain Sr profile image

Jan 4, 2010, 5:09 PM

Post #7 of 14 (9215 views)
Re: 01' Lincoln LS V8 Sign In

The P0305 and P0308 are both misfire codes for cylinders #5 & #8. Those two cylinders are the front and rear on the left bank. A very common cause of misfires on these 'coil over plug' engines is either the coil or the insulator. The top picture shows the insulator which attaches the coil to the spark plug. These will get a carbon track on the inside which you have to look very closely to see, if at all. It's also possible that the porcelain on the spark plugs were cracked during installation? A quick, easy test, would be to put #5 coil on #6 cylinder, and #8 coil on #7 cylinder, clear codes, and see if the misfires change cylinders. (examine the spark plugs and insulators on 5 and 8 while you have the coils off). There are other causes of misfires, as well, but let's start with the most common ones, first. Dirty or clogged injectors are also common. Have you had the injectors cleaned? Should be done about every 40K.
SW Washington

Veteran / Moderator
way2old profile image

Jan 4, 2010, 5:16 PM

Post #8 of 14 (9212 views)
Re: 01' Lincoln LS V8 Sign In

Those engines are really bad about burning holes in the coil boots where they go down in the head. #8 is on the drivers side rear plug. Rempve the coil and boot and look closely at the boot to see if there is any sign of arcing through the boot. Coils go for about 50$ and boots are about 7 at Autozone. The ABS light needs to be read by a higher quality scan tool than AZ uses. Most places will charge about 1/2 hour diagnostic charge to read the codes.

Being way2old is why I need help from younger minds

Veteran / Moderator
way2old profile image

Jan 4, 2010, 5:17 PM

Post #9 of 14 (9211 views)
Re: 01' Lincoln LS V8 Sign In

Thought you said you were old and slow Loren.Angelic

Being way2old is why I need help from younger minds

(This post was edited by way2old on Jan 4, 2010, 5:18 PM)

New User

Jan 4, 2010, 5:26 PM

Post #10 of 14 (9209 views)
Re: 01' Lincoln LS V8 Sign In

Okay. I'll see if that is at all possible for me to do. Ill look for some manuals online to see step by step. Bc trust me I need it. On the other hand, if that doesn't go so swell ill just take it to a mechanic. That is of course when I actually find one that I can trust. As for the fuel injectors cleaned.... that is a yes. But for the coils... its kinda been on the hush. When the spark plugs were changed out a couple of months ago the mechanics mentioned changing out the coils as well but I didnt know if it was a scam. Because they told us that they couldnt tell if the coils were bad until they took them off. But if they took them off there was a chance that they could brake because they are fagile? So we just stuck with the new spark plugs. From what I have heard coils are an expensive piece of candy. The mechanics that changed the sparks quoted us like $600+ to have them replaced.

Veteran / Moderator
way2old profile image

Jan 4, 2010, 5:31 PM

Post #11 of 14 (9203 views)
Re: 01' Lincoln LS V8 Sign In

Go to and create a free account. They have free on line manuals.

Being way2old is why I need help from younger minds

Loren Champlain Sr
Veteran / Moderator
Loren Champlain Sr profile image

Jan 4, 2010, 5:31 PM

Post #12 of 14 (9203 views)
Re: 01' Lincoln LS V8 Sign In

W2O; I saw you typing. Had to really hurry. TongueTongueTongue
SW Washington

New User

Mar 16, 2010, 9:46 PM

Post #13 of 14 (8959 views)
Re: 01' Lincoln LS V8 Sign In

OK, the 2000 Lincoln LS V8 belonging to a coworker is throwing a p0305 code, but only when there's a bunch of moisture around (car washes, really rainy days). Any thoughts?

Loren Champlain Sr
Veteran / Moderator
Loren Champlain Sr profile image

Mar 19, 2010, 5:00 PM

Post #14 of 14 (8930 views)
Re: 01' Lincoln LS V8 Sign In

P0305 is misfire, cylinder #5. If it only misfires in damp conditions, I'd suspect secondary. (forward most cylinder, left bank). This is COP type. Common for the COP boots to form a carbon track in the inside. Should always replace them when replacing plugs. Also, use dielectric grease on the inside of the boot when installing.
SW Washington


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