1998 Montero Sport Fuel Problem
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Feb 22, 2012, 10:46 AM
Post #1 of 14
1998 Montero Sport Fuel Problem
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Hey Guys, I have a 1998 Montero Sport LS with a 3.0 V6. The timing belt broke on it awhile back and the car set up for about a year or so. Well i finally decided to get it fixed. So i replaced the timing belt and idler and tensioner. Well i got the car running, started right back up ran good for about two hours. After a couple of hours of just sitting running i took it down the road and it died. After towing it back home, i turned the key on and didnt hear the furl pump engage. So i was thinking it was the fuel pump. So i tested all fueses and wires and im getting 10.5 Volts on the plug to the pump, weird thing is im getting 1.5V from the ground? The Fuel Pump relay is fine and when it engages im getting 12 volts across the coil on both sides. I pulled the return line from the motor, couldnt get anything out. So i pulled the tank out and inspected the pump, straight wired it to the battery, it came on. So I installed it back in the tank, ran a straight jumper from ground on pump to fram turned key on and the pump runs, but constantly. Out of curiosity took the return line back of turned the pump back on, still no fuel coming out of it. So i took the line off from the fuel filter after the fuel filter and fuel flows from it out of the filter fine. Hooked it back up, tried it again, no fuel coming from return line. So i then unhooked the line again along with return and lightly blew dry air through to see if maybe somehow line got clogged, all of the fuel came out of the return line then so that ruled out that theory. Hooked it all back up except for return and turned on pump again, no fuel. So after turning over the engine so much my battery finally died so i hooked up a charger/booster. The pump will them run without the jumper while the engine is turning over, so that rules out the possibiltiy of bad crankshaft or cam sensors. Still wouldnt turn on for the 2 second initial prime. Is this pump going bad? Is the regulator possibly bad? Only conclusion i have left is the ECM is failing
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Tom Greenleaf
Ultimate Carjunky
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Feb 22, 2012, 10:54 AM
Post #2 of 14
Re: 1998 Montero Sport Fuel Problem
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It sat for a year or so! Problems with fuel would be where I would be looking. Hearing pump doesn't mean it's pumping or at a pressure required to stay running or start. If you can suck out some fuel, put in glass jar you may find that's the whole problem and may need work to clean it all out up to and including a strainer where it picks up fuel?? T
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Tom Greenleaf
Ultimate Carjunky
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Feb 22, 2012, 11:43 AM
Post #4 of 14
Re: 1998 Montero Sport Fuel Problem
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?? Guesses but fuel pump may be trying to pump and frozen up so can't. You said you had it going and still no fuel. Fuel filter has to go too. A year with the garbage in fuel today is way too long. I've seen fuel that old look like jello BBs were floating all thru it all depending on what the heck whatever place or local regulates it must have in it and trust me there's a lot of junk added to cut down on how much fossil fuel must be used and depending where state mandated use of alcohols that wreck stuff. Try just priming this thru throttle body and see if it will fire up for a few seconds. Then you are pretty dang sure it's lacking fuel which still could be several things causing that but fuel is stuck on my mind and forget solvents to just clear it up - they help along the way sometimes but not after the fact. You may need to seriously clean out anything to do with fuel or maybe that's a goose chase but must be ruled out, T
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Tom Greenleaf
Ultimate Carjunky
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Feb 22, 2012, 12:26 PM
Post #6 of 14
Re: 1998 Montero Sport Fuel Problem
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OK: Maybe early for that but you would take fuel tank out and go right along to having injectors cleaned - now a cool machine that can "moto- vac" them from the fuel rail. Still determine if we are on the right track. This might just need a fuel pump or if easy enough, take it out and look at that pick up sock. Did priming the throttle body do anything if you've had time yet? Would be nice to know if it will kick over or even use starting fluid and either way put the air intake back on in case you get back fired at! If you can nail this down to bad fuel you may want to send it out to get cleaned up - such a mess. Keep diagnosing before going nuts on anything quite yet so you don't waste bucks in the wrong area, T
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Feb 22, 2012, 1:06 PM
Post #8 of 14
Re: 1998 Montero Sport Fuel Problem
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OK: Maybe early for that but you would take fuel tank out and go right along to having injectors cleaned - now a cool machine that can "moto- vac" them from the fuel rail. Still determine if we are on the right track. This might just need a fuel pump or if easy enough, take it out and look at that pick up sock. Did priming the throttle body do anything if you've had time yet? Would be nice to know if it will kick over or even use starting fluid and either way put the air intake back on in case you get back fired at! If you can nail this down to bad fuel you may want to send it out to get cleaned up - such a mess. Keep diagnosing before going nuts on anything quite yet so you don't waste bucks in the wrong area, T After priming the throttle body it hit finally, only once though, Seems im not getting any fuel to the rail. Starting the think the pump isnt doing its job when it gets any pressure on it, but works fine as long as the fuel is free flowing. I had the pump out and looked at the sock, seems clean. I can smell the gas and tell its old, but as far as water content im sure it has some it in from condensating, but no gel or solids. The tank is suprisingly, clean.
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Tom Greenleaf
Ultimate Carjunky
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Feb 22, 2012, 3:39 PM
Post #9 of 14
Re: 1998 Montero Sport Fuel Problem
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OK - Then for any reason the pump isn't working it probably is the problem or part of it. Again - the damn alcohol doesn't belong in gasoline which if used up all the time would eat up condensation water but not just sitting there so well so enter stage left (Broadway show line) there's the corrosion you don't want. Even before 1998 the fuel system was pretty tight not to allow tons of moisture but it's on the list especially if this was outdoors just sitting. Other things that don't like sitting too long are brakes and some other things but you can work thru it all and be fine with this, T
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Feb 24, 2012, 12:56 PM
Post #10 of 14
Re: 1998 Montero Sport Fuel Problem
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Okay scratch everything I said, Im not getting any fire to the plugs, the injectors arent working, and still the fuel pump isnt working. I was mistakin when i thought the engine had hit when i sprayed ether into the intake (Was a long day). I read it could be the Crankshaft Sensor. But doesnt explain why the fuel pump wont come on for the initial prime, but will run when the engine it turning over.. Any Ideas?? Thanks!
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Tom Greenleaf
Ultimate Carjunky
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Feb 24, 2012, 2:36 PM
Post #11 of 14
Re: 1998 Montero Sport Fuel Problem
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I'm confused now but good. First it reacted to starting fluid then now you are mistaken? Take a break - put battery on a good trickle charge and don't overwork starter trying or that will be a problem. How are you testing for spark and fuel? About now if you have the pump working while cranking you should have a fuel pressure gauge on it AND a real spark tester. A wild maybe would be to disconnect neg battery while charging it and reset everything in this thing's brain (computers) as it might think it's been in a collision and things are supposed to shut down for safety reasons and not a clue how it's done in this vehicle. If fuel pump will run while it is cranking then I doubt the crank sensor is it but don't rule that out, T
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Feb 24, 2012, 2:44 PM
Post #12 of 14
Re: 1998 Montero Sport Fuel Problem
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It sounded like it was trying to hit. But in fact i dont believe it was. I have a noid light for the injectors.. as for the plugs, i took one out and turned the engine over with it grounded, no spark. I left the battery unhooked on charge for the last two days while i was at work, put everything back together with a new fuel pump since i already had the tank off. Tried it again same situation, still no fuel coming out of return line. I never checked the injectors until today, The coils are getting +12 from the battery but the ECM is not engaging them same for the pump. I recently learned that the ECM controls everything by ground.. is it possible the ground is lose on the ECM?? Problem is i wouldnt know which wire to even try to jump straight to frame, i cant find a shematic anywhere for it.
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Feb 24, 2012, 3:39 PM
Post #13 of 14
Re: 1998 Montero Sport Fuel Problem
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Go back and double check your timing marks. If something slipped and your valve timing is out of sync you won't get the proper signal, hence no injector pulse or spark.
(This post was edited by nickwarner on Feb 24, 2012, 3:47 PM)
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