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2003 Blazer wont start without staring fluid

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Aug 27, 2013, 6:33 PM

Post #1 of 12 (1865 views)
2003 Blazer wont start without staring fluid Sign In

2003 Blazer, 4.3L V6, The engine cranks fine, but will not start unless I give it a quick shot of starting fluid. It starts immediately with a shot of starting fluid! It will run all day until I shut it off. It ALMOST starts immediately after shutting it off but wont. This has been about 2 months, mechanic said the fuel injector pack is bad and about 900 dollars to replace. If the injectors were bad, why would it run all day? Could it be a cold start injector problem or maybe a bad computer?
ALSO recently it has started bogging down when you accellerate rapidly, if you let off the pedal slightly it will pick back up. I also feel like the torque converter is locking and staying locked when it shouldn't. It feels that way when you try to re-start the car after shutting it off. Hoping maybe someone has some insight.....I think there's so much going on here that maybe it's a faulty computer. PS...the TPS was bad and replaced recently as well. Thank you for your help!

Hammer Time
Ultimate Carjunky / Moderator
Hammer Time profile image

Aug 27, 2013, 6:44 PM

Post #2 of 12 (1854 views)
Re: 2003 Blazer wont start without staring fluid Sign In

Get an accurate fuel pressure gauge and test the fuel pressure. that's exactly how this engine will act if the fuel pressure drops below 55PSI.


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GC profile image

Aug 27, 2013, 6:45 PM

Post #3 of 12 (1853 views)
Re: 2003 Blazer wont start without staring fluid Sign In

Have you checked fuel pressure? That would be first thing i would look at. Sometimes fuel pressure is too low to get the engine started, but enough to keep it running. Also loss of power as throttle is opened would cause me to look at fuel pressure. Anything specific info on torque converter issues? When does it act up? What speed? What symtoms is it causing?

Willing to help, willing to learn... Rob

Hammer Time
Ultimate Carjunky / Moderator
Hammer Time profile image

Aug 27, 2013, 7:03 PM

Post #4 of 12 (1848 views)
Re: 2003 Blazer wont start without staring fluid Sign In

I think I just said that.


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Tom Greenleaf
Ultimate Carjunky / Moderator
Tom Greenleaf profile image

Aug 28, 2013, 12:27 AM

Post #5 of 12 (1836 views)
Re: 2003 Blazer wont start without staring fluid Sign In

This smacks of low fuel pressure for this engine especially. I wouldn't worry about the other issues until it's running properly which are likely the result of low pressure and will be fine again when that's fixed. I think you just don't notice the general lack of power like it once was and be nicely surprised how well it runs with that fixed,


New User

Aug 29, 2013, 1:07 PM

Post #6 of 12 (1806 views)
Re: 2003 Blazer wont start without staring fluid Sign In

Ok update....I got a fuel pressure gauge and installed it. Turned the key to the run position and observed. Pump cycled properly about 2 seconds as it always does.
I only recored 38PSI

I let it sit for a minute and it still read 38PSI

Next i quick cycled the key off/on and each time i did so the gauge jumped up a little bit to a maximum of about 42.5PSI.

I let it sit again and for 4 minutes it held steady at then very slowly began to drop and it took an additional 7 minutes to drop down to 40PSI

I turned the key back on and it jumped up a hair, etc. So it's just sitting now.

1. Definitely low fuel pressure and would the most likely cause be the fuel pump?

2. How long should the pressure hold and does a drop like this over that time length indicate leaky injectors?

3. When the problem first started occurring I was able to cycle the ignition on and off several times and do a very rapid engine crank and it would usually start. I noticed that if I hooked up a battery charger (I was worried about draining the battery) it would start quicker. Does this indicate anything or is that irrelevant info?

4. Should I go further or just bring it to a shop now and pretty much tell them the pump is shot? A mechanic I spoke to about it before said the fuel injectors were probably bad and needed replacing.

These are all expensive and I don't want to have someone put parts and then say oh well you ALSO need this or that when that's all I needed to begin with.

January of 2012 the pump was replaced and it cost me 1,200 dollars because I was stranded and it was 5 PM and a Monroe dealer did it. Told me the pump was 750 dollars etc. I know I way overpaid but I was stranded.

Thank you for your help and replies, I greatly appreciate it!!

Hammer Time
Ultimate Carjunky / Moderator
Hammer Time profile image

Aug 29, 2013, 1:48 PM

Post #7 of 12 (1795 views)
Re: 2003 Blazer wont start without staring fluid Sign In

Change the fuel pump


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New User

Aug 29, 2013, 2:00 PM

Post #8 of 12 (1791 views)
Re: 2003 Blazer wont start without staring fluid Sign In

Yeah common sense is telling me that too. I never realized that the truck would be able to run generally ok but not be able to start if the pressure was low and the pump was bad. I just assumed that if it was the pump I wouldn't be able to drive around. Seems to me that starting the engine should be easier than driving around lol. Today it drives pretty good, am able to go up hills and downshift and actually press the accellerator past 10%. Yesterday I climbed hills at 30mph and if I stepped on the gas it bogged almost to a stall.

Thanks!! I hope it's just the pump

Hammer Time
Ultimate Carjunky / Moderator
Hammer Time profile image

Aug 29, 2013, 2:30 PM

Post #9 of 12 (1786 views)
Re: 2003 Blazer wont start without staring fluid Sign In

Not on this truck. It uses a poppet injector system and they just won't open if the pressure is too low. It also requires more fuel when the engine is cold.

You shouldn't pay more than about $400 - $450 for that pump plus labor to install.


We offer help in answering questions, clarifying things or giving advice but we are not a substitute for an on-site inspection by a professional.

(This post was edited by Hammer Time on Aug 29, 2013, 2:34 PM)

Tom Greenleaf
Ultimate Carjunky / Moderator
Tom Greenleaf profile image

Aug 29, 2013, 9:13 PM

Post #10 of 12 (1776 views)
Re: 2003 Blazer wont start without staring fluid Sign In

Surprised it was running at all.

Stinks that you've already done one but might be avoided or get longer paying for the whole GM unit and if you are in a habit of letting fuel get low don't. They do much better with the cooling of plenty of gas and I know it stinks with capacity of some tanks but try to drive on the top 3/4,


New User

Sep 1, 2013, 6:47 PM

Post #11 of 12 (1754 views)
Re: 2003 Blazer wont start without staring fluid Sign In

Big thanks to you guys that gave me some feedback here.
My son and i changed the fuel pump today (in the driveway ugh). Wasn't bad took 3 hours on our backs so not too shabby.
I bought the Delco pump first but couldn't use it as it didn't come with the strainer and something else but I can't remember.
Unfortunately had to bring it back and get what they had in stock as a complete unit which was an "airtech" pump assy. Whatever, it's in and the car starts and runs like a bear!!
Again thanks for the advice and helping me decide to go with common sense and do the pump not the injector system the mechanic was telling me!

This forum is awesome and a great service so thank you for having it for guys like me!


Hammer Time
Ultimate Carjunky / Moderator
Hammer Time profile image

Sep 2, 2013, 4:47 AM

Post #12 of 12 (1735 views)
Re: 2003 Blazer wont start without staring fluid Sign In

Airtex brand is OK, I use them all the time.


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