1995 hyundai accent bogging
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New User
Mar 13, 2010, 7:50 AM
Post #1 of 5
1995 hyundai accent bogging
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Ok i'm not mechanic so bare with me- bought car used, cpl yrs ago engine light goes on and off no rhyme or reason to it! Started off having issues with the car bogging down/losing power when it was wet outside sometimes causing it to stall out at stops unless you dbl pedal it (oh ya it's an automatic). Lately like the last month or so, it don't matter if it's wet out or not the car is losing power not just at stops but sometimes when I'm going down 95 i can feel it acting up and sorta choking itself if you will. I have the book on it, but although the book says there is a tester spot under the dash I along with my uncle are unable to locate it. Where it should be is a panel of the dash that shows the spot could've been popped out but weren't sort of thing. So I have no way to get codes from it because no one I have talked to knows how to cross the wires to get the codes for this car. My uncle says it sounds like it's starving for fuel when it acts up I think it sounds more like starving for oxygen, and after it snaps out of it you can smell fuel/oil in the car. The air filter is good, he says looks brand new although never been changed to my knowledge so we're kinda puzzled- plugs and wires done about 2 yrs ago don't see nothing big around them, put in dry gas to make sure moisture in fuel weren't an issue just not sure where else to go. I'm a single mother of two kids, and am on a fixed income so going to a garage is not an option unless it's some place close and they can do a payment arrangement that is flexible. I don't get the state program ASPIRE assistance because i'm on disability. Any thoughts or suggestions, maybe even a volunteer to check it out for me would be gratefully appreciated. If I get it fixed then depending on your distance to me I could offer house cleaning services or babysitting to help compensate, I also do photo videos that make great gifts and have many crafting talents so we can figure something out if you are flexible to it.
(This post was edited by seekingreality2009 on Apr 9, 2010, 3:19 PM)
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Tom Greenleaf
Ultimate Carjunky
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Mar 13, 2010, 8:28 AM
Post #2 of 5
Re: 1994 hyundai accent bogging
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Not sure of location of the plug to check but you could ask your local parts outlets like Autozone if they will read the code and give you the info or code # they get. It's an OBDI (on board diagnostics 1) system and if they don't have a tool to check it there may be a simple way to do it yourself. See if they know location of the plug - frequently down near knee panels on driver's side. Someone here may know just how to force the code out with jumper wire safely yourself but don't until you get accurate info on that, T
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New User
Mar 13, 2010, 10:05 AM
Post #3 of 5
Re: 1994 hyundai accent bogging
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i've got another uncle that works at a parts place and he can't find the tester plug either, I have the haynes manual but where the plug should be it's not there.......... thanks just the same.... am hoping there is a way to cross wires to get the codes so i can figure it out. but ya without knowing for sure how to do it i won't be messing around with it *wink*
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Mar 13, 2010, 10:52 AM
Post #4 of 5
Re: 1994 hyundai accent bogging
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The data link connector is located to the left of the steering column. It may be hidden behind an access plate, but it is there. As for your description to the problem. You may want to start with a fuel pressure test. You will also want to have a backpressure test performed to see if the catalytic converter is clogged. A clogged converter will give a loss of power and shifting problems. If you have a rattle underneath the car, it can be an indication of broken substrate inside the converter intermittently blocking exhaust flow out of the tailpipe. Steve
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Hammer Time
Ultimate Carjunky
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Mar 13, 2010, 1:31 PM
Post #5 of 5
Re: 1994 hyundai accent bogging
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Since they didn't make an Accent until 95, are you sure you don't have an excel? ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ We offer help in answering questions, clarifying things or giving advice but we are not a substitute for an on-site inspection by a professional.
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