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2000 Dodge Neon Brake Rotors

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Dec 22, 2009, 7:37 PM

Post #1 of 3 (2390 views)
2000 Dodge Neon Brake Rotors Sign In

does anyone know the discard thickness for the front rotors of a 2000 dodge neon?

also does anyone happen to know how thick a new rotor is for this car? I'd like to see how far worn my current ones are to see if its worth machining them or just buying new ones.



steve01832 profile image

Dec 22, 2009, 7:40 PM

Post #2 of 3 (2387 views)
Re: 2000 Dodge Neon Brake Rotors Sign In

Due to the cheaper metals used in brake rotors, it is advisable to replace them rather than machine them. The tolerances are .060 of an inch. But, turning them down only makes them thinner and more susceptable to heat warping them. Price them out at a few aftermarket retailers, I bet you can get new ones for about $ 30 each.



Dec 22, 2009, 8:20 PM

Post #3 of 3 (2384 views)
Re: 2000 Dodge Neon Brake Rotors Sign In

Yeah i know what your saying steve, typically i'm against machining rotors too just because your asking a smaller part to do the same amount of work. But with money being tight i'd figured i'd at least do a little cost analysis just to see. I would have liked to known how thick a new rotor is just so i can see how far into its life my current ones are at but from what i've been able to gather different manufactures use different thicknesses.

I think Advance wants $39 per rotor for wearever's

looks like my discard diameter stamped into my current ones is 20.32mm, i know i'd be down to 21.98mm at least after machining. I think i'm going to call some places tomorrow just to see about machining costs, it's probally only $10-15 cheaper per rotor anyways. Looks like i'll just have to buy new ones...

Why can't money just grow on trees????Cool


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