Mar 4, 2009, 8:05 AM
Post #1 of 2
1991 Probe Fuel Pump
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1991 Probe V6 no fuel pressure. Ok'd the inertia switch Ok'd the pump by connecting it to an external power source (vehicle ran) Had the heads off to fix a head gasket, and swore I got all the grounds connected. Ok'd the fuel pump relay, ok'd all the fuses. With the key on, im getting 7 volts back to the fuel pump with vehicle power. Is there something im missing?? HELP?!
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Anonymous Poster
Mar 5, 2009, 3:54 PM
Post #2 of 2
Re: 1991 Probe Fuel Pump
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did you try the fuel cut off swith in the trunk? it should be on the driver side in the trunk there will be a black button behind the pannel and you need to push it down then try to start the car . e-mail me at nanner161988@yahoo.com and let me know if it worked.
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