1999 Ford Taurus NO heat..
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Oct 25, 2007, 8:26 AM
Post #1 of 18
1999 Ford Taurus NO heat..
Have no heat in this car. Flushed the cooling system still no heat, heard they had issues with heater control so I replaced that ($40), only thing else I can think of is the heater core, what else? If it is the heater core how big of a job is it on the Taurus? Is it under the dash or under the hood on the firewall? Thanks, Brian
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/ Moderator

Oct 25, 2007, 8:32 AM
Post #2 of 18
Re: 1999 Ford Taurus NO heat..
What are you calling the heater control? Is that the blend door actuator? Under the dash little rectangle white box?? If it is the heater core, it is inside the car under the dash. The entire dash just about needs to be removed to replace it.
Being way2old is why I need help from younger minds
(This post was edited by way2old on Oct 25, 2007, 8:34 AM)
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Oct 25, 2007, 8:45 AM
Post #3 of 18
Re: 1999 Ford Taurus NO heat..
I am calling the heater control the cold to hot dial in the dash. Sounds like a pain in the @#s to replace the heater core! Do you think that would be the next step to replace the heater core?
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Oct 25, 2007, 9:43 AM
Post #4 of 18
Re: 1999 Ford Taurus NO heat..
I would check the heater core by touching the hoses where they go into the firewall when the car is warmed up. They should both be hot. If one is hot and one is cold (or much cooler then the other) then you have a blockage in the heater core. As long as it isnt leaking u may be able to clear it out without having to replace it. Let the car cool down and remove both hoses going to the heater core. If you can remove them from somewhere other then the heater core itself it will be alot easier. Just follow the hoses back from the heater core and disconnect them from the clamps. Use your garden hose and slowly spray water through it - first in one side then the other. The water should run pretty easy both ways. Be careful not to put too much pressure as you can blow a hole in it if theres a weak spot in it. And even if you do its not doin much good now anyways so give it a shot.
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/ Moderator

Oct 25, 2007, 10:09 AM
Post #5 of 18
Re: 1999 Ford Taurus NO heat..
After bmac's excellent advice is done, look at the blend door actuator is located under the center of the dash just to the right of center. You can look up under the dash and see it. While looking at it, have someone move the control from hot to cold and see if it moves the door. If not, replace the actuator. Ford has a problem with them failing.
Being way2old is why I need help from younger minds
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Oct 25, 2007, 2:28 PM
Post #6 of 18
Re: 1999 Ford Taurus NO heat..
Thanks for the info guys! Bmac, I checked the hoses and they are both hot (thank god), was not looking forward to ripping the dash appart. Way2old, I pulled the front dash out (have console no see under) and see the white actuator box, is there an easy way to see the flap? I plan to pull apart tomorrow (looks like 8mm bolts) and see if there is a way to block it closed /open so I have heat until I get a replacement. Looked on-line and no one carries this part must be direct from dealer? Is there a different name? I knew Ford had an issue with the heater control but I thought it was the switch not the box, my bad. Thanks, bat
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/ Moderator

Oct 25, 2007, 5:53 PM
Post #7 of 18
Re: 1999 Ford Taurus NO heat..
Thing to do is call dealer and ask for blend door actuator. Price it and get part number. Then call a parts house that sells Motorcraft parts and give them Ford part number and have them cross it over. Might find one cheaper.
Being way2old is why I need help from younger minds
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Anonymous Poster
Dec 6, 2007, 3:34 PM
Post #8 of 18
Re: 1999 Ford Taurus NO heat..
Is there more that one blend door, I found one like you mentioned in the middle at the bottom, next to the floor. I blocked it, but still no heat.
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/ Moderator

Dec 6, 2007, 4:48 PM
Post #9 of 18
Re: 1999 Ford Taurus NO heat..
There is only the one. Have you had the heater core flushed? Checked the water pump for good circulation? Make sure the coolant is completely filled. Also be sure you try the door in both directions.
Being way2old is why I need help from younger minds
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Dec 26, 2007, 12:00 PM
Post #10 of 18
Re: 1999 Ford Taurus NO heat..
Ok, worked on this again this weekend and here is all I know. If you leave the car run for several minutes it will give a little heat but doesn't last for long. Here is everthing I have done and checked: - New thermostat was installed - Car is NOT over heating - flushed heater core - heater core hoses are hot going in and coming out - top and bottom radiator hoses are hot - fan is blowing air - switch is changing from floor to defrost to vent... - pulled bottom of dash apart and door where heater core is, it is hot - replaced heater control - blend door is working can see it move - checked all vacuum lines with tested all looked good - the cold hot dial (heater control) appears to be working since it does get cold when turned left - pull blower motor out nothing blocking in-let from outside Did notice that when I manually changed the door (with cover off heater core) that cold air sucked through the system, but not much change to heat coming out vents. I am really stumped. Don't understand if the heater core is hot why isn't it continuing to heat??
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/ Moderator

Dec 26, 2007, 4:34 PM
Post #11 of 18
Re: 1999 Ford Taurus NO heat..
If you hold the rpm's about 2000, does the heat increase? If it does, I would look at the water pump to see if the impellers are worn off. Ford had a problem with cavitation chewing the impellers on pump.
Being way2old is why I need help from younger minds
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Dec 31, 2007, 6:06 AM
Post #12 of 18
Re: 1999 Ford Taurus NO heat..
I finally got heat! Here is the solution and boy keep this one in your goodie bag. You will need a punch, hammer, funnel and extra mix of coolant. Steps: 1. Remove two hoses from radiator resevoir (on passenger side) one is an outlet towards firewall and the other is an inlet towards front of car 2. Punch out the restrictors in the resevoir with the punch and hammer. 3. Put the hose back on the front of the resevoir (inlet) 4. Start the car with heater on 5. Take the funnel and coolant and hold hose about a foot above engine with funnel in hose and add coolant. Continue to add coolant until coolant begins to flow out of resevoir. 6. Put the outlet hose back on. 7. Now you will have heat like no tomorrow. 8. Run car with coolant cover off for awhile What an air pocket! I always thought it had symptoms of low coolant but it was always full. Never had a air pocket that stubborn.
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Jan 1, 2008, 6:16 AM
Post #13 of 18
Re: 1999 Ford Taurus NO heat..
I was thinking i may have a bad air pocket but thought i did get it all out. anyway what 2 hose do you mean? the ones on the plastic tank right? what are the restrictors in the tank? and lastly, am i pouring the coolant in the outlet hose? Thanks
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Jan 4, 2008, 9:40 AM
Post #14 of 18
Re: 1999 Ford Taurus NO heat..
Yes, the plastic tank is where you add your antifreeze. There is two hose on this tank, one on the front (inlet) and one on the back (outlet). Yes, you would be pouring in the outlet hose the one in the back. A quick way to see if you have a bad air pocket is pull you heater hose off the heater core on the firewall, if there is not antifreeze coming out of the hose then you have an air pocket yet.
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Anonymous Poster
Jan 28, 2009, 3:16 PM
Post #15 of 18
Re: 1999 Ford Taurus NO heat..
I am curious if you still have heat. I have been chasing the same problem. I took the hoses off the heater core and blew them out with compressed air and the heater worked for a day or two. I then bought the heater core, but tried again flushing it in alternate directions with a garden hose and nozzle. This worked for about a week and once again no heat. I left the cap off and let it run because I had heard about the bubble problem before. I spent about 4 hours trying to get to the heater core and had to quite because of time. I will probably try what you described before I get back to attempting to dismantle the car to get to the heater core. In case this doesn't work does anyone know how many screws have to be removed and where they all are for dash removal.
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Tom Greenleaf
Ultimate Carjunky
/ Moderator

Jan 28, 2009, 4:01 PM
Post #16 of 18
Re: 1999 Ford Taurus NO heat..
Hey sport - this thread is over a year old already! Better to start your own new one with specifics to your vehicle. No matter. Since you heater core can deliver heat it's almost certainly not the core itself being the problem. Why it quits is the problem and with the note above I'm not sure why it works for any length of time before quitting AFTER it's been flushed or messed with?? Without knowing more I'd check coolant for combustion gasses, T
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New User
Dec 11, 2011, 7:05 PM
Post #17 of 18
Re: 1999 Ford Taurus NO heat..
Here we go, I have been having heat issue for about five years with my 99 Taurus 2 water pumps and many engine flushes and it still came out warm. this weekend I was determined to fix it and heres what I did and it worked......I disconnected the hoses coming from heater core and flush the hell out of it, then a mechanic whose has been using this technique for years, told me to flush out heater core with liquid draino for 20min. and flushed it out again and again until water came out clear to my surprise it unclogged and loosened all the rust inside the heater core and that did it, I cant believe it myself but the heat was hot!!!!!!when you flush the heater core and use the draino, I cut 2 20inch pieces of garden hose and connected them to the heater core I also disconnected both hoses from the engine, you don't want draino going into the engine....when I started to flush the draino out I would flush 1 hose out of time, face the hose that the water is coming out to the ground and alternate the hose during flushing for about 30min also flush the hell out of the engine as well until all water is coming out clear.... good luck Carlos Dias
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Hammer Time
Ultimate Carjunky
/ Moderator

Dec 11, 2011, 7:17 PM
Post #18 of 18
Re: 1999 Ford Taurus NO heat..
First off, this is a 4 year old thread that you shouldn't be responding to. Second, your draino idea is going to cause more problems than it fixes. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ We offer help in answering questions, clarifying things or giving advice but we are not a substitute for an on-site inspection by a professional.
(This post was edited by Hammer Time on Dec 11, 2011, 7:17 PM)
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