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2008 Grand Prix Accelerator Shake

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Apr 7, 2011, 4:13 PM

Post #1 of 3 (2213 views)
2008 Grand Prix Accelerator Shake Sign In

2008 Grand Prix
V6 Engine Automatic

Hi, i've been having some problems with my accelerator on my 2008 Grand Prix when im on the interstate anytime from 65+ the accelerator will randomly start shaking. The whole car doesnt shake, just the accelerator will start shaking, i have to place some reasonable amount of pressure in order to keep the car above 65+ mph. Another question i have is sometimes the car will stick at 1900rps and than will not shift, it's done this enough that my temperature gauge peaked over the half temperature gauge. Im not sure if maybe the transmissions going out? Because sometimes when i put the car into drive or reverse it does a small jump, it doesn't happen all the the time. But when it does it's somewhat noticeable and makes me wonder. And another question i have is sometimes when i pull into or out of parking spots and turn my steering wheel sharply i hear a distant almost low moaning sound. Best way for me to describe it is like driving a tractor or forklift when turning too sharply the hydraulic sound it makes like maybe not enough steering fluid? I know very little about cars, as im sure you can tell by now. Any help would be appreciated. I also believe that this vehicle came with the power-train and warranty.

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Apr 8, 2011, 3:05 PM

Post #2 of 3 (2201 views)
Re: 2008 Grand Prix Accelerator Shake Sign In

I would suspect your first three issues might be related to one.. Might suspect something tranny related hard to say.
You sound may very well be low P/S fluid on 3.8 they are stuffed in the back down low on the firewall side and rarely checked on a service.

I would check your fluid level and condition first check when at operating temperature. Also check for any discoloring(blackish).. Transmission fluid should have mild odor if you find its strong/burnt smelling I would suspect tranny issues.

If your not mechanically inclined that's really all you can do. If the car is under warranty you might as well take it in.


Apr 9, 2011, 7:40 AM

Post #3 of 3 (2191 views)
Re: 2008 Grand Prix Accelerator Shake Sign In

As far as the gas pedal and the trans might first want to call your local GM dealer with your vin # to see if there are upgrades where the ECM (computer) may need reflashed with an upgrade . This is getting to be pretty common and around here usually runs around $ 40.if there is a charge depending on if its considered a saftey issue. And as far as the PS noise..a long funnel,2 bad words and 2 shots of PS fluid will likely fix it...Good luck


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