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1992 f250 gas truck 4wd problem

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May 9, 2010, 7:56 PM

Post #1 of 6 (1888 views)
1992 f250 gas truck 4wd problem Sign In

i have a 1992 fas f250 with a manual transfer case, and when i put the truck into 4wd the indicator light comes on showing that it is working but the wheels never seem to get power. The truck just had a complete engine overhaul after seizing up the previous one. I am pretty sure that the front axle is not going into gear and wondering what the problem could be.

Veteran / Moderator
nickwarner profile image

May 10, 2010, 8:04 PM

Post #2 of 6 (1879 views)
Re: 1992 f250 gas truck 4wd problem Sign In

this should have lockout hubs. Have you ensured they are locked in?

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May 11, 2010, 9:28 AM

Post #3 of 6 (1873 views)
Re: 1992 f250 gas truck 4wd problem Sign In

The truck has automatic locking hubs. But after reading more I've come across something about the hubs binding if I never reversed after taking them out of 4wd, I didn't know this information before so I'm sure I never reversed after the last time I used it. If this is the problem what are ways to check and how would it be fixed?

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nickwarner profile image

May 11, 2010, 10:55 AM

Post #4 of 6 (1871 views)
Re: 1992 f250 gas truck 4wd problem Sign In

I believe the bind you're referring to would keep them engaged. Try putting it up on jackstands all the way around and see if the front tires turn. Have someone help on each side trying to slow both front wheels. If the hub splines are getting banged up it won't be able to keep turning the tires under friction. You would have to dismantle the hubs to see where the damage is. If bad, might want to swap out to manual lockouts to save future hassle. Never have cared for the automatic systems at all for the failure rates. GM pushbutton ones rank the highest on the naughty list for me.

New User

May 11, 2010, 8:07 PM

Post #5 of 6 (1864 views)
Re: 1992 f250 gas truck 4wd problem Sign In

Ive identified the problem as the automatic hub, the axle is spinning when the 4 wheel drive is engaged but the tires are still not pulling. Im ready to replace them with manual locking hubs but im not sure which size i need. Is there a universal size for '92 f250s?

Veteran / Moderator
nickwarner profile image

May 12, 2010, 5:42 AM

Post #6 of 6 (1862 views)
Re: 1992 f250 gas truck 4wd problem Sign In

F-250 and 350 had bigger shafts and bearings to accommodate the loads they were made for, so F-150 stuff won't work. An aftermarket supplier like Warn would have a listing for exactly which one you need, as sometimes Ford liked to change spline counts and such between model years or ever in the middle of a model year (ARGHHH!). You didn't mention if you're going with new or used lockouts here. Bear in mind when you get this apart you may want to think about the bearings for a repack and inspection, possibly replacement due to the vintage. As I recall these were replaceable bearings and races, not the newer and pricey unitized hubs. If you're going the used route on the hubs, any salvage yard has an interchange manual to get you the right piece. Just have your build date and VIN handy when calling. Might not need it, but when I call on Ford parts I've gotten in the habit of doing so myself in case there was a year split on the parts or something else goofy going on.


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