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2001 Alero 3.4 Engine Oil Leak

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Jan 20, 2010, 6:48 AM

Post #1 of 19 (8034 views)
post icon 2001 Alero 3.4 Engine Oil Leak Sign In

2001 Olds Alero with a 3.4 engine. It has about 111000 mile so 233000km. I have oil leak at a sensor on the driver's side front end.
2001 Olds Alero Hello I have a 2001 Alero. It has a 3.4 Engine. It has about 111000 miles or 233000km. I have started a OIL leak on the front end of the engine. It appears to be coming from a sensor that is plugged into the engine.

It is located just below the dip-stick shaft and above on what appears to be the starter. Can this sensor leak. I have yet to see any warning lights. I have topped it off to be safe. Can it be the sensor or worst? Thank You Jonn

Tom Greenleaf
Ultimate Carjunky / Moderator
Tom Greenleaf profile image

Jan 20, 2010, 8:42 AM

Post #2 of 19 (8005 views)
Re: 2001 Alero 3.4 Engine Oil Leak Sign In

Yes - sensors can leak. It could be oil pressure or a low oil level warning if mounted on oil pan,



Jan 20, 2010, 8:49 AM

Post #3 of 19 (8001 views)
Re: 2001 Alero 3.4 Engine Oil Leak Sign In

Okay, that does not sound too bad at all. I thought it may have been the head-gaset. It just just seems dripping form the sensor ( it a big sensor ) , which is slightly located above the oill filter to the driver's side.
On a laughable note , at least the car is getting a nice under coating.

Thank you so much Tom and have a great day


Tom Greenleaf
Ultimate Carjunky / Moderator
Tom Greenleaf profile image

Jan 20, 2010, 8:55 AM

Post #4 of 19 (8004 views)
Re: 2001 Alero 3.4 Engine Oil Leak Sign In

John - to add - clean the area off and see it leak. It could be something else. Carb cleaner (carefully) or something so you can watch it from where if at all possible.

Laugh about the undercoating. Just bought an old wreck for a Winter car that had a slow oil leak for ages and the underside is rust free! Leak fixed now BTW,



Jan 20, 2010, 11:30 AM

Post #5 of 19 (7969 views)
Re: 2001 Alero 3.4 Engine Oil Leak Sign In

Hi there Buddy, How are you doing this afternoon? So I took another look, it still apears to be coming from that sensor. I cleaned around it, trying not to burn my hand and arm on the exhasust manifold. LOL. It just seems to be coming form there. ( sensor ) I even felt the shaft of the dip stick as well - but that looked dry.
What is that sensor? It hard to really have a clear look. If I can discribe the drip - while running it drips out every 30 seconds. I would say about 1/4 -less of a teaspoon. It a droplet. It just in that spot.The Oil filter is dry, and there in no oil stains or markings on the top of the engine.

Thank You again


Tom Greenleaf
Ultimate Carjunky / Moderator
Tom Greenleaf profile image

Jan 20, 2010, 11:39 AM

Post #6 of 19 (7972 views)
Re: 2001 Alero 3.4 Engine Oil Leak Sign In

If an oil sensing sensor unplug it and see if gauge quits. If not and it's real oil AND in the oil pan it's the oil level sensor that more vehicles have now then way back in my day when dinosaurs roamed the earth - laugh,

PS: Match it up by looks from this site from AutoZone. I do that a lot even here!

(This post was edited by Tom Greenleaf on Jan 20, 2010, 11:40 AM)


Jan 20, 2010, 12:05 PM

Post #7 of 19 (7963 views)
Re: 2001 Alero 3.4 Engine Oil Leak Sign In

Well I'll tell you something my friend , not too long ago I used to take apart engines - rebuild - add - and have all the fun in the world. this was very late 70's and very early 80's. Now I given up all hope in today's cars . It's way too complicated. I guess if u want to call it good news. I really do not know when this leak started, but for the most part I will say about 6-7 weeks - cause I only noticed it last week. With that being said - I have only added mayby 1 1/2 quatres of oil and driven 4000 miles... I'll get back to you


Tom Greenleaf
Ultimate Carjunky / Moderator
Tom Greenleaf profile image

Jan 20, 2010, 2:21 PM

Post #8 of 19 (7964 views)
Re: 2001 Alero 3.4 Engine Oil Leak Sign In

John - if this is hard to get at or needs some special tool for a one time thing just have it done. Bet it's not a 1/2 hour's labor and it could start leaking wildly so I'd fix it.

Your call. I hear you about the car thing. I'm done (retired) and not buying expensive one time tools anymore. My dominant years were 60s, thru early to mid 90s and that was enough.

Things got tighter for room to work. Had to as folks were demanding a large interior, the gas mileage, throw in I want the power too, and it has to spit clean air for a low price - no wonder car companies went mad! So things get tighter for service items and then comes faster and more accurate computer controls of almost everything. Same stuff just faster to control, less wasted gas, get the HP back while staying clean. Now you need more tools too! I'm not even doing much and I have more tools for hard to get at things than I could count!

Just know the device that's leaking isn't new engineering but could be harder to do.

Good luck whatever your approach,



Jan 21, 2010, 6:52 AM

Post #9 of 19 (7950 views)
Re: 2001 Alero 3.4 Engine Oil Leak Sign In

Hi there and good morning Tom,

I will bring in to my local garage tomorrow. He a real good ladd and honest. I spoke with him this morning. I will know the cause by noon and the $$, so I will pass off the info to you. Thank You once again Tom, we will keep in touch for sure.
Yes I agree with you about all them tools and such. Sometimes I sure do miss the the old rear-wheel drives and the bench seat in the front. Love them old ones. Pure Classics..

Have a great day, and talk to you tomorrow.


Jan 22, 2010, 8:04 AM

Post #10 of 19 (7943 views)
Re: 2001 Alero 3.4 Engine Oil Leak Sign In

Good morning Tom,

How are you doing today?

So I have received the news, it seem that my Oil Pressure switch is gone, that's where the Oil appears to be coming from. They will replace it, and I should be good to go. That's was a bit of good news.. Once again Thanks for your words of encouragement. We will talk some more for sure my friend....


Tom Greenleaf
Ultimate Carjunky / Moderator
Tom Greenleaf profile image

Jan 22, 2010, 2:12 PM

Post #11 of 19 (7938 views)
Re: 2001 Alero 3.4 Engine Oil Leak Sign In

Thanks for the report John,

Good news is the part is fairly cheap - bet retail for about $30 or less and it does take a special socket - I peeked at it.

It needs doing as said. I've seen them drip and later go wild so it's your engine at stake! Oh well - so much for the cheap under carriage rustproofing. You have to do that on you own nowWink

Have a great weekend,



Jan 27, 2010, 7:11 AM

Post #12 of 19 (7930 views)
Re: 2001 Alero 3.4 Engine Oil Leak Sign In

Hi Tom,

How are u doing today? Hope you had a good weekend?

The car is all fixed up. The part in question was only about $25 dollars, but the labour was $79. All in all not too bad considering. She runs fine now, a few oil hang from the undercoating, overall I am very pleased. I stopped cursing the car and told her that she has done a good job. Funny how cars do that to you......LOL Still better than buying a new one I suppose. At least my Alero paid off. Now onlt If I could pay off some other bills.......LOL.

talk to you in a bit..


Tom Greenleaf
Ultimate Carjunky / Moderator
Tom Greenleaf profile image

Jan 27, 2010, 8:04 AM

Post #13 of 19 (7925 views)
Re: 2001 Alero 3.4 Engine Oil Leak Sign In

Great to hear the good news and that's a fair price IMO.

If it made a mess in a cement garage floor it can be scraped up and cat litter works well if left on for a while and ground in with old shoes. Many degreasers will work to finish it off and could be hosed off depending on situation where parked. Dispose of oily rags/paper towels safely as they (not too likely with engine oils) can spontaneously combust. Cover them with baking soda if excessive and store in a safe place till proper disposal can be done.

I have an outdoor fire place and won't leave oily rags/towels around even in fire safe containers.

Have a great rest of the week,



Feb 23, 2010, 12:55 PM

Post #14 of 19 (7893 views)
Re: 2001 Alero 3.4 Engine Oil Leak Sign In

Hi Tom,

How are you doing?

I am just saying hello. It's been a couple of week. It the last week of Febuary. Time sure does fly....

Hope all is well, and thanks once agin for your Help.....Smile

The Alero is running fine, no real hipcups since the repair - too me she may be running a little hot - meaning the temp gauge likes to sit at the Midway mark while idling..... I this point I am not really concearned..

Question - Where would I find the Transmision dip Stip to check the Level?

Best Regards


Tom Greenleaf
Ultimate Carjunky / Moderator
Tom Greenleaf profile image

Feb 23, 2010, 2:26 PM

Post #15 of 19 (7890 views)
Re: 2001 Alero 3.4 - Trans dipstick location Sign In

This might be one of those that doesn't use a common dipstick and a plug or something instead. If others are watching hope they chime in or just maybe owner's manual would say??


Veteran / Moderator
nickwarner profile image

Feb 23, 2010, 7:26 PM

Post #16 of 19 (7885 views)
Re: 2001 Alero 3.4 - Trans dipstick location Sign In

don't ask me why, but this car, along with its cousin the Grand Am, have no dipstick to check fluid level. Dumbest idea I've ever heard (no surprise they went bankrupt with great thinkers like that). On top of the trans, under the airbox area is a plug that you can take out and put more fluid in, but there isn't a way to know you have the proper level unless you drain the trans and add the amount specified for the capacity of the transmission. And to think their engineers actually attended college!


Feb 24, 2010, 11:36 AM

Post #17 of 19 (7877 views)
Re: 2001 Alero 3.4 - Trans dipstick location Sign In

Thanks Again, it always a pleasure Tom.

Is the weather getting warm in good ol Mass? A few more weeks to go I suppose - then we will be ride of winter for another 4-5 months.
I wish it was like back in the 60- 70 U had snow in the winter and sun in the summer. Now in the winter you get snow, along with everything else. Sure does make driving trickey. Today over at my end of the world, just a little up north from u , we where sitting at 34 degrees, little wet snow, but under all that was black ice. We endured....



Feb 24, 2010, 11:42 AM

Post #18 of 19 (7876 views)
Re: 2001 Alero 3.4 - Trans dipstick location Sign In

Thanks Man, I thought so - good call . I spent 20 minutes lookin, but with no luck, but it all makes sense now . I 100% agree with you on this one - And to think their engineers actually attended college! Crazy

I still like the GM's cuase there easy to repair na dfind parts, but more so than ever, it seem to been a neverending battle. I just look at the placement of certain itmes - What where u thinking? The parts are cheap - the labour involved.. ARG... Talk to you later......see what esle I can come up with..LOL



Mar 16, 2010, 1:06 PM

Post #19 of 19 (7857 views)
Re: 2001 Alero 3.4 - Running Hot ? Sign In

Hi Tom,

how are you doing? Hope all is well?

The weather is getting better for sure - lovin that part maybe winter is over for us in the north.

A little question. I just had my Transmission cooler line replaced. No biggie.

But at the same time I noticed the leak, the enigine was running hot - when Idling? While running down the highway - no problem at all, let it Idle it will raise above the halfway mark. it has always run hot, maybe I never noticed it. My Garage guy said all is fine, icluding the therostat? I dunno I if should worry, or it is what it is...

Talk to you later my friend.

(This post was edited by john1 on Apr 21, 2010, 5:41 AM)


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