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1990 f-250 7.3L diesel

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May 1, 2011, 7:47 PM

Post #1 of 2 (1504 views)
1990 f-250 7.3L diesel Sign In

Been starting just fine when plugged in, takes 10 seconds if I don't plug it in over night. Drove it around this morning made a few stops, starts just fine throughout the day. Didn't drive it for about an hour and went to start it up and just one click when I turn the key. Doesn't turn over, nothing. Just one click

appreciate the help

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May 2, 2011, 4:05 PM

Post #2 of 2 (1484 views)
Re: 1990 f-250 7.3L diesel Sign In

Take off the terminals on both batteries clean posts, clamps and put a little a grease on the posts and clamps. Make sure you take both negitive sides off befor removing the positive posts. Reinstall and make sure they are tight. Make sure batterys are charged and try to start.

If you are unsure of the condition of the batteries you can have them charged and tested for free at most auto parts retailers.

If it starts I would bring it in and have the charging system checked and checked for parasitic load.

if it dosen't start let me know


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