1992 Chevy 6 Cyl Pick-up No Power
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Dec 28, 2009, 3:20 PM
Post #1 of 6
1992 Chevy 6 Cyl Pick-up No Power
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1992 Chevy Truck K1500, 159000 miles. 4 wheel drive. 6 cylinder. Losing power while running. Runs smoothly put loses power. Causes truck to jerk. Intermittent problem. If I push in the clutch I can rev the engine without any noticeable problem. Sometimes while this has gone on for a while the “Service engine soon” light comes on. It stays on for a couple of minutes and then goes out. When the check engine light comes on there is more power at the moment the light comes on, however it is still not full power. This problem occurs in all gears and at all throttle positions. The problem will go away for several minutes and then come back. The truck never stalls. If I give it more and more throttle nothing changes it just acts like its running on half power. This problem just occurred today for the first time. I drive this truck seldom, but the last trips of 15 miles or so went without any issues. Today it was a 33 mile trip both ways, and it’s a bit colder than it has been. Problem occurred towards the end of the trip on the way out. 8 hours later coming back had the problem many more times and had it near the beginning of the trip. This reminds me of a problem I had with my 1992 Chevy S10 in which only one injector in the throttle body was being told to let in the gas. Replacing the ECU cured that. The truck is to old for OBDII and I can’t remember which pins to jump on the OBDI connector to get a code, I also don’t have a reference for the codes. Oil pressure good. Amp guage good. Temp gauge does not work correctly. Fuel gauge always shows full (does not work) Thanks
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Dec 28, 2009, 5:43 PM
Post #2 of 6
Re: 1992 Chevy 6 Cyl Pick-up No Power
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Need to get some basis info 1st..... See if there are any stored codes.... Jump a & b terminals in the DLC ( 2 end terms on the right of the top row as you are looking at the DLC) and a fuel pressure reading... I know its tough to do on this system but due to the nature of the problem, needs to be known. On a side note (since I already had this on my clipboard)
(This post was edited by Sidom on Dec 28, 2009, 5:56 PM)
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Dec 30, 2009, 1:53 PM
Post #3 of 6
Re: 1992 Chevy 6 Cyl Pick-up No Power
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Thanks for the coding information. Got code 15 "coolant sensor circuit low or open" I would expect this as the temp gauge has not been registering for months. Code 45 " Oxygen sensor rich exhaust" I am going out to troubleshoot both of these now. I don't see how either of these would create my symptoms but who knows what the computer logic is. Thanks, Thackery
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Dec 30, 2009, 6:00 PM
Post #4 of 6
Re: 1992 Chevy 6 Cyl Pick-up No Power
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Actually you have 2 different coolant temp sensors, 1 for the gauge & 1 for the comp. If the sensor circuit is reading low or is open that will give a reading that is too cool. This will give the engine too much fuel so more than likely that is why you are also getting the #45. The comp temp sensor is by the T stat housing the gauge temp sensor is on the side of the left head toward the frt.....see if it's unplugged. These models had problems with their connectors as well. So make sure what the problem is before changing anything...... The sensor, connector or even a problem in the wiring.............
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Dec 31, 2009, 3:48 PM
Post #5 of 6
Re: 1992 Chevy 6 Cyl Pick-up No Power
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OK I knew about the sensor by the thermostat, i even pulled the connector and noticed that the engine idle changed abruptly. I will check for the other sensor. How do you clear the codes stored so that I know what is new and what is old? Thanks, Thackery
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Dec 31, 2009, 3:59 PM
Post #6 of 6
Re: 1992 Chevy 6 Cyl Pick-up No Power
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On that system you can disconnect the battery negative cable for a minute or so and that will clear the memory.... The other temp sensor is for the gauge and doesn't affect the computer readings.
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