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2000 mercury marquis traction control problem

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Sep 1, 2020, 7:51 PM

Post #1 of 14 (2789 views)
2000 mercury marquis traction control problem Sign In

Well folks, I am completely up-in-the-air as to what to do! Maybe someone here can help me out! My 2000 Mercury's traction control came on out-of-the-blue just a few weeks ago. It scared me because that's never happened before. So I called up the shop that I usually use and got a new manager on the phone. I tell him what happened and he says"UH-OH!!!" I asked him what he meant by that and he said that this usually means that you are starting to have a problem with your transmission! He said he would take my car to the transmission shop and have them do a diagnosis on it for only $80.00. I told him I would think about it to let me call him back later. As you can imagine, when he says likely transmission problems, I was freaked out! I decided to call my friend who is the owner of an import automotive repair shop and asked him about it. I NEVER EVER bother him with my car problems because I don't want him to feel like I am looking out for a handout, as he knows I am not well-to-do at all! But I did call him because I was so worried! He seemed skeptical of what the other guy had said. He had me to bring it over to his shop and he put his computer on it. He didn't find anything wrong that showed up on the computer. He promised me that my tranny was okay. he said that he suspected that my car needs a new ignition coil (or coils) and a tune-up. however, he is so packed with business (you should see all the cars!!!) that it would be difficult for him to do it. To be honest, my poor ol' car looked very out-of-place among those cars! he said he has a friend that is a Ford man and works for the local Ford dealer as a mechanic. he contacted the guy and he was willing to work on it (it would have to be on a weekend). However, my friend said to keep driving the car and see how it did before we did any work on it (he knows my financial situation recall). So I drove the car and it seems okay until today. The traction control light came on 2 times today and it always slows down the car for a moment. I haven't called him to tell him because i wanted to come on here and get some other feedback about this. The car probably does need a tune-up after all these years. I've noticed a few times over the past few weeks that when I accelerate the car seems to want to be sluggish, kind of like it's not getting the gas. But then it perks up and does okay. I don't know what to do. I trust my friend implicitly but he deals with nice import cars, mostly newer. My clunker is not his forte I realize. Anyway, I know this is long. Thanks for reading it all and thanks for any help you can offer!

Tom Greenleaf
Ultimate Carjunky / Moderator
Tom Greenleaf profile image

Sep 1, 2020, 9:20 PM

Post #2 of 14 (2785 views)
Re: 2000 mercury marquis traction control problem Sign In

Calm down JanetLee64:
It's only "traction" control a feature not the whole car about to blow up. RWD still and love/hate that up to you. It's a great layout, traction isn't why you would have this at all for plain stump pulling so they do what they can isn't worth squat working or not just a light to annoy you for now.

If shops are stuck and busy plus you aren't getting codes or warnings that would say "dangerous to drive" type things relax for now. If you or another with help just look with high force air power available at each wheel for wires going to hubs of each you'll probably see a spot maybe quite dirty some or lots of metallic dirt from usually normal brake wear can fill the gaps should default to just not having that feature. If you find these don't breathe the dust you can make blow those things out without much more put back (wheels were off) and drive it around the light should go out.

Also check owner's manual it may be just a switch that it's on the letting you know nothing wrong at all! It barely matters IMO (an opinion) it like everything else out there only has traction as good as the contact to surface you are on you can't just flip switched and do magic and get more.
Things to always be aware of include tire pressure as suggested on driver's door jam - now as temps fall for a season so does pressure in tires normally if all is well should be equally less than last time known they were correct. Mark any that are not for you or another to find a leak.
Tires are all anything has to surface should be equally worn, same brand and type greatly preferred, mandatory on other types of vehicles but still tended to routinely like other suggested things.

IDK your area what the "state of the state" is with slowdown of getting help there's lots you should be able to do or check clearly scripted in owner's manuals nobody ever read not just help with specifics but should discuss as much as changing a tire, where to place the lousy jack it comes with you'd do better with NOT using that and better jack and if uncertain a torque wrench for lug nuts.

Standard warning is level ground, secure surface and never get under a vehicle while hoisted without ALL common "jack stands" for this one job IDK just do one at a time NBD put tire under the frame if it did fall it's only going that far not flat to ground/surface could wreck the wheel/tire so other would be much preferred if available to you.

Always good to have a helper around when possible,


Hammer Time
Ultimate Carjunky / Moderator
Hammer Time profile image

Sep 2, 2020, 4:42 AM

Post #3 of 14 (2771 views)
Re: 2000 mercury marquis traction control problem Sign In

I don't know where either one of these guys is coming from. The traction control is part of the anti-lock brake system so you should also have the ABS light on if there is a problem. This could even be as simple as you accidentally hit the "traction off" switch and the light came on to tell you that. If there actually is a problem with the traction control system, it could be something as minor as a wheel speed sensor.

You definitely don't need traction control to drive the car. It's simply a feature to help driving in snow.

I certainly don't understand how these guys jumped to the conclusions of a transmission or a totally unrelated thing like a tune up.


We offer help in answering questions, clarifying things or giving advice but we are not a substitute for an on-site inspection by a professional.

Tom Greenleaf
Ultimate Carjunky / Moderator
Tom Greenleaf profile image

Sep 2, 2020, 5:11 AM

Post #4 of 14 (2767 views)
Re: 2000 mercury marquis traction control problem Sign In

HT just said took me a volume: ">This could even be as simple as you accidentally hit the "traction off" switch and the light came on to tell you that.<"
I mentioned that on the list. It REALLY SHOULD BE A CHOICE for it not all the time so it's just saying it's on. Now turn it off and leave those folks who were all over other thing out of this car they know nothing about for those wild suggestions they had, Tom


Sep 2, 2020, 8:12 PM

Post #5 of 14 (2747 views)
Re: 2000 mercury marquis traction control problem Sign In

Thank you Tom. I always appreciate your feedback.janet


Sep 2, 2020, 8:16 PM

Post #6 of 14 (2744 views)
Re: 2000 mercury marquis traction control problem Sign In

I know I'm not hitting a traction control switch because my hands are always on the steering wheel when it happens. Actually, I don't even know where the switch is! LOL! I live in Florida and don't need traction control apparently. Thank you Hammer!

Tom Greenleaf
Ultimate Carjunky / Moderator
Tom Greenleaf profile image

Sep 3, 2020, 1:14 AM

Post #7 of 14 (2735 views)
Re: 2000 mercury marquis traction control problem Sign In

IDK where the "switch" Janet but there should be one or an initial set up for that. We've beat on it that it's just not a necessary thing for Fla. or elsewhere the layout of these vehicles isn't for climbing mountains (FLORIDA!) in snow, ice or need for traction it holds passengers and a trunk big enough for a year's groceries !! All that with 5-6 passengers.
If or when conditions are that horrible it's easy JUST DON'T GO OUT till it's better - duh.
Look North on a map Janet you are at or near I-10 and I'm at (North of I-90 ) the interstates that go from Atlantic to Pacific at the extremes. More assorted conditions are in the North if you add the snow, ice that doesn't last just wait it out let the brutal machines clear the roads up and they do it's fine to travel again the next day most of the time so these type vehicles make sense but panic sets in that they aren't SUVs for the moments a waste of costly traction parts, gadgets, controls and complicated designs great for the ONCE a year you could use it only to find roads are impassable anyway should have stayed home.
The end all will be read the manual for this car not another model year of it what's the setting to SHUT THAT OFF you don't need it - trust me.
This layout kinda ended not long after this model year didn't meet requirements easily for being a CAR not called a TRUCK was treated differently for regulations of MPG, emissions so the "TRUCKS" get features now like the fool vanity mirrors that dim behind sun visors - I pet peeve of mine that a vehicle should be the place to finish shaving, make-up and be an idiot on the roads late for what you were going to do somewhere?

Just laugh - the help you have/had maybe didn't know this vehicle's intent very well so be it and chill out I really do think it's fine and needs NOTHING so let it be,


Hammer Time
Ultimate Carjunky / Moderator
Hammer Time profile image

Sep 3, 2020, 3:53 AM

Post #8 of 14 (2731 views)
Re: 2000 mercury marquis traction control problem Sign In

If this actually needs to be repaired, it's done with a scan tool that reads the ABS codes. When the light comes on, it will set a code in the ABS module that can be used to pinpoint the problem.

If the shop can't do this or doesn't know how, then you are in the wrong shop.

I wouldn't be too concerned though if that is the only light coming on.


We offer help in answering questions, clarifying things or giving advice but we are not a substitute for an on-site inspection by a professional.


Sep 3, 2020, 10:51 PM

Post #9 of 14 (2703 views)
Re: 2000 mercury marquis traction control problem Sign In

Thank you both Tom and Hammer! I looked in the owner's manual and it said that the traction control switch is in the glove compartment. I looked but didn't see it. I was going to disable the traction control if I could've found it! When the TC light comes on, it also slows down the car briefly. That is disconcerting! Well, nonetheless, I thank you both so much! I will try to ignore the TC when it happens again. It is a relief to know that it is not a major problem! I do wonder why the car wants to be sluggish ever so often. Over a month ago, it went dead when I accelerated after the traffic light turned green. I was completely stopped. The light turned green and I accelerated to go. The car died. However, I was able to crank it right back up and go with no problem. Since then it has had times where I am driving along and the car seems as if it is having trouble getting the gas. It reminds me of how a car might would do if it had trash in the tank. But that is just a slight way to explain how it does. I guess you could say that it kind of stutters but then it gets okay. It's very strange. Overall, the car runs good. Thanks for your advice and feedback! :)janet

Tom Greenleaf
Ultimate Carjunky / Moderator
Tom Greenleaf profile image

Sep 4, 2020, 2:54 AM

Post #10 of 14 (2695 views)
Re: 2000 mercury marquis traction control problem Sign In

Keep looking for the switch Janet. Smile - "glovebox" ?? Does anyone put gloves in those? This should have a center one, passenger's dash one and the flip up armrests goes by exact option package.

The loss of power or anything about that is worthy of some checking out. ? I recall you lack help for this so things to do all this stuff is famous on many this included can be relays - the ones under the hood this should mark on lip what each is for. Pull ones related to things on your list see the prongs what they look like.

Odd just taking them out and putting them back can correct the things! Tapping on them if car died out it needs to stay that way to know which one is at fault. T/C shouldn't make a car stumble or loss of power IMO so there's something lurking (it's 20ish years old) relays, connections all over cars said these no exception.

This is seasonal to me a Spring/Fall thing with temp swings, condensation and electrical anything don't mix well brings out the weak ones and IDK but some tons older (same idea still) last forever? Go figure?



Sep 4, 2020, 8:17 PM

Post #11 of 14 (2662 views)
Re: 2000 mercury marquis traction control problem Sign In

Tom, you forget that I know absolutely NOTHING about what's under the hood of a car! LOL! I am in a quandary now because I don't know who to take the car to! I'll have to figure something out! BTW, I found the Traction Control button but it doesn't seem to be working. I tried pushing it in and it comes right back up. It doesn't click in at all. Today the TC light came on but no problems. Anyway, thanks for all your help. When I get the car to a shop I'll post what if anything i found out.Take care!janet

Tom Greenleaf
Ultimate Carjunky / Moderator
Tom Greenleaf profile image

Sep 5, 2020, 1:21 AM

Post #12 of 14 (2657 views)
Re: 2000 mercury marquis traction control problem Sign In

OK Janet: You found the button now I think it's smashed/broken in some way. Great - it's in a glove-box so who knows over these years what else was forced in to those probably is physically broken.
Lots of people/shops too may frown on "old" cars is the hunt IMO for you, for help. Just maybe the salvage yards (some do some work) outside of just taking stuff apart also may have a good clue what is working and some useful info.

My guess because it's located out of sight like that it was probably meant to just leave in a position ON or OFF rather than some last second you want it either way.
With this discovery find the full service salvage yard(s) is my suggestion if need be up and go to one and find out WHO in the area if not them is working on and dealing with this type car and older stuff in general.

Understood year 2000 like yesterday is 20 model years out already this chassis was already on it's last run not going to update it for another 20 years new you did know was the base of a wild assortment of service vehicles, limousines and more was destined to quit for truck chassis for all that not a car chassis anymore is a technical difference and what specs whatever it was made into new would have to comply with.
Cars took the hit, MPG of the count of all vehicles called cars a "car company" (this is just a FORD) car series tilting to scales plus is TMK still subject to the hidden 10% penalty for base price over $30,000 new when implemented was very high now isn't matters just every feature on top of that it moves that much more costly over being called a truck or SUV exempt from that.

Just that a $$ matter is enough to crash out motor companies do NOT have the margin to waste or go out of biz and they do OR just sell of names become owned by other totally not this one quite yet that I know of meaning a FORD based product forget "Mercury" isn't on it's own even that long ago.
Good luck again now shifting idea for help to the salvage market and who is dealing with these routinely they did NOT go away even though not sold/made new in this concept, Tom

Hammer Time
Ultimate Carjunky / Moderator
Hammer Time profile image

Sep 5, 2020, 4:09 AM

Post #13 of 14 (2653 views)
Re: 2000 mercury marquis traction control problem Sign In

I don't think that is the way that button works.

I think when you push that button while the car is running it only shuts the traction control off for that single key cycle. When you shut the car off, it defaults back to "on". You can't permanently shut it off.

In your case it sounds like there is a fault in the system that is putting the light on and that would have to be diagnosed and repaired but like I said before, this is a system that is not mandatory and it will drive just fine without it. The light being on means the system is disabled during that period.


We offer help in answering questions, clarifying things or giving advice but we are not a substitute for an on-site inspection by a professional.


Sep 6, 2020, 5:28 AM

Post #14 of 14 (2625 views)
Re: 2000 mercury marquis traction control problem Sign In

Thank you Tom and Hammer! You guys are great!janet


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