2004 Micra Repetitive Droning Sound
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Sep 24, 2014, 12:50 PM
Post #1 of 9
2004 Micra Repetitive Droning Sound
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My 2004 Nissan Micra (k12) SE 1.2L petrol with 40k mileage is making a low repetitive droning/humming sound. The sound increases in volume and then stops at strange intervals (30mph, 40mph, 60mph, 70mph). The frequency of the repetitions increase with speed, and the volume also increases with speed (although as said before, the sound will stop/become very quiet a couple mph more). The sound plays in reverse when slowing down. Accelerating, decelerating, breaking, changing gear, disengaging the clutch entirely and cornering have no effect on the sound. It doesn't make the noise when stopped or at very low speeds (<25mph). I cannot tell where the noise is coming from (not even whether front or back). I also cannot feel any abnormal vibrations through the seat or pedals. It drives absolutely fine. I have a sound file of the noise I can upload if helpful (not great quality). Can anyone tell me what might be wrong? Alongside that when idling after ignition there is a repetitive whistling sound coming from under the hood. It sounds just like a fan belt slipping and has started after the repetitive droning with the new cold and wet weather. I think that is simply the fan belt needs tensioning and not related to the other problem.
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Tom Greenleaf
Ultimate Carjunky
/ Moderator

Sep 24, 2014, 1:10 PM
Post #2 of 9
Re: 2004 Micra Repetitive Droning Sound
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Wow, you've ruled out a lot of common things already. Seems speed only sensitive and bearing, brakes, tires would instantly change the noise under the listed conditions so would a plain looser belt than correct but check anyway. Could this noise be a speedometer cable? Not even sure if this car uses one but they can make buzzing sounds by speed and sensitive at first to temps and perhaps dampness too and choose speeds before they break! If so or can hear it I would think from the dash cable speedometers can be lubed if still OK or whole cable best if found to be the culprit. They make universal temp types with lousy results sometimes if it's the problem at all, T
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Sep 24, 2014, 2:06 PM
Post #3 of 9
Re: 2004 Micra Repetitive Droning Sound
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Thanks for the fast reply Tom! How loud can a speedo cable be? At 40mph the repetitive sound almost drowns out the engine and definitely does at 70mph.
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Tom Greenleaf
Ultimate Carjunky
/ Moderator

Sep 24, 2014, 2:23 PM
Post #4 of 9
Re: 2004 Micra Repetitive Droning Sound
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First need to know if cable or not but think a cable. I don't think this exact car is sold to the US so can't know for sure on that. General on speedometer cables is a case that hold a spinning harder smaller cable for the speed and odometer of course. They can just lose lube or fray sometimes and noise can be light and go away to some pretty wild noises. Could also be the dash end where cable types go direct to the gauge you see behind and out of sight there. Most hard to get to but you could if you think this is possible at all see if a cable goes to transmission. Can't say for sure again but a test would be to disconnect it for a short run to see if noise quits totally. May not run well with it disconnected as many/most cars know the speed for other engine adjustments made automatically - those don't make noise but it might not run well just get up to where it would have made the noise and put it back on. Most cables if so come out from the dash end which is harder to get to and really meant not to be too easy so people don't just unplug them so miles don't accumulate. If still all uncertain ask a mechanic to go for a ride both with you driving and the mechanic you might peg down this dang noise and be done with it, T
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Sep 25, 2014, 11:24 AM
Post #5 of 9
Re: 2004 Micra Repetitive Droning Sound
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I don't think the car has a speedometer cable, the speed is detected by the abs system, which detects magnets in the wheel bearing passing a sensor to work out the speed. The Speedo is a dial as opposed to digital so there must be something turning the dial, but I guess that won't be the cause of the noise, will it?
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Tom Greenleaf
Ultimate Carjunky
/ Moderator

Sep 25, 2014, 3:55 PM
Post #6 of 9
Re: 2004 Micra Repetitive Droning Sound
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IDK if cable or not. If not a physical cable it probably can't make the noise, T
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Oct 4, 2014, 1:24 PM
Post #7 of 9
Re: 2004 Micra Repetitive Droning Sound
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A passenger suggested they thought the noise was coming from the back left of the car, so I jacked it up. It had no up/down/left/right/in/out give, but whilst spinning made a very quiet but similar sound to the problem sound I described. It also felt slightly strange when I held the wheel and tugned it, a bit vibrate-y. Did the same with the back right wheel, no noise, no vibration at all. So am I right in thinking its the back left wheel bearing? Quick related tip: if you own a K12 micra, put a screwdriver in your boot, the the jack turns using an o ring, so to get it off the ground you will need a lever of some sort and the tyre iron doesn't fit it.
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Tom Greenleaf
Ultimate Carjunky
/ Moderator

Oct 4, 2014, 4:31 PM
Post #8 of 9
Re: 2004 Micra Repetitive Droning Sound
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I didn't re- read whole thread but a bearing makes NO as in ZERO noise or play or it's bad. You've compared the two and other is fine so that found the issue IMO, T
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Oct 5, 2014, 12:26 PM
Post #9 of 9
Re: 2004 Micra Repetitive Droning Sound
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Excellent, thanks for all the help!
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