1997 Aurora Engine Cooling Problems ??
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Jul 13, 2009, 7:35 AM
Post #1 of 4
1997 Aurora Engine Cooling Problems ??
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I have a 1997 Oldsmobile aurora that is continuing not to cool properly. First of all should it stay consistently on 200 degrees (middle point) all the time. It is fluctauating between 200 and 240... I have replaced the radiator, engine coolant sensor, and the thermostat. I have put in the dexcool coolant like the manufacturer suggested. At Idle the oil pressure is 10 psi. On the road it is 25 psi. No smoke or knocking. Motor seems to be fine??? This has been a nightmare.. Got to love the northstar engine.. I wish it had the v6, lots less problems probably... Anybody please help?????
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Loren Champlain Sr
/ Moderator

Jul 13, 2009, 10:03 AM
Post #2 of 4
Re: 1997 Aurora Engine Cooling Problems ??
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Zorro; The engine should have a 195F thermostat, so that would be the coolest it should run. 240F is 'getting up there', but as long as it doesn't get higher, should be okay. You may want to have the temp physically checked. Could be guage/sending unit calibration not giving you and 'exact' temp reading. The oil pressure is definitely a concern, though. Have the oil pressure tested using a manual guage. Again, could be a sending unit/guage problem, but not something to let go. Loren SW Washington
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New User
Jul 13, 2009, 10:08 AM
Post #3 of 4
Re: 1997 Aurora Engine Cooling Problems ??
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So.... It won't hurt the engine to run 240??? It is weird about the oil pressure, the car runs Great! Normal at take off, but once you got it rolling, lots of power.. no smoke either. Would a normal mechanic shop have a gauge to check the water temperature? Thanks for the help. Any other tips about the Northstar engine?? I just want the car to run at the temperature that the manufacturer designed to run at??
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Loren Champlain Sr
/ Moderator

Jul 13, 2009, 10:30 AM
Post #4 of 4
Re: 1997 Aurora Engine Cooling Problems ??
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Zorro; Yes, most shops can accurately check engine temp and oil pressure. Most cooling fans won't even come on until engine temp reaches 234F. So, yes, it's pretty normal, but I wouldn't want it going much higher . The ambient temperature can make it run hotter than you are used to, also. If you can get to the radiator, when the engine is at normal temp, with the engine recently turned off, feel the radiator for any 'cool' spots. You could be fighting a partially plugged radiator or a thermostat that isn't opening fully. Loren SW Washington
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