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2003 kia sorento backfires when warm

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May 2, 2017, 4:32 AM

Post #1 of 7 (3062 views)
2003 kia sorento backfires when warm Sign In


Well,as said in the title I have a 2003 kia sorento Ex. When it warms up it backfires and idles rough. Also,has poor acceleration at low speeds. When I stop it sometimes will barely go at all until I put it in neutral and drop it back into drive. There is also an odd smell. All happens after it's warm. I've replaced spark plugs,wires,ignition coils,and fixed a fuel injector plug that was broken. I need to get up to autozone to have codes ran again but haven't had time yet. Any thoughts on what this could be? Thanks.

Tom Greenleaf
Ultimate Carjunky / Moderator
Tom Greenleaf profile image

May 2, 2017, 5:00 AM

Post #2 of 7 (3055 views)
Re: 2003 kia sorento backfires when warm Sign In

You have the cart before the horse - Get the code readings fast and post the #s. Then and be quick find the reason not just throw parts at it first.

Which engine does this have?

Just also know that when an engine is running poorly it's also hard on you converter or can kill it adding to the problems. Another is if this has an interference engine and belt driven and not done on time it could skip or totally break almost always that type will bend up your valves and end up very costly to fix,


New User

May 2, 2017, 5:36 AM

Post #3 of 7 (3037 views)
Re: 2003 kia sorento backfires when warm Sign In

It's a 3.5 v6

Originally,when I replaced the plugs,wires and injector the reason was because it was throwings codes for a misfire in cylinders 1,3 & 5. I'm.hoping to get off work early enough to go get codes ranon it again today. My work schedule somedays I never really know.

The converter is one thing I did wonder about if had gone bad.

Hopefully will have some codes th8s evening to post. Thanks!

Tom Greenleaf
Ultimate Carjunky / Moderator
Tom Greenleaf profile image

May 2, 2017, 6:15 AM

Post #4 of 7 (3034 views)
Re: 2003 kia sorento backfires when warm Sign In

Get codes. It is an interference engine BTW - belt runs water pump as well just FYI.

Till codes did you mark which spark plug came out of which cylinder and were those 3 showing evidence of fuel, or odd from the working ones?

Awaiting codes for now,


Ultimate Carjunky / Moderator
Discretesignals profile image

May 2, 2017, 7:51 AM

Post #5 of 7 (3026 views)
Re: 2003 kia sorento backfires when warm Sign In

You should take a look at the cam and crankshaft sensor signals. Seen many of those that go bad (Cheap plastic cracks) and causes misfires, backfires, and no power.

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New User

May 2, 2017, 4:49 PM

Post #6 of 7 (3004 views)
Re: 2003 kia sorento backfires when warm Sign In

Well when I changed out the plugs and wires I only removed and replaced one at a time to make sure I didn't get anything confused. They were worn but didn't seem to be out of the ordinary.

I got the codes ran. He said it's a P0302 code (misfire cylinder 2).

Tom Greenleaf
Ultimate Carjunky / Moderator
Tom Greenleaf profile image

May 3, 2017, 1:39 AM

Post #7 of 7 (2991 views)
Re: 2003 kia sorento backfires when warm Sign In

I can only semi trust this code reading? Suggests from info given this now switched from other cylinder to #2 now?

IDK - so many new parts I now don't trust the parts. Those swappable maybe put a cylinder's part unique to the cylinder on this one see if the code moves on the list. Defective new part(s) or damages with installation or before you got them.

On the list is compression testing that engine is OK mechanically and converter(s) are not obstructed. Correct type and brand spark plugs only used as well.

Found a list pre printed out there just choose which to begin with but avoid the part tossing till more sure. I clearly don't trust all new parts or more than one at a time or can't trust all of them at once which one(s) are the problem is harder.

Your observations of the old spark plugs if accurate should have show evidence of one being worse than another or you didn't notice at all.

Here's basically a generic list of reasons................
  • Faulty spark plug 2
  • Clogged or faulty fuel injector 2
  • Faulty ignition coil 2
  • Fuel injector 2 harness is open or shorted
  • Fuel injector 2 circuit poor electrical connection
  • Ignition coil 2 harness is open or shorted
  • Ignition coil 2 circuit poor electrical connection
  • Insufficient cylinder 2 compression
  • Incorrect fuel pressure
  • Intake air leak
  • "

  • If you can do choose where to begin on that list. I no longer trust convert(s) for back pressure it this has been a while.

    Another idea is send this out for a better code reading and diagnostics with high end equipment to help zoom in on the problem better than this,



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