2005 Trailblazer Won't Start
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Feb 12, 2016, 6:52 PM
Post #1 of 14
2005 Trailblazer Won't Start
If anyone wouldn't mind giving me some feedback, I would like to have some idea of what I might be in for regarding a problem with my vehicle. I have a 2005 Chevy Trailblazer with 215K miles on. Aside from the battery dying on me a time or two (last time at least six years ago) in the 11 years I have owned it I have had zero problems with it. However, 2-3 weeks ago I noticed a slight struggle with the engine when cranking up that gradually grew worse. Every crank was a tad weaker than the one before it. Still drove fine, though. I was going to make an appointment with my local Chevy dealership to see about the problem. However, today it died out on me. The engine won't do anything. I tried to jump it off with an emergency jump kit I have, but that didn't work. I'm not very mechanically inclined, so I am not positive I used it correctly. However, I do know the interior lights and headlights still work, so it's still getting at least a little juice. Like I said earlier, the vehicle has 215K miles on it and I haven't had it serviced as often as I should, so I imagine it could be any number of things. Obviously I am hoping for a battery issue or some other relatively inexpensive problem. But I am very ignorant and have no idea. Good thing is it happened at home on the weekend and I am walking distance from my job. My local Chevy dealer is also only five miles away and a body shop (with tow service) about halfway in between. So the situation could be worse as far as where and when it happened. But I am stuck at home for a long weekend. Anyway, if anyone has an idea what my issue might be, I would appreciate your feedback.
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Tom Greenleaf
Ultimate Carjunky
/ Moderator

Feb 13, 2016, 2:02 AM
Post #2 of 14
Re: 2005 Trailblazer Won't Start
Unless misunderstood this current battery is over six years old. What's your question then? They don't usually last that long like the last one didn't. Don't bother testing a battery that old it's done by age alone. It's only then you can begin testing for any other issues as that one by your description is so bad it may be harming things, T
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Feb 13, 2016, 4:58 AM
Post #3 of 14
Re: 2005 Trailblazer Won't Start
Well, I know it certainly can be the battery. That's what I hope. It's just with the mileage on my vehicle I imagine it's possible it could be many things. The only info I can really give is this: 1) My vehicle struggled to crank more and more each day over a 2-3 week period. 2) Once it cranked, it always ran fine. I suppose if there were a major engine issue, the problem would have been evident beyond just cranking it up. But I don't know. Unfortunately, I am going to have to find out soon.
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Tom Greenleaf
Ultimate Carjunky
/ Moderator

Feb 13, 2016, 5:24 AM
Post #4 of 14
Re: 2005 Trailblazer Won't Start
Now and earlier you've said it struggles to start - I take that as slow cranking, right? OK - if a charged battery and thought to be otherwise fine for cables and starter that's a load test on your battery better than you get taking it somewhere. A good battery should crank an engine for 10-15 seconds at full speed up to 20 times without it starting with a rest and cool down in between tries but don't try that. Lead Acid Battery 101: They don't like getting low, they seriously don't like going dead from leaving something on, they age from the minute acid it put into them not when you buy them. A good outlet will discard for recycling any battery unsold within a year as junk! You are at 6 years admittedly and it could have been much older when that one was put in so it's junk now without more testing. You'll wreck a new one if you don't keep them charged or leave them low is death to them. It not like your cell phone/device concept at all. It gets worse: When electrical motors do NOT get full power/amps from the 12V source the motor heats up so bad it can fail! That's why you hear the flutter of a solenoid with a low charge or bad battery when trying to start it trying to save starter. Other electrical is counting on that battery's voltage not to drop too low while cranking. Check that. If below about 9V there's trouble to find out why usually a low or old battery that's just lost it. They flake inside every day and every time it's worked and lose a tiny % each day for about 3-4 years if you have a real good one and no mishaps along the way and ready to toss for new. It's primal to the operation of the vehicle in general. NOTE! New batteries are not totally charged when new! Charge them first or ask. If the source doesn't know what you are talking about go elsewhere for batteries. Gotta know you are working with proper power before any testing if not just a battery alone is in trouble causing problems that will be solved with a new, charged good one well connected, T
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Feb 13, 2016, 1:34 PM
Post #5 of 14
Re: 2005 Trailblazer Won't Start
Well, I am letting my jump charger charge to full capacity and then I am going to try to jump it off again. If that doesn't work, I will wait until Monday (I live walking distance from my workplace and someone there will have jumper cables) and try to jump it off the old fashioned way with two vehicles. Hopefully one of those two scenarios will work. If not, then I will call a tow truck and ship it to my local Chevy dealership. Fortunately, that is a minimal distance. Anyway, here's to hoping I can jump it off and drive somewhere to get a new battery. If I can do that, then 1) it's only a battery issue and 2) I will save on towing. So I'm hoping for that.
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Tom Greenleaf
Ultimate Carjunky
/ Moderator

Feb 13, 2016, 3:03 PM
Post #6 of 14
Re: 2005 Trailblazer Won't Start
OK - Good luck. I feel obligated to archive that jumping vehicle to vehicle follow instructions on cables which I'll recite + some. Hook up cables to running (more power) to willing donor vehicle, vehicle's battery keeping other ends of cables apart then hook up just positive to your vehicle's battery. Find a good safe spot of metal of engine metal or a bracket on it for the last connection which is the negative cable. If it wildly reacts the vehicle in need probably is in total trouble and prevent any more damage or harm stop and tow that car. This can also cause harm to a donor car if done wrong - know that. If any odor of hydrogen which smells of rotten egg don't jump those cars without full professional understanding of how to deal with that. ALWAYS MAKE SURE BOTH VEHICLES ARE WELL VENTILATED WITH FRESH AIR BEFORE ANY BOOST OR JUMP. All this should be well described in owner's manuals and on labels of most jumper cables. That is just my public service announcement because it should be understood by anyone reading this. If in any doubt how to do this don't! T
(This post was edited by Tom Greenleaf on Feb 13, 2016, 3:06 PM)
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Feb 15, 2016, 10:48 AM
Post #7 of 14
Re: 2005 Trailblazer Won't Start
Well, my jump kit just doesn't work. Not sure if it's a lack of juice or improper use. However, one thing I found out today is that when I tried to work some of my vehicle features my driver's side window really struggled to move up and down. In fact, it wouldn't go all the way back up, stopping about an inch from the top. Now that definitely sounds like a battery issue, right?
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Tom Greenleaf
Ultimate Carjunky
/ Moderator

Feb 15, 2016, 4:05 PM
Post #8 of 14
Re: 2005 Trailblazer Won't Start
99% of jump kits are inadequate if you can afford them. If not too heavy to lift it has no power, lousy clamps etc. I'm done but use a known good fully charge battery with listed 850 CCA and jumper cables to do the jumps as a good box would. Battery ratings I can believe and cables I know and have owned. Only just saw a set close to the quality the other day for $200 bucks which is about right if they were in fact the real ones. Battery wanted not owned yet just for portable power is $300. It should be as also 850 CCA and a get cell that can be on it's side or upside down. Nuts for costs for a few uses in emergencies which would be for others and done with biz so would never recover that expense. When it comes to high quality battery stuff, cables, battery itself or the ready made jumper boxes I not scary expensive usually junk or let set for a long time and have a charger going too - stinks. Take your pick, low price or plenty of time to test some things out. Different game for an emergency to get a vehicle moved at once if only out of the way vs the total fix, T
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Feb 15, 2016, 4:11 PM
Post #9 of 14
Re: 2005 Trailblazer Won't Start
Yeah. The only thing my jump kit did was give me just enough power to roll my windows back up and the relief that the problem apparently is no more significant than a battery. Tomorrow I will have someone jump me off and I will swing by somewhere and get a new battery.
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Tom Greenleaf
Ultimate Carjunky
/ Moderator

Feb 15, 2016, 4:19 PM
Post #10 of 14
Re: 2005 Trailblazer Won't Start
To add. GM side posts when jumping the bolts you are only jumping the battery not the power to the cables well known to corrode unseen inside. No jump is any better than the weakest link. If a battery is that poor any power added will go to charge the battery or try first leaving little to power the vehicle and you might be fighting with that? T
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Feb 15, 2016, 4:25 PM
Post #11 of 14
Re: 2005 Trailblazer Won't Start
I have no idea. I am very ignorant with vehicles. Hopefully I can get someone to jump me off tomorrow and that will work.
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Tom Greenleaf
Ultimate Carjunky
/ Moderator

Feb 15, 2016, 4:56 PM
Post #12 of 14
Re: 2005 Trailblazer Won't Start
Good luck. Just look at the side posts. Positive is or was covered with hard rubber now like hard plastic that you about have to cut off to see eyelet to cable which is all the matters to the vehicle. That's where the bucks for stuff comes in. If that's bad you could just try tugging and twisting on cable for a change in its connection. Can't compare what you can do and I would do with tons of stuff. If I thought battery was now a drain hole for power added or discharged impossibly low would take pos cable off and my jumper would bite right thru to the even corroded eyelet of positive that nobody has as said wildly expensive. Shark teeth clamps of cables are so strong takes both hands to squeeze them open sometimes and would bite right thru cables or take your fingers off. Unavailable and not worth it for this one time issue to bypass your battery and cable connections totally just to get it to crank properly and fix later as said. If and this takes some testing and time battery is holding up the show as said sucking power into it being low or even a cell shorted out but does something if a jump worked by any means with it still hooked up will kill your alternator trying to charge it. You just said this isn't totally your thing. If you do succeed at starting it feel the alternator housing. If it gets too hot to touch you are killing it. Move vehicle to where you want it in sight and either charge that battery, use a spare if possible or new right away or you'll quickly need the alternator which will just ruin a good battery if it fails sometimes. Ping pong game. Even motor clubs fail at this get you going maybe but the problem is there. There are very good reasons to not use that vehicle running or not with this problem without at least some observations. It's not your case but did and still will do this for some. Quick test with a jump of any kind tell owner that vehicle shouldn't go anywhere more than you can see till fixed so give them a ride to another way to get somewhere and go back and fix it or tow it as needed. It get trickery too. Your car may just start and run but stall a few times at first so it has to be at least mostly fixed or it's not done in one attempt even with a new battery and new cable if that much needed the battery has been disconnected or low enough that any memory of how it should run has been lost and needs time to relearn. More to all of this than meets the eye. See what you can find out and do with what you have but always be ready for a plan "B" for this vehicle for the first good start and run. Don't expect it to just start up again later in the day either just yet. Stinks as said and can't be rushed in some case and think this is one of them, T
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Feb 16, 2016, 5:36 PM
Post #13 of 14
Re: 2005 Trailblazer Won't Start
Well, everything worked out okay. The guy I asked to jump me off today knew a guy who works at the local NAPA store and asked him to come by and bring a battery. He came by this afternoon and installed the battery at my house. So now I'm up and running. Thanks for the posts.
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Tom Greenleaf
Ultimate Carjunky
/ Moderator

Feb 16, 2016, 8:29 PM
Post #14 of 14
Re: 2005 Trailblazer Won't Start
Good luck. Closed as solved and YOU can ask any moderator to re-open it upon request, T
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