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2005 Kia Sedona Van losing antifreeze

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Jan 12, 2010, 11:40 PM

Post #1 of 2 (3264 views)
2005 Kia Sedona Van losing antifreeze Sign In

Have been having below freezing temps for2 weeks. Didn't drive van for 4 or 5 days. When I did finally, it started heating up at stop lights, going almost 3/4 way to H and fan coming on and engine running rough. Pulled over when I could and checked overflow bottle which read at "low" line. Radiator too hot. Bought antifreeze and filled bottle to "Full" and went in store to wait for it to cool off. Came out and couldn't get radiator cap off, tried to ask gum chewing kid at gas station but no luck!! Went home, hubby checked and filled radiator allway up with about a whole bottle and then filled overflow to "Full",line. a day passed . Bottle at "Full" this morning . Drove to work 20 mins today and after 8 hr shift came out to find overflow bottle down to halfway. Not heating up though, oil reads full but is 4500 miles since last oil change. No white smokle from exhaust....could a hose or something ahve cracked in the cold? No antifreeze in driveway. Would have noticed that in the snow! Ideas??


Jan 13, 2010, 3:44 AM

Post #2 of 2 (3249 views)
Re: 2005 Kia Sedona Van losing antifreeze Sign In

it might of been low to begin with i would top it off once more both the rad and resevoire
it probably needs a litlle more coolant to reach heater core and certan areas of your cooling
system also check your hoses and clamp connections for any leaks keep a eye on it if it goes
down again substantely after you toped everything off then you got a leak somewhere.


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