1986 Buick Century starting problems
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New User
May 11, 2010, 7:21 PM
Post #1 of 3
1986 Buick Century starting problems
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Hey guys, I have a bit of a problem with my girlfriend's car, a 1986 Buick Century, and I'm not much of an auto dude (I know enough to get by). She just got this car, it's got about 75,000 miles on it, actually runs really good (for the little bit of mileage we got out of it) but now it's not starting up. We tried pumping the gas twice then slightly depressing but no luck. I put a quart of oil in it, since we literally just got it, and I'm sure it needs a lot of general maintenance done to it, but to no avail. So anyway, now the car just won't start, and of course it's not even in my driveway, which sucks. I thought maybe it had something to do with the choke, but frankly I don't even know what that means. The Oil/Choke light and the Service Engine light are on now, and I was wondering if there was a way I could get it started to at least get to a mechanic, since I don't wanna have to get a tow. Any and all help is appreciated. Thanks. (Oh and sorry, I'm not too sure the size of the engine )
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May 11, 2010, 9:04 PM
Post #2 of 3
Re: 1986 Buick Century starting problems
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I don't know how far you what to take this but the 1st thing would be to find out what's missing fuel or spark??? You can spray some carb clean down the throttle plate, if it starts for a second then you have a fuel problem... Another easy check you could do would be to get a test light and check all the fuses. Also you may want to have the battery tested........
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Tom Greenleaf
Ultimate Carjunky
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May 12, 2010, 12:56 AM
Post #3 of 3
Re: 1986 Buick Century starting problems
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Hope that shows? As Sidom suggested check for lack of fuel or spark. This, if a carb would also be the 2.8 V6 engine and the carb was a nightmare to tweak out - owned one, monster bucks to replace but you aren't there yet. I'd check for spark first as I'll bet the carb is the issue just because of age and the troubles I've had with these. First find out what's missing as said and we'll take it from there. The choke system for this was VERY not easy to fix or set properly and diaphragms that control it don't like getting old any better than I do T PS: You mentioned adding oil. Not seen in the post - did it read that it needed any?
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